Title: An Objectively Optimized Observing System
1An Objectively Optimized Observing System
- David John Lary
- Automated validation, bias detection, and cross
calibration. - Objectively optimized observation direction for a
sensor network. - Applications.
3Automating Validation, Bias-Detection and
4Geophysical insights
c.a. 3000 B.C. Who can understand his errors?
Psalms 1912
5Aura validation
6Validation using PDFs
7How shall we correct these biases?Can we
correct them on the fly?
8Neurological algorithms
9An example neural network
10An example neural network
11Instrument Inter-calibration
13(No Transcript)
14Moving towards autonomy
Goal Observing the right place at the right time!
Wisdom is profitable to direct!
Wisdom is profitable to direct!
- Scientific discovery through Inter-disciplinary
research, observation and a high level of
automation in the generation of state of the art
models, visualization and data mining to
facilitate understanding. - So far this work has won five NASA awards, a
Royal Society Fellowship, an Alon Fellowship, a
NASA Distinguished Goddard Fellowship in Earth
Science and over 2.5 million dollars of funding.
16Benefit Statement
- Allows a focus on the key issue(s) whether they
are - The societal needs/policy decisions
- The decision support criteria
- The scientific goals
17Integrated Earth Observation
- As we move to more comprehensive observing
systems there will be more need for reusable
intelligent observation direction systems. - These systems will respond in real time to the
observation requirements.
18Integrated Earth Observation
- The requirements will be varied depending on the
application. - The observing system will contain many
components, orbital and suborbital.
19Sensor WebA dynamic network of sensors working
to achieve a common goal.
Mosaic of Anacapa Island obtained using the DCS
camera during the Altair Channel Islands flight
The Ultra Long Duration Balloon (ULDB) is a
pumpkin-shaped balloon designed for durations
up to 100 days.
- We are moving towards much more distributed
observation systems with constellations of
satellites and suborbital platforms, including
autonomous vehicles. - There is a need for an intelligent observation
direction system.
Current Altair payload
Altair information courtesy of Jim Elkins
20Observation scheduling
- With flexible pointing instruments
- What is the optimum real time pointing?
- With flexible mode instruments
- What is the optimum real time use of zoom in
mode? - When should balloons be launched?
- What is the optimum trajectories for UAVs and
21How do we achieve this?What do we optimize for?
22The knowledge of ignorance is the beginning of
The knowledge of ignorance is the beginning of
- The system envisioned will dynamically adapt the
what, where, when and mode (e.g. global survey or
zoom-in) of the observations made in an online
fashion to maximize information content and
minimize uncertainty in characterizing the
systems state vector for a given observation
23Autonomous Observing Systems
- Put simply, we use measures of what we do not
know to direct our future observations, and use
measures of how important it is to know it to
determine the scheduling priority of
observations. - What we do not know is quantified by state vector
uncertainty supplied by the assimilation system. - How important it is to know it is quantified by
information content also supplied by the
assimilation system. - The geographic extent of the uncertainty maxima
is one metric that can be used to determine
whether zoom in or survey mode is required.
24Geophysical insights
25Chemical Data Assimilation
Uncertainty information is included
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27Key Features
Won 5 NASA awards
- Rapidly reconfigurable
- Automatic Code generation
- Self documenting
- Functionality
- Results (automatic web site creation).
- STK interface that can be used for prototyping or
real time control. - Automatic web site creation for online
data-mining and presentation. - Accessible for specialists and policy makers.
29Hydrocarbon oxidation
30Hydrocarbon oxidation
31Health ApplicationsSimulation courtesy of Jay
Boris NRL
32Logan Airport
33Decision Support Systems
- Using
- NASA earth observing data (in this case
including OMI HCHO) - EPA observing network
- Navy Research Laboratory street level model
- AutoChem chemistry scheme
34(No Transcript)
35Street level modeling
36Wisdom is profitable to direct! (Solomon 3000
bp) The knowledge of ignorance is the beginning
of knowledge.