For Midterm - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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For Midterm


Interested only in the external forces acting ON the object; do not include reaction forces ... The gravitational force acts straight down ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: For Midterm

For Midterm 2
  • Ch. 4 (2D Motion) General Problems (Problems
    50-76 p. 101 - 102)
  • Ch. 5 (Newtons Laws) General Problems
    (Problems 45 -67 p. 135 - 136)

Physics 1020Applications of Newtons Laws(Ch. 6
of Walker)
  • Frictional Forces
  • Strings and Springs
  • Translational Equillibrium
  • Connected Objects
  • Circular Motion

Applications of Newtons Law
  • Assumptions
  • Objects can be modeled as particles
  • Masses of strings or ropes are negligible
  • When an object is being pulled by a rope, the
    rope exerts a force on the object. Its
    direction is along the rope, away from the
    object. The magnitude of this force is called
    the tension.
  • Interested only in the external forces acting ON
    the object do not include reaction forces

Problem-Solving Hints Newtons Laws
  • Conceptualize the problem
  • Draw a diagram (include convenient coordinate
  • Categorize the problem
  • Equilibrium (SF 0) or Newtons Second Law (SF
    m a)
  • Analyze
  • Draw free-body diagrams for EACH object
  • Include only forces acting ON the object

Equilibrium Example
  • A traffic light weighing 122 N hangs from a
    cable tied to two other cables fastened to a
    support, as shown. The upper cables make angles
    of 37 and 53 with the horizontal. These upper
    cables are not as strong as the vertical cable
    and will break if the tension in them exceeds 100
    N. Does the traffic light remain in this
    situation, or will one of the cables break?
  • Conceptualize the traffic light
  • Categorize as an equilibrium problem
  • No movement, so acceleration is zero

Equilibrium, Example, cont
  • Analyze
  • Need two free-body diagrams
  • Apply equilibrium equation to the light and find

Equilibrium, Example, cont
  • Analyze, cont.
  • Apply equilibrium equations to the knot and find

Equilibrium, Example, cont
  • Analyze, cont
  • Solve the 1st of these for T2
  • Substitute into the 2nd equation to give

Both less than 100 N, so cables do not break!
Objects Experiencing a Net Force
  • If an object that can be modeled as a particle
    experiences an acceleration, there must be a
    nonzero net force acting on it.
  • Draw a free-body diagram
  • Apply Newtons Second Law in component form

Nonzero Net Force - Example
  • Forces acting on the crate
  • A tension, the magnitude of force
  • The gravitational force,
  • The normal force, , exerted by the floor
  • Apply Newtons Second Law in component form
  • Solve for the unknown(s)

Inclined Plane Recipes
  • Forces acting on the object
  • The normal force acts perpendicular to the plane
  • The gravitational force acts straight down
  • Choose the coordinate system with x along the
    incline and y perpendicular to the incline
  • Replace the force of gravity with its components

Inclined Plane Recipes, cont.
  • Newtons 2nd law
  • From 1st equation
  • Check special cases to see that answer makes

What is acceleration in each of these cases?
Forces of Friction (Ch. 6 Sect. 6-1)
  • When an object is in motion on a surface or
    through a viscous medium, there will be a
    resistance to the motion
  • This is due to the interactions between the
    object and its environment
  • This resistance is called the force of friction

Static Friction
Static friction acts to keep the object from
moving If increases, so does If
decreases, so does
Static Friction
  • 0 ? s ? fs, max
  • fs, max µs N
  • µs is called the coefficient of static friction
  • µs - dimensionless
  • s ? µs N where the equality holds when the
    surfaces are on the verge of slipping
  • Called impending motion
  • The force of static friction between 2 surfaces
    is parallel to the surface of contact and has the
    direction opposite to the motion (Does not act in
    the direction of the normal force!!!!)

Static Friction (more magic!)
  • How does the static friction know how big it has
    to be?
  • Same thing as for the normal force!
  • As you apply a force to move an object, you start
    to distort the stuff at the contact points of
    the object
  • Floor, table, air, water whatever
  • The more force you apply, the more distortion
  • If you push hard enough you break the contact
  • At this point, the kinetic friction model comes
    into play

Kinetic Friction
  • The force of kinetic friction acts when the
    object is in motion
  • Although µk can vary with speed, we shall neglect
    any such variations
  • k µk N
  • µk - the coefficient of kinetic friction
  • µk dimensionless
  • Typical values are in the range between 0 and 1
  • Simpler to work with than the static case because
    of the equality

Static vs. Kinetic
Forces of Friction, Summary
  • The direction of the frictional force is (in
    general) opposite the direction of motion (or
    impending motion) and parallel to the surfaces in
  • The coefficients of friction are nearly
    independent of the area of contact
  • The coefficient of kinetic friction (mk) it
    typically smaller than the coefficient of static
    friction (ms)
  • The maximum magnitude of static friction, s, is
    generally greater than the magnitude of kinetic
    friction, k
  • The coefficient of friction (µ) depends on the
    surfaces in contact
  • fs, max µs N fk µk N
  • These equations relate the magnitudes of the
    forces, they are not vector equations

Friction in Newtons Laws Problems
  • Friction is a force, so it simply is included in
    the SF in Newtons Laws
  • The rules of friction allow you to determine the
    direction and magnitude of the force of friction

Example (simple)Problem 4 p. 165
  • When you push a 1.80-kg book resting on a
    tabletop, it takes 2.25 N to start the book
    sliding. Once it is sliding, however, it takes
    only 1.50 N to keep the book moving with constant
    speed. What are the coefficients of static and
    kinetic friction between the book and the
  • P. 5 p. 165. What is the frictional force exerted
    on the book when you push on it with a force of
    0.75 N?

