Title: IVA Meeting 30 April 2004 Warsaw
1IVA Meeting 30 April 2004Warsaw
- 9.00 gt 9.30 Introduction and Welcome J.C.
Bouchard - 9.30 gt 10.30 Update on candidate
countries Antoni Turczynovich - 10.30 Coffee
- 11.00 gt 12.00 The commission's plans W.
Blockmans - - One stop shop
- - Simplifications
- - Modernisation
- 12.00 gt 12.30 Questions
- 12.30gt 13.30 Place of supply of Services J.C.
Bouchard - 13.30 Lunch
- 14.30 gt 15.00 ECJ Update S. Dale
- 15.00 gt 15.30 When is Input VAT
- not Input VAT R. Yewdall
- 15.30 gt 16.00 Code of Practise J.C. Bouchard
- 16.00 Tea
- 16.30 gt 17.00 Election of the Council All
- 17.00 gt 17.30 Statutes/insurance P. Beighton
- and accounts R.Yewdall
- 17.30 gt 18.00 Subscriptions J.C.Bouchard
- 18.00 Closing remarks J.C. Bouchard
4Introduction and WelcomeJ.C. Bouchard
5Update on the candidate countriesA. Turczynovich
6IVA Conference 2004
- VAT Recovery in the Accession
- Countries
- 30 April 2004, Warsaw
- Antoni Turczynowicz
7The next 30 minutes!
- What are the 8th and 13th Directives?
- When do they take effect in the new Accession
countries? - Can I obtain a refund of foreign VAT incurred on
all goods and services acquired in the course of
business? - How can I apply for a VAT refund under these
88th EU VAT Directive
- Requires all EU countries to implement a mutual
VAT refund system from 1 January 1981, or later
if they joined the EU after that date. - As good as this seems, as usual there are some
requirements - (a) a business must be registered for VAT in
another EU member state, - (b) not have any establishment or residence in
the country from which the refund is requested
and - (c) generally speaking, the business must have
made no supplies of goods or services in the
country of claim other than - Certain transport services and services
associated therewith or - Services which are treated as supplied where the
recipient is located. - There are some variations to these rules
depending on the country.
913th EU VAT Directive
- Requires all EU countries to introduce refund
arrangements for businesses established outside
the EU from 1 January 1988. - States that the refund system must not favour
non-EU countries over EU countries and - Refund is conditional upon the non-EU country
introducing reciprocal arrangements in respect of
its own turnover taxes. For example, currently
the Czech Republic does not refund to Spanish
businesses as there are no reciprocal
arrangements in place between the 2 countries. - This position will change post 1 May 2004 as all
EU member states must offer a mutual VAT refund
1010 Accession Countries
(in case you needed a reminder)
Czech Republic
11The Position Now
Q Do the Accession countries currently operate
their own refund procedures? YES Czech Republic,
Poland, Hungary, Slovak Republic, Slovenia,
Estonia, Latvia and Cyprus NO Malta
12Non-refundable VAT
- In general, no refund will be given for VAT
incurred relating to - Supplies and services that are not used for
business purposes - Supplies within that country
- Exempt business activities.
- Entertainment
13How long has their refund mechanism been in place?
This varies enormously 1999 Slovenia 2003
Latvia (before that only claims relating to
transport services were accepted) 2004 Malta
14The position post 1 May 04
- The new member states will be obliged to comply
with the 8th Directive which means - Granting VAT refunds to businesses resident in
all the 25 Member States no selection process
based on reciprocity agreements and - Complying with all the conditions laid down in
the Directive e.g. refunds should be granted
within 6 months of the date on which the
application was lodged.
- Lithuania
- Latvia,
- Hungary and Estonia
- NO
- Poland, Czech Republic,
- Slovenia, Slovak Republic.
YES Hungary MAYBE Poland NO Lithuania, Czech
Republic, Estonia, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and
17Food and Drink
YES Lithuania No Poland, Czech Republic,
Estonia, Slovenia, Slovak Republic, Latvia,
YES Estonia (only partially refundable) MAYBE Lith
uania NO Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovak
Republic, Latvia and Hungary.
19Can I submit a claim for any amount?
- The 8th Directive sets minimum claim limits for
EU businesses of - 200 for quarterly claims and
- 25 for annual claims.
- EU countries may approve higher limits if they so
20What else?
ORIGINAL invoices and any import documents,
bills, vouchers, receipts or customs clearance
21What is the deadline?
- The claim year runs from 1 January to 31 December
i.e. 1 calendar year. - The deadline for submission of the claim is 30
June following the end of the calendar year. - Therefore, for invoices dated 2003, the deadline
for submission of the claim is 30 June 2004. - Deadline is fast approaching!
22Are some tax authorities more lenient?
No they are not! However some current EU Member
States are Belgium 3 years The Netherlands 5
years . . .from the 1 January following the year
the VAT was incurred.
23When can I expect the refund?
This can vary greatly between the countries, for
example Latvia has stated that a refund will be
granted within 1 month! Hungary the time stated
is 7 months! However, as we know from current EU
countries the reality can be significantly
different. It can take up to 3 years for refunds
to be granted in some current EU Member States!
24Can I expect interest if my refund is taking
longer than expected?
? Member States must grant interest when the
claim has not been paid within 6 months of the
date of submission. However this interest can
take up to 1-2 years to arrive!
25Will refunds only be paid into local bank
YES Poland, Hungary, NO Czech Republic, Estonia,
Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia, Slovak Republic
26Transitional period
- VAT incurred in the Czech Republic up to 30 April
2004 by a Spanish company - No refund?
- Refund under Czech rules
(if reciprocity exists)? - Refund under EU rules?
