Title: Application Development in Visual Basic CP3013
1Application Development in Visual Basic - CP3013
2Data Access Technologies
- Introduction to
- Data Access Technologies
3Areas To Be Covered
- What are Data Access Technologies (DAT)
- Customer Reqts of DAT
- Common DAT
- Current DAT Overview
- Latest DAT
4- What are Data Access Technologies (DAT)
5What are Data Access Technologies
- Components for connecting applications to
databases / data sources - We will consider current Database Client
Technologies for - Use with Windows Platform
- Will look in detail at VB aspects
- Technology complex unless
- understand each one
- know how they relate to each other
6Introduction Database Client Technologies
- Some work independently others rely on others
- Look at strengths and weaknesses of each one
- Answering when and were to use each one
- Database Access Client Technologies
- Connecting to a database and
- Doing it with client applications
- Data Access Technologies
- Encompasses all types of data sources, in line
with current MS thinking on UDA - Were still developing clients applications
- May be other derivatives
8What they do
- Provide abstractions
- Databases very complex pieces of s/w
- Programs to communicate via native interface can
be very complicated - Database client technologies simplify this
- Provide an interface that is less complex than
underlying database
9Developer Benefits
- Can write relatively simple programs that
leverage an enormous amount of code (code that
resides in the database) to perform very complex
tasks. - A good database interface is like a magnifying
glass for your code - A few lines of code in application can access
many line of database code
10Code Leverage
Database Interface
Database Code being Leveraged
Client Application Code
11Database Native Interface
- Accessing a dbs native interface is
- Complex
- Give limited and inflexible applications
- Tie application to that db
- To change to another db can be
- very difficult
- time consuming
- maybe impossible
12Database Client Technologies Provide
- Uniform interface for communication to different
and disparate db systems - with Modern data access interfaces can write
- single program to perform complex operations
- using multiple types of dbs
13Interface Overview
RDBMS Database Server
Client Application Code
14Uniform Interface
- A good interface
- Magnifies code
- Uniform interface to different db systems
- Several interfaces have been developed
- differ in what they accomplish and
- how they go about it
15- Customer Reqts of Data Access Technologies
16Main Criteria
- Four main criteria used in the decision-making
process - High-performance access to data
- Reliability
- Vendor commitment.
- Broad industry support.
17High Performance Access to Data
- Provide same level of performance possible
through the data providers proprietary API. - Customers will not compromise performance, for
any other benefit. - Services that augment native capabilities of data
providers must be held to the same standards must
not stand in the way of native performance. - Applications and components frequently scale to
support hundreds or thousands of concurrently
connected users, performance must be maintained
as usage grows.
- Customers want database solutions to perform
reliably. - use terms such as rock-solid and fail-safe to
describe requirements in this area. - need to minimize maintenance and support costs,
- reduce the total cost of ownership.
19Vendor Commitment
- Customers indicate they are making strategic
commitments to vendors of data access
technologies, and are looking for reciprocation.
- Indicate database decisions are long term,
- Not purchasing a single release but a string of
database and related product releases. - On flip side, customers are wary of becoming too
dependent on a single vendor, a situation they
term vendor lock-in or vendor tie-in. - New technologies should evolve gracefully from
current, to avoid costly replacement of existing
20Broad Industry Support
- Defined as market share, as well as support of
vendors of related products and technologies. - For customers, broad industry support is more
important gauge than blessing of a standards body
when choosing data access products. - Broad industry support carries many benefits
- safety in numbers,
- availability skilled people to work with
products, and - products that work together without expensive
integration and customization.
21- Common Data Access Technologies
22Common Data Access Technologies - Current
- ODBC (open database connectivity)
- MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) ODBC classes
- DAO (Data Access Objects)
- RDO (Remote Data Objects)
- OLE DB (object-linking and embedding database)
- ADO (ActiveX Data Objects)
23Common Data Access Technologies - Lates
- New technologies part of .NET framework
- SQL Server.Net
24Connectivity Architecture
Data Control
SQL Data e.g. Oracle, FoxPro, SQL Server, Jet,
Non SQL Data e.g. Mail, Video, Directory
Services, Text, Other
Mainframe Legacy Data
25VB Associated Types
- Database Client Technologies changed with
practically each new version of VB - VB3 DAO / DAC
- Were looking at above, plus consider others e.g.
