Title: Dynamical Models
1Dynamical Models
Training Course on Climate Information,
Approaches and Tools for Assessing and Managing
Climate Risks
Christopher Cunningham
Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
- The Climate System
- Atmospheric General Circulation Models
- Coupled Ocean Models
- Dynamical Downscaling
3The climate system is a highly non-linear coupled
The components of the climate system are open,
nonisolated subsystems
They interact on a wide range of spatial and
temporal scales
They are strongly coupled and are characterized
by intense interactions at various time and space
scales ranging from micro trough meso to
planetary scales
4Daily, Intraseasonal, Seasonal, Interannual, and
Decadal Variations
Short range weather variation Hours thunderstorms, tornadoes, squall lines, fronts, . Diurnal cycle Organized convection Cyclones, Eeasterly waves, Depressions, .
Medium range weather variations Blocking Growth, decay of tropical, tropospherical disturbances
Intraseaonal variations Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO), Monsoon Intraseasonal variations, Pacific North American (PNA) variations, Annular modes
Seasonal mean variations Persistent droughts Floods Persistent hot and cold days Anomalous number and tracks of cyclones
Interannual variations ENSO, QBO, TBO, NAO, NAM, SAM
Decadal variations PDO, Thermohaline circulation, Sahel drought, Decadal ENSO
Climate change Solar, Volcanoes, Greenhouse gases, Land use change
5CLIMATE MODELS arenumerical representations of
the fundamental equations that describe the
behavior of the climate system and the
interactions across its components atmosphere,
ocean, cryosphere, biosphere, chemosphere
Climate models a scientific definiton
6Brief history of climate modelling (I)
- 1922 Lewis Fry Richardson
- basic equations and methodology of numerical
weather prediction - 1950 Charney, Fjørtoft and von Neumann (1950)
- first numerical weather forecast (barotropic
vorticity equation model) - 1956 Norman Phillips
- first general circulation experiment (two-layer,
quasi-geostrophic hemispheric model) - 1963 Smagorinsky, Manabe and collaborators at
GFDL, USA - 9 level primitive equation model
- 1960s and 1970s Other groups and their offshoots
began work - University of California Los Angeles (UCLA),
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR,
Boulder, Colorado) and UK Meteorological Office
7Brief history of climate modelling (II)
- 1980s First coupled model simulations
- 1990s onwards Era of model intercomparisons
- 2000 onwards Multi-model ensemble seasonal
forecasting systems - DEMETER
- 2004 EU ENSEMBLES Project combined
seasonal-to-decadal and climate change
multi-model ensembles - 2007 IPCC Fourth Assessment Report
- climate projections to 2100 from 18 coupled
ocean-atmosphere-cryosphere models.
8Incremental development of climate/earth system
These models are, in effect, a synthesis as well
as a measure of our current understanding of the
coupled system
9Climate modeling what for?
The problem is not wether our climate will change
but rather in what direction and from what causes
it will be changed
10What are Climate Models?
- Climate Models are huge computer codes based on
fundamental mathematical equations of motion,
thermodynamics and radiative transfer - Climate models are extensions of weather forecast
models - These equations govern
- Flow of air and water - winds in the atmosphere,
currents in the ocean. - Exchange of heat, water and momentum between the
atmosphere and the earths surface - Release of latent heat by condensation during the
formation of clouds and raindrops - Absorption of sunshine and emission of thermal
(infra-red) radiation
11The equations of a climate model(atmosphere)
12A taste of numeric techniques
13Horizontal discretization
- Grids
- regular grids
- stretched grids
- rotated grids
- reduced grids
- Numerical formulation
- Finite difference
- spectral methods
- finite elements
14Horizontal discretization
The spectral method involves representing the
spatial variations in terms of finite series of
orthogonal functions called basis functions
For the Cartesian geometry the appropriate set of
basis functions is a double Fourier series in x
and y.