Example (more difficult) Problem 7 p. 166
  • To move a large crate across a rough floor, you
    push down on it at an angle of 21, as shown.
    Find the force necessary to start the crate
    moving, given that the mass of the crate is 32 kg
    and the coefficient of static friction between
    the crate and the floor is 0.57.

  • Example 6-2 page 141 (Making a big splash)

Check you understanding
  • A physics student is pulling upon a rope which is
    attached to a wall. In the bottom picture, the
    physics student is pulling upon a rope which is
    held by the Strongman. In each case, the force
    scale reads 500 Newtons. The physics student is
  • with more force when the rope is attached to the
  • with more force when the rope is attached to the
  • the same force in each case.

Check you understanding
  • Consider the addition of two forces, both having
    a magnitude of 10 Newtons. What is their sum?

(No Transcript)
Multiple Objects (Sect. from 6-2 to 6-4)
  • When two or more objects are connected or in
    contact, Newtons laws may be applied to the
    system as a whole and/or to each individual
  • Whichever you use to solve the problem, the other
    approach can be used as a check.

Strings and Springs (Sect. 6-2)
  • Assumptions
  • Masses of strings or ropes are negligible
  • Pulleys have no mass, no friction
  • A pulley changes the direction of the tension but
    does not change its magnitude

When an object is being pulled by a rope, the
rope exerts a force on the object. Its
direction is along the rope, away from the
object. The magnitude of this force is called
the tension.
Conceptual Checkpoint 6-2a p.148How do the scale
readings compare?
  • The scale at left reads 9.81 N. Is the reading of
    the scale at right
  • greater that 9.81N
  • equal to 9.81N
  • less that 9.81 N

Multiple Objects
  • v const a 0

Multiple Objects
  • Forces acting on the objects
  • Tension (same for both objects since one string)
  • Gravitational force
  • Each object has the same acceleration since they
    are connected
  • Draw the free-body diagrams
  • Apply Newtons Laws
  • Solve for the unknown(s) - Here a and T)

Atwoods Machine (Ex. 6-7 p. 156)
Masses m1 and m2 are attached to an ideal
massless string and hung as shown around an ideal
massless pulley.
Fixed Pulley
  • Find the accelerations, a1 and a2, of the masses.
  • What is the tension in the string T ?

Atwoods Machine...
  • Draw free body diagrams for each object
  • Applying Newtons Second Law ( y -components)
  • T1 - m1g m1a1
  • T2 - m2g m2a2
  • But T1 T2 T since pulley is ideal
  • and a2 -a1 -a.since the masses are
    connected by the string

Free Body Diagrams
Atwoods Machine...
  • T - m1g m1 a (a)
  • T - m2g -m2 a (b)
  • Two equations two unknowns
  • we can solve for both unknowns (T and a).
  • subtract (a) - (b)
  • g(m2 m1 ) a(m1 m2 )
  • a

Atwoods Machine
  • T - m1g m1 a (a)
  • T - m2g -m2 a (b)
  • divide (a) by (b)

Atwoods Machine...
  • So we find

Is the result reasonable? Check limiting
  • Special cases
  • i.) m1 m2 m a 0 and T mg. OK!
  • ii.) m2 or m1 0 a g and T 0.
  • Atwoods machine can be used to determine g (by
    measuring the acceleration a for given masses).

Example (Pr. 31 p. 167)
  • After a skiing accident, your leg is in a cast
    and supported in a traction device, as shown.
    Find the magnitude of the force exerted by the
    leg on the small pulley. (By Newtons third law,
    the small pulley exerts an equal and opposite
    force on the leg.) Let the mass m be 2.50 kg.

Multiple Objects, Example 2
  • Three blocks of mass 3m, 2m, and m are connected
    by strings and pulled with constant acceleration
    a. What is the relationship between the tension
    in each of the strings?

(a) T1 gt T2 gt T3 (b) T3 gt T2 gt T1
(c) T1 T2 T3
  • Draw free body diagrams!!

T3 3ma
T1 gt T2 gt T3
Multiple Objects - Example 3
  • First treat the system as a whole
  • Apply Newtons Laws to the individual blocks
  • Solve for unknown(s) Here a and P12
  • Check P21 P12

Multiple Objects - Example 2, cont
P21 P12 P12 -P21 a1 a2 a
  • First treat the system as a whole
  • Apply Newtons 2nd law to m2
  • Check. Apply Newtons 2nd law to m1

as before.
Example (Pr. 36 and 39 p. 168)
  • Find the acceleration of the masses shown in
    Figure, given that m11.0 kg, m22.0 kg and
    m33.0 kg
  • Find the tension in each of the strings in Figure.

Next lecture
  • Springs
  • Circular Motion
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