26Packaged (in VB)Data Access Technologies
- DAO (Data Access Objects) VB5 Prof and Enter
only - Data Control
- RDO (Remote Data Objects)
- RDC (Remote Data Control) Enterprise Only VB5
- ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) VB6
- ADO - Data Control
27Non-PackagedDatabase Client Technologies
- ODBC (open database connectivity)
- MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) ODBC classes
- OLE DB (object-linking and embedding database)
28- Current Data Access Technologies Overview
29Current Data Access Technologies Overview
- Going to overview each of following
30ODBC (What is it) Open Database Connectivity
- Created Late 80s
- Uniform interface to write client s/w for
relational dbs - Popular - accepted as standard for relational
database - Single API for client application to work with
different dbs
31ODBC API(The Interface)
- Applications using ODBC API can
- communicate with any relational db
- for which there is an ODBC driver
- Compared to other db interfaces it is a low level
interface - Enables client application to
- configure and
- control the relational database at a relatively
low level
32ODBC - Limitations
- Limited to relational dbs
- Due to relational nature, difficult to use for
non-relational data sources, such as - Object dbs
- non-relational dbs
- network directory services
- email stores
- etc
33ODBC - Provides
- ODBC Driver Manager (ODBC32.DLL
- Calls functions in the ODBC drivers (DLLs) to
perform operations on the database - Import Library (ODBC32.LIB)
- Client applications link to it to use functions
exposed by the ODBC driver manager - ODBC header files for the ODBC API
- Doesnt support Embedded SQL uses Call Level
Interface (see later)
34ODBC Architecture
RDBMS Database Server
ODBC Drivers
Client Application Code
35MFC ODBC Classes
- Not generally used with VB, mainly used with OO
development in C - Easier to use than ODBC API
- Not got low level control
- A higher level db interface
36DAO - Data Access Objects
- A set of (COM) Automation Interfaces for
MSAccess/JET database engine - Talks directly to Access/JET Dbs
- Can also talk to other dbs through the JET engine
- DAO requires the JET engine
37DAO Architecture
DAO Automation Server (DLL)
Access/Jet Database Engine
ODBC Driver Manager
Client Application Code
MDB Files
38COM - Recap
- MS Component Object Model
- reusable code
- low level spec on how components communicate
- language, location and compiler independent
39DAO Architecture
- COM - based automation interfaces provides more
than a function based API - DAO provides an object model for db programming
- Set of objects for
- connecting to a db and
- performing operations on the data
- High level database interface
40DAO for OO
- Better suited to OO development than straight API
as provides a set of classes - DAO objects integrate easily into source code of
an OO application - Integrating API functions into OO applications
requires developer to write own set of classes to
encapsulate API functions
41DAO Object Model with Access Database
- Encapsulates structural pieces of Access database
e.g. - Tables
- Query
- Indexes etc
- Therefore without having to use SQL DDL
statements can directly modify the - structure or
- schema of access database
42DAO Limitations
- Several layers of software are involved
- If talking to a db server such as Oracle or SQL
Server - All calls into and out of the db must pass
through the Access/Jet engine - Can be a significant bottleneck for applications
using a db server - Easier than ODBC API but not got low level control
- One of VBs intrinsic controls
- Provides simple properties, methods and events
interface to variety of data formats - Sits on top of DAO and relies on it to perform
processing - Requires JET as it sits on top of the DAOs
44Jet - Joint Engine Technology
- A set of DLLs containing callable procedures that
read and write dbs - Can access ODBC data sources using
- JET, DAO and Data Control
- not recommended as gives an excessive processing
overhead in most cases - as JET is optimised for MSAccess db not ODBC data
45RDO - Remote Data Objects
- Originally developed as an abstraction of ODBC
API for VB programmers - Therefore closely tied to VB and ODBC
- Easier to use than ODBC API
- But not got low level control
- Therefore a high level db interface
46RDO - features
- RDO calls the ODBC API directly rather than
through Jet, like DAO. - Therefore provides good performance for
applications that use relational database servers
- One of VBs intrinsic controls (VB5)
- Provides simple properties, methods and events
interface to variety of data formats - Sits on top of RDO and relies on it to perform
processing like DAC / DAO - As sits on top of RDO it
- does not rely on JET to perform database
processing - relies on ODBC only
48Definition of the Universal Data Access Strategy
- Platform, application and tools initiative
- defines / delivers standards and technologies
- key element in MSs foundation for application
development, the MSs Windows Distributed
interNet Applications (DNA) architecture. - High-performance access to variety of data and
information sources on multiple platforms - Easy-to-use programming interface that works with
practically any tool or language, leveraging
technical skills developers already have.