For the spherical Earth the appropriate basis
functions are the spherical harmonics
15Vertical discretisation
Sigma Coordinate
- Sigma coordinates are terrain following.
- They do not intersect the surface as do other
coordinate types.
16Vertical discretisation
At sfc ? coordinates (A0)
TOA p coordinates (B0)
19 Atmospheric Levels
Atmospheric resolution 3.75 by 2.5 degrees
Ocean resolution 1.25 by 1.25
20 Ocean Levels
18Physical parametrizations in atmospheric models
- There are three types of parametrization
- Processes taking place on scales smaller than the
grid-scale, which are therefore not explicitly
represented by the resolved motion - Convection, boundary layer friction and
turbulence, gravity wave drag - All involve the vertical transport of momentum
and most also involve the transport of heat,
water substance and tracers (e.g. chemicals,
aerosols) - Processes that contribute to internal heating
(non-adiabatic) - Radiative transfer and precipitation
- Both require the prediction of cloud cover
- Processes that involve variables additional to
the basic model variables - e.g. land surface processes, carbon cycle,
chemistry, aerosols, etc)
19Physical parametrizations in atmospheric models
Processes that are not explicitly represented by
the basic dynamical and thermodynamic variables
in the basic equations (dynamics, continuity,
thermodynamic, equation of state) on the grid of
the model need to be included by parametrizations.
20O3, H20, CO2, CH4, N2O
Radiation is the driving force of the atmospheric
AGCMs require net (upward, downward) radiative
fluxes at
- the TOA in order to determine the overall energy
budget of the surface-atmosphere system - The surface for the determination of the surface
temperature - The net radiative heating profile is needed for
the thermodynamic tendency calculations
The object of a radiative transfer
parametrization is to calculate terms I and II
for clear and/or cloudy conditions
23Radiation Schemes
The processes that need to be parameterized are
essentially of molecular scale for gaseous
absorption and micron scale for particulate
Deal separately with the solar region and the
thermal region
In each region the spectrum is split up into
several spectral bands (typically 5-10)
The effects of Rayleigh scattering, absorbing
gases, clouds and aerosols are parametrized in
each band
24Cloud particles interact strongly with SW and LW
Scatter the visible and absorb the IR
GCMs cannot resolve clouds, but knowledge of
their amount and properties is essential for the
calculation of radiation fields and precipitation
25The cloud amount for a grid region must be
related to the other predicted climate variables
Many schemes, from the 1970s onwards, based cloud
cover on the relative humidity (RH)
RHcrit critical relative humidity at which
cloud assumed to form (function of height,
typical value is 60-80)
26Unified Model cloud microphysics scheme
All of these parameterizations must be viewed as
extremely simplistic compared with the real
atmospheric processes that lead to cloud cover
It is here that some of the major uncertainties
in climate sensitivity arise
27Radiation Schemes clouds
Considering pure radiative equilibrium, the
thermal structure is buoyantly unstable to small
vertical displacements of air.
The absorption of SW radiation at the Earths
surface and emission of LW radiation in the
middle troposphere continuously destabilize the
Under these circumstances small displacements are
reinforced by buoyancy until finite amplitude
Adjacent to a reservoir of moisture, convective
overturning maintains the global mean troposphere
near neutral moist stability
30Why is Convection(parameterization) Important?
- Convective storms can significantly influence
vertical stability and large-scale flow patterns
by - Redistributing heat, moisture, and momentum
- Producing cloud cover that affects surface
31What is Convective Parameterization?
