Title: Z39.50%20URL
1Z39.50 URL
- Implementation and Use
- University of Kansas Natural History Museum
Biodiversity Research Center - ZIG / LoC / December 2000
2URLs as Subset Identifiers
Z39.50 Universe
Operation (search, scan) Query
ldapurl scheme "//" hostport "/" dn
"?" attributes "?" scope "?" filter
"?" extensions scheme "ldap" attributes
attrdesc ("," attrdesc) scope "base" /
"one" / "sub" dn distinguishedNamehostport
hostportattrdesc AttributeDescriptionfilter
filterextensions extension ("," extension)
extension "!" extype "" exvalue extype
token / xtoken exvalue LDAPStringtoken
oidxtoken ("X-" / "x-") token
4LDAP URL Example
LDAP URL referring to the set of entries found by
querying the LDAP server on port 6666 with a
subtree search of the University of Michigan for
any entry with a common name of "Babs Jensen",
retrieving all attributes ldap//host.com6666/
oUniversity20of20Michigan, cUS??sub?(cnBabs2
ldap//host.com6666/oUniversity of
Michigan,cUS??sub?(cnBabs Jensen)
5Z39.50 URL
z39.50url "z3950//" username "" password
"_at_" host "" port "/"
database "search?query(" pqn ")"
"scan?query(" pqn ")" "esn" elementset
"rs" recordsyntax "encode" encodehtml
"maxrecs" max "ss" URL username
uchar password uchar host
TCP/IP host name port TCP/IP port
number database uchar pqn
uchar elementset "B""F""G""S"uchar recor
dsyntax "GRS-1""SUTRS""USMARC"uchar encodeht
ml "1""0" max integer URL
6Standard Content Structure
- XML- easily manipulated content
- No restrictions on content structure
- Many free and commercial tools
lt?xml version"1.0"?gt ltresponsegt ltheadergt lttarg
et protocol"z3950" URI"z3950//..."
database"adatabase"gt lt/targetgt ltquery
operation"Operation Term"gtQuery
stringlt/querygt lttimestampgt07122000
084500Z lt/timestampgt ltmaxrecords
count"MaxRecsRequested" /gt lthits
count"NumberOfHits" /gt lt/headergt lterrorsgtlterror
gtError Textlt/errorgtlt/errorsgt ltrecordsgt ltrecordgt
Record Contentslt/recordgt lt/recordsgt lt/responsegt
Native Z39.50 protocol support in Internet
Desktop or B2B Application
Information Retrieval Logic
Z39.50 Client
Server System
Z39.50 Server
Information Retrieval Logic
Metadata and Data
DatabaseAPI (OLEDB)
Specific to Win32
9The 5 Minute Z39.50 Client
ltHTMLgt ltBODYgt ltscript language"javascript"gt funct
ion doQuery() var sQry "(_at_attr 11 \""
term.value "\")" var sURL"z3950//"
server.value sURL "/kubirds/search?query"sQ
ry window.navigate(sURL) lt/scriptgt ltINPUT
id"server" type"text" value"localhost" /gtltbr
/gt ltINPUT id"term" type"text" value"otus
asio" /gt ltINPUT type"Submit" value"Search"
onClick"doQuery()" /gt lt/HTMLgt
- Z39.50 URL combined with XML provides extremely
flexible IR solution - Use of common result set structure facilitates
interoperability between alternate protocols
(http, ldap, SQL,) - Benefit of Z39.50 to biological community has
been the concept of registered attribute sets
and schemas
11Z39.50 URL Examples
- NH Records with scientific name falco
peregrinus - z3950//server.ip.addressport/database/search?que
ry(_at_attr 11 falco p) - z3950//
_at_attr 11 falco p) - Search for all GILS records with water in the
title - Z3950//serverport/database/search?