49UDA Architecture
50Definition of the Universal Data Access Strategy
- Technologies that support UDA enable
organizations to - create easy-to-maintain solutions and
- use their choice of best-of-breed tools,
applications and data sources on the client,
middle-tier, or server. - It does not require
- expensive and time-consuming movement of all
corporate data into a single data store, - commitment to a single vendors products.
51Definition of the Universal Data Access Strategy
- Based on open industry specifications
- with broad industry support and
- works with all major established database
products. - Evolutionary step from todays standard
interfaces including ODBC, RDO and DAO - Extends functionality of well-known and
well-tested technologies.
52Unified Data Access Model Based on COM (1)
- Delivered through common set of OO interfaces.
- Interfaces based on COM
- COM used because it provides
- integrated services, including transactions,
security, message queuing and data access to
support a wide range of application scenarios - widest choice of tools from multiple vendors
using multiple development languages - large customer base for customisable applications
and reusable components - works with current users / developers systems
53Unified Data Access Model Based on COM (2)
- As works with COM, UDA
- is open and works with virtually any tool or
programming language. - able to provide consistent data access model at
all tiers of the application architecture. - UDA exposes COM-based interfaces optimized for
both - low-level (OLE DB) and
- high-level application development (ADO.)
54Universal Data Access (1)
- Architecture designed to provide uniform access
to a variety of data sources where - ADO, a provider-neutral and language-independent
data access object model - Works with OLE DB and its service component
architecture, which extends a providers native
functionality transparently to the application
and the provider
55Universal Data Access (2)
- Architecture represents new approach to extending
database functionality dynamically at run time by
aggregating OLE DB services using standard COM
aggregation. - Currently OLE DB providers include Oracle, SQL
Server, IBM DB2, Sybase, Informix, CA-Ingres, and
ODBC sources. - OLE DB, ADO, and other services are part of the
Microsoft Data Access 2.0 (2.1) Components.
56OLE DB - object-linking and embedding database
- Expands on ODBC in two ways
- Provides an COM (OLE) interface for db
programming - Provides an interface to both relational and
non-relational data sources - OLE name for COM when OLE DB created
- Hence why OLE DB rather than COM DB
- COM is name for MS component technology
- OLE associated with UI components
57OLE - Recap
- Object Linking and Embedding
- Used to integrate programs (mainly MS)
- Can use one application from within another,
without leaving the originals interface - e.g. using a excel spreadsheet within a word
58OLE DB features
- Provides a COM interface for db programming,
which is - more robust
- more flexible leading to
- better performance
- more robust error handling
- interfacing for non-relational data sources
- Than traditional call-level interfaces, such as
the ODBC interface
- Both low level database API
- OLE DB incorporates functionality of ODBC for
relational databases - Extends to provide access to non-relational data
sources - Two kinds of OLE DB software
- consumers and
- providers
60OLE DB Architecture
OLE DBProviders
OLE DBConsumer
ODBC Data Sources
Client Application Code
SQL Server
Db Client Application that uses OLE DB
MDB Files
61Consumer / Providers
- Consumer
- Any application that uses OLE DB interfaces
- e.g. an application VB which uses OLE DB to
connect to db server is an OLE DB consumer - Providers
- DLLs that implement OLE DB interfaces and do
communication with the data source - Similar to ODBC drivers, except implement COM
interfaces instead of API functions
62Access to any data source
- OLE DB gives access to any data source for which
there is a OLE DB provider e.g. - email stores, object databases, network,
directories andother non-relational data sources - The OLE DB provider MSDASQL.DLL
- can talk to ODBC data sources.