- Cumulus or convective parameterization schemes
are procedures that attempt to account for the
collective influence of small-scale convective
processes on large-scale model variables - Climate models with grid spacing larger than that
of individual thunderstorms or storm clusters
need to parameterize the effect that convection
has on larger-scale model variables in each grid
32Formulation of Convective Parameterizations
Determine occurrence/localisation of convection
- How does the large-scale weather pattern control
the initiation, location, and intensity of
Determine vertical distribution of heating,
moistening and momentum changes
- What are the properties of parameterized clouds
Determine the overall amount of the energy
conversion, convective precipitationheat release
- How does convection modify the environment
33Convection Schemes
The first convection schemes simply adjusted the
temperature profile the moist adiabatic
adjustment scheme (Manabe 1965)
When ? of the model exceeds ?crit the model ? is
adjusted back to ?crit
The adjustment procedure acts to cool the sfc and
warm the upper troposphere
Thus the adjustment can be viewed as a process
that mixes warmer air near the surface up through
the atmosphere
34Convection Schemes
Subsequently schemes based on moisture budgets
which attempted to represent forcing by the large
scale were introduced (e.g. Kuo 1974)
The moisture convergence into a model column
In Kuo schemes convective precipitation is
assumed to occur following model-scale
convergence of moisture
A fraction b of Mq is available to moisten the
atmosphere, while the remaining fraction, (1- b)
condenses and rains out.
35Convection Schemes
- Most contemporary convection schemes use a
mass-flux approach, with buoyant plumes
entraining and detraining to reach different
levels. For example - Arakawa and Schubert (1974)
- Gregory and Rowntree (1990)
- Tiedtke (1989)
- Kain and Fritsch (1990)
36Boundary layer processes
The PBL is the layer close to the surface within
which vertical transports by turbulence play
dominant roles in the momentum, heat and moisture
There are a myriad of different types of boundary
layers in different environments. The PBL is
strongly driven by the underlying surface.
37The evolution of the PBL and its interaction with
the free atmosphere is enormously complex.
38Boundary layer transports
The simplest way to calculate turbulent
transports in the boundary layer is to use
K-theory, by analogy with molecular diffusion.
The diffusion coefficients are functions of
stability, etc based on Monin-Obukhov Similarity
39Land surface processes
- Why the land surface processes are important to
the atmosphere?
The surface of the planet is a lower boundary
condition to the atmospheric circulation (1/3)
The sensible and latent heat fluxes at the
surface are the lower boundary conditions for the
enthalpy (internal energy energy due to
expansion) and moisture equations in the atmophere
The sharpest vertical gradients happen to be near
the surface
We live on it!
40Surface processes
- Surface schemes are needed to
- 1. Calculate the fluxes of heat, moisture and
momentum between the surface and atmosphere - 2. Calculate surface temperature and other
The key issues in land surface parameterization
are i) the role of vegetation in controlling
evapotranspiration and rainfall interception ii)
an adequate description of heat and water
transfer in the soil and iii) for high latitudes
and over mountains a correct description of
energy/water exchanges for the cryosphere.
Models now contain quite detailed representations
of evaporation, interception and vertical
transfers of heat and moisture in the soil
41Atmospheric GCMs require time series of the
fluxes of radiation, sensible and latent heat,
and momentum across the air-land interface to
serve as lower boundary conditions
These can be specified by calculations which
involve the surface parameters of albedo (?),
roughness lenght, and (soil) moisture
42Surface Radiation Balance
In most GCMs, the land albedo fields are simply
prescribed as fixed fields
43Land surface processes
44Land surface processes
Sensible heat flux (conduction to the air)
Latent heat flux (energy released to the air by
evaporation) W.m-2
Heat flux into the ground W.m-2
Energy used for photosynthesis W.m-2
H and LE normally make up the bulk of Rn and the
magnitude of the ratio of sensible to latent heat
release into the atmosphere can be an important
determinant of the local and regional climate
45Surface Energy Balance Storage in the ground
( Given by the AGCM )
Dry soil, isothermal and homogeneous
- ? albedo
- emissivity
- Cs heat capacity (J.K-1.m-3)
- Td temperatura do solo profundo (K)
Depends on the volume fractions of soil, organic
matter, water and air.
46Turbulent Fluxes
fórmula geral
F1?2 fluxo turbulento de 1 a 2 f1 e f2
concentração em 1 e 2 r12 resistência entre 1 e
E evaporação (kg m-2 s-1) LE fluxo de calor
latente (W m-2) H fluxo de calor sensível (W
m-2) fluxo de momentum (kg m-1 s-2)
47Momentum Flux ?
no slip
ur (ur, vr)
t (tx, ty)
ur 0
zr nível de referência (m) z0 comprimento de
rugosidade (m) ra resistência aerodinâmica (s
48Sensible Heat Flux H
( Given by the AGCM )
W m-2
49Latent Heat Flux H
W m-2
p pressão (hPa) L 2,5 x 106 J kg-1 e 0,622
50 Modelling the land surface and its heterogeneity
51Modelling the land surface and its heterogeneity
z0 d
u 0
52Predicted u, T, q
PBL and Surface
No Condensation
Stable Condensation
Convective Condensation
Zero Cloud Fraction
Cloud Fraction Stable
Cloud Fraction Conv
Spectral Blocking
Dissipation Terms
Gravity Wave Drag
Solution of the PEs
53The Ocean
- The ocean is an incompressible fluid forced
thermally and mechanically, primarily at its
surface - It is heated by solar radiation and cooled by
evaporation and thermal emission from the
surface - No internal heating, but salinity strongly
affects the density and hence the circulation
54Basic properties of the Ocean
- Density
- At SLP ocean is 1000x more dense than the
atmosphere - Heat capacity
- Specific heat capacity is 1200x atmosphere
- 2.5m of ocean has same heat capacity as whole
atmosphere - Turbulent conductivity (compared to diffusion in
the land) - Velocities
- Ocean moves and adjusts 1000x more slowly than
the atmosphere a source of memory in the
climate system
Advective mid-latitude internal Rossby waves
Atmos. 10 m/s 10 m/s
Ocean 1-10 cm/s 1cm/s
55Global Annual Mean Hydrological Cycle
More prp than evap
More evap than prp
The great reservoir of moisture !
56Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction
- The ocean and atmosphere interact continuously
- Fluxes of heat, fresh water and momentum (
numerous chemical species)
Surface boundary layer
Qnet heat
57Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Modelling
- Dynamical coupling with atmosphere, seaice, and
land runoff
- Ocean surface temperature can change in response
to atmospheric forcing, and the atmosphere, in
turn, is affected by the new ocean surface
- OGCMS necessarily have wind, heat and water
forcing, geographically correct domain geometry,
and the equation of state for seawater...all with
their inescapable approximations
58Swamp Model
S F? - F? - H LE 0
- SST calculated from a surface energy balance only
(no heat storage
- No heat storage, no ocean currents
- Sensitivity experiments (variations in the solar
constant or in the atmospheric CO2 )
- Only annual mean forcing from the sun !
59Mixed-Layer Ocean Model
S F? - F? - H LE ?cph?tT
50 to 100m of water
- Surface energy balance plus heat storage
- No ocean currents, no upwelling
- Sensitivity experiments (variations in the solar
constant or in the atmospheric CO2 )
- Flux correction (a source of heat) to compensate
the lack of currents and upwelling
60Flux Adjustment (Q-flux)
Difference between annual-mean SST from year 10
of the coupled-model integration with no flux
adjustment and the smoothed initial state,
showing systematic SST errors in the coupled
model 10-yr average.(Murphy, 1995). Source
adapted from Hartmann, 1994
61Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling
The most complicated step in the global model
Surface energy balance heat storage ocean
currents upwelling subgrid-scale mixing
62OGCM CGCM initialization/forecast runs
63CPTECs Coupled GCM V.1.0
Coupled Forecast
Atmos FCSTs
Tau Heat
SFC Fluxes
64What is downscaling (or Regional Climate
- Downscaling is a method for obtaining
high-resolution climate or climate change
information from relatively coarse-resolution
global climate models (GCMs). - Downscaling techniques enhance or add value to
the regional information provided by GCMs.