- therefore if ODBC driver but no OLE DB provider,
can still interface
63OLE DB - Finally
- exposes a set of COM interfaces that can be
called from your program - doesnt offer an Automation interface
- Future of database client developments in Windows
- MS developments focused on OLE DB
- ODBC unlikely to be updated
64ADO ActiveX Data Objects
- Built on top of OLE DB
- OLE DB consumer
- Applications using ADO, use the OLE DB interfaces
directly - Provides object model for db programming
- similar to DAOs object model
- more flexible
- e.g. can create recordset in ADO without first
creating a connection object (unlike DAO)
65ADO and OLE DB
- OLE DB is
- Large
- Complex
- programs using it, must use complex COM
interfaces - ADO
- much simpler to use than OLE DB
- classified as a high level db interface
66ADO Usage
- Can be used with more programming languages than
OLE DB - Provides an Automation Interface, so
- can be used by scripting languages such as
VBScript and Java Script - OLE DB cant be used by scripting languages
- VB can access OLE DBs COM Interface?
- One of VBs intrinsic controls (VB6)
- The ADO equivalent of RDC and DAC, VB6 still
comes with DAC (DAO) - Provides simple properties, methods and events
interface to variety of data formats - Sits on top of ADO and relies on it to perform
68OLEDB/ADO - Summary
- OLE DB / ADO have promising future
- Microsoft is developing these
- Others not discontinued, but not being developed
by Microsoft - OLE DB gives unparalleled power and flexibility,
low level requires more code - ADO flexible but simple object model with
reasonable performance
69Database Client TechnologiesStrengths /
70Descriptors for Strengths / Weakness
- Object Model does technology provide an object
model that lends itself to OO programming - Nonrelational data sources capability to access
non relational data (all access relational dbs) - Low-level control amount of db configurability
and low level control for working with relational
db servers - Performance excecution overhead technology
imposes accessing relational db servers - Code-to-functionality ratio how much code to
write compared to db functionality gained from
that code
71- Latest Data Access Technologies Summary
72.NET Framework
- New computing platform
- Aims to simplify application development in
highly distributed internet environment - Designed to fulfill following objectives
- To provide consistent OO programming environment
whether object code is stored and executed
locally, executed locally but Internet-distributed
, or executed remotely. - To provide a code-execution environment that
minimizes software deployment and versioning
73.NET Framework (contd)
- To provide code-execution environment that
guarantees safe execution of code, including code
created by unknown or semi-trusted third party. - To provide a code-execution environment that
eliminates the performance problems of scripted
or interpreted environments. - To make the developer experience consistent
across widely varying types of applications, such
as Windows-based and Web-based applications. - To build all communication on industry standards
to ensure that code based on the .NET Framework
can integrate with any other code.
- In .NET Framework, Microsoft introduced ADO.NET
- Evolution of data access architecture provided by
ADO programming model. - Does not replace ADO for the COM programmer
- Provides.NET programmer with access to relational
data sources, XML, and application data. - Supports variety of development needs, including
the creation of database clients and middle-tier
business objects used by applications, tools,
languages, and Internet browsers.
75ADO.NET (contd)
- Built with the ADO programmer in mind
- contains many similarities to ADO, and also
- introduces several new concepts in its design.
76Data Providers
- Connect to a db, Execute commands and Retrieve
results, which are either - Processed directly or
- Passed to an ADO.Net Dataset
- Designed to be lightweight
- minimal layer between data source and code
- increasing performance without sacrificing
functionality - .Net framework provides two
- SQL Server.Net and
77SQL Server.NET
- Uses own protocol to communicate with SQL Server
- Optimised to access SQL Server directly without
ODBC / OLE DB layer - Need access to MS SQL Server 7.0 or later
SQL Server .NET Data Provider
MS SQL Server 7.0 or later
- Uses native OLEDB through COM to enable data
OLE DB.NET Data Provider
OLE DB Service Component
OLE DB Provider
MS SQL Server 7.0 or later
- High level technologies give code leverage
- Low level technologies give more control over
data source - Latest give access to datasources not just
databases - Current for VB is DAO and ADO
- Future is ADO.NET
- Well be discussing these in more detail