65Types of Downscaling
- Dynamical
- Nested regional (or limited area) climate models
(RCMs) - High and variable resolution GCM experiments
- Statistical methods use empirical relationships
between GCM outputs and local climate statistics - Principal Component Analysis
- Regression analysis
- Neural network methods
66Dynamic Downscaling Regional (or Limited Area)
Climate Models
- Objective To provide added value to regional
information provided by global reanalyses or
GCMs - Dynamical models based on primitive equations
with both hydrostatic (e.g., RegCM3) and
non-hydrostatic formulations (e.g., MM5, RAMS)
67We live on a high resolution world
- Due to their relatively coarse resolution, GCMs
are unable to include the effects of regional
land-ocean contrasts
inland bodies of water
complex topography
complex land use
also air pollution, urban heat island effects
68(No Transcript)
69Why to downscale?
Typically, GCMs have a resolution coarser than 2
GCMs provide the response of the general
circulation to large scale forcings
Regional Models give the response to local
forcings, normally sub-grid processes in the GCMs
The direct result of the poor spatial resolution
of GCMs is a serious mismatch of spatial scale
between the available climate forecasts and the
scale of interest to most climate forecast users
Some applications also require climate forecasts
with higher temporal resolution. Most crop
models, for example, require daily weather input.
GCM daily precipitation shows very low daily
variability and many high errors compared to
observations (Mearns et al. 1990).
70Added Value
300 km
- Regions of complex topography and/or land use
- Regional and local atmospheric circulations(e.g.,
narrow jet cores, mesoscale convective systems,
sea-breeze type circulations, tropical storms) - Processes at high frequency temporal
scales(e.g., precipitation frequency and
intensity distributions, monsoon onset and
transition times)
60 km
71Two types of boundary conditionsInitial and
- Initial terrain, land cover types, SSTs, soil
moisture - Lateral
- Sources Reanalysis (e.g., NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis
or ERA-40) or GCM - Required fields surface pressure, temperature,
humidity, horizontal winds (usually 6 hourly
Image source http//www.cics.uvic.ca/scenarios/pd
72Lateral Boundary Conditions
Horizontal view
Marbaix et al. (2003)
model top
Greater nudging
Vertical view
Forcing from large scale at the interior of the
s level
Less nudging
Nudging term
73(No Transcript)
74Seasonal Rainfall Comparision Wet Year 1974
Station Area Averaged Value 781.7 mm
Hulme 0.5 deg Area Averaged Value 781.6 mm
- ECHM overload the rainfall amounts
- RSM general pattern is provided by global model
- ITCZ further south
- ITCZ with strong convective activity
- RSM captured the gradient
- RSM dry too much
RSM Area Averaged Value 467.4 mm
ECHAM Area Averaged Value 1229.2 mm
75RCMs Issues to Consider
- Lateral boundary conditions
- Fixed - no two-way interactions (analogous to
two-tier vs. one-tier prediction system) - Presence of systematic errors
- Domain choice
- Spin-up
- Model physics
Mesoscale Dynamics
Aerosols Chemistry
Clouds Precipitation
Boundary Layer
Surface Fluxes
Snow Sea Ice
Biosphere Soils
Hydrology Lake
Ocean Fluxes
- The atmosphere is a fluid on a rotating planet
- Drag at the surface and within the atmosphere
affects the momentum budget - Water vapour evaporates from the surface,
condenses to form clouds and heats the atmosphere
when it is lost through precipitation - Heating from solar radiation and cooling from
thermal radiation - Models therefore need to include equations for
- 3 components of wind (or vorticity divergence),
including Coriolis and drag - equation of state and conservation of water
- thermodynamics, including heating by condensation
and radiation - The ocean is also a fluid, but incompressible. It
is heated by solar radiation and cooled by
evaporation and thermal emission from the
surface. No internal heating, but salinity
strongly affects the density and hence the
circulation - Additional models have been developed to include
the land surface, cryosphere, atmospheric
chemistry and aerosols, carbon cycle etc - Processes that are sub-grid in scale are modelled
by parametrizations