- Can one refund request be submitted for all of
2713th Directive
If the new Accession countries incur VAT in a
country outside the EU e.g. Switzerland, this VAT
will be refundable in accordance with Swiss
law. As mentioned previously, a refund will then
only be granted by the claimant country if there
is a reciprocity agreement in place with the
resident country of the applicant. Some countries
may require that a different application form is
- Check that you have no establishment in the
claimant country. - Ensure that the VAT is deductible in the claimant
country - Obtain the appropriate application form and
complete it in the correct language - Enclose a certificate of taxable status and the
original invoices with the claim - Send it to the tax authority in the claimant
country by the deadline - Wait for your money to arrive . . . .!
- If in doubt, ask! But who ?
30The Commission's plans
Werner Blockmans European Commission DG Taxud C3
31The Commissions VAT Strategy A review and
update of the priorities
32New communication
- review of the progress made since the
Commission's communication of 7 June 2000 on the
new VAT strategy - present new initiatives and emerging guidelines
for future action
33General guidelines
- taxation at the place of consumption
- simplification of fiscal obligations
34General guidelines
- Applying the general guidelines to
- B2B goods
- B2B services
- B2C goods
- B2C services
35B2B Goods
- No need to change the place of
- taxation
- Simplification by reverse charge
- - supply with installation or assembly
36B2B services
- Proposal presented end of 2003
- change of general rule
- consequence extension of reverse charge
37B2C Goods
- Minor changes of the place of taxation rules
- - distance sales
- Simplification by one stop shop
38B2C services
- Obligation to review e-commerce before 30 June
2006 - extend this review to all B2C services
- Ensuring taxation at place of consumption
- Simplification by one stop shop mechanism
39The one stop shop
- - public consultation is ongoing
- - scope
- BC supplies by a business not established in the
MS where the supply is taxed - optional scheme
40The one stop shop
- VAT return
- VAT due by rate
- VAT deductible
- Payment directly to Member States where VAT is
due - Control
- maintain control capabilities
- coordinated control procedures
41Proposals discussed in Council
- B2B services
- VAT rates
- Tour Operators
- Postal services
- Recast of the Sixth Directive
42Proposals planned for 2004
- Adoption of implementing measures
- A mechanism to avoid double taxation in
individual cases - Vouchers and payment cards
- Rationalization of existing Article 27
derogations - Simplification of obligations
43The Future
- After 1 May 2004 adoption in Council requires
approval of 25 Member States - More complex files
- presented to the Council
- to be presented in the near future
44Place of supply of ServicesIs the profession
impacted ?J.C. Bouchard
46ECJ Update
Stephen Dale
47Recent cases and Opinions
- Cookies World case C-155/01 Austria and
illegal use of a self-supply charge to stop cross
border leasing. - Gil Insurance case C-308/01 compatibility of
an insurance tax and VAT approval under Art
27 Opinion. Decision 29 April. - Océ van der Grinten case C-58/01 withholding
taxes. - Commission v Italy case C-437/01 Italy
applying an excise duty on lubricating oils
beyond that provided in the Excise directives. - Webers Wine World case C-147/01 principles
of equivalence and effectiveness Excise duties.
48Recent cases and Opinions
- Taksatorringen case C-8/01 scope of insurance
exemption Art 13B a and Art 13A 1 f groupings
distortion of competition. - dAmbrumenil case C-307/01 medical fees and
exemption detailed list provided of types of
services taxable and exempt. - Unterpertinger case C-212/01 whether medical
experts fees are exempt under Art 13A (1) c - Zita Modes case C-497/01 transfers of
undertakings must be capable of being exercised
whether legally allowed or not.
49Recent cases and Opinions
- Terra Baubedarf-Handel case C-152/02 decision
on 29 April when does right to deduct arise
date of tax point or date of receipt of invoice?
Opinion. - Faxworld case C-137/02 transfers of going
concerns two entities no supplies made VAT
deductible? Opinion decision 29 April - Commission v Germany case 109/02 application
of reduced rate distortions of competition. - Karegeorgou case C 78/02 - VAT charged in
error due to the State under Art 21? - Christoph Dornier- Stiftung - case C-45/01
medical care Art 13A 1 b - direct effect of the
Article. - Dansk - case C-169/02 - case dropped.
50Recent cases and Opinions
- Lindfors case C-365/02 Finnish car taxation
on EU goods Opinion - Harbs case C-321/02 special scheme for
farmers Opinion - Cimber Air - case C-382/02 Internal flights not
exempt even if the company mostly flies
international routes Opinion - VermietObjekt Kirchberg case C-269/03
Conditions for option to tax Opinion - Bockemühl case C-90/02 reverse charge
invoices - Stenholmen case C-320/02 second hand horses?
51Recent cases and Opinions
- Commission v Italy case C-381/01 grants being
part of the price of the goods art 11A
Opinion. - Commission v Finland case C-185/00 excise
duties on gas-oil. - Lipjes case C-68/03 Place of supply of
intermediary services Opinion. - Commission v Greece case C-475/01 taxation of
Ouzo excises Opinion. - Commission v Belgium case C-415/02 taxation
of share transfers non VAT Opinion - Meiland Azewijn case C-292/02 Excise duty on
marked fuels restrictions of use in another
M/State. Opinion. - Transport Service case C-395/02 - ?
52 53When is Input VATnot Input VAT ?
R. Yewdall
54When is input VAT not VAT?
- Article 17 Sixth Directive (77/388/EEC) defines
the origin and scope of the right to deduct - Article 17(2) allows deduction in respect of
goods or services for the purpose of taxable
transactions by a taxable person
55When is input VAT not VAT?
- Under Article 18 (1) (a) Sixth Directive to
exercise a right to deduct a taxable person must
hold a valid tax invoice - Article 22 (3) lays down the criteria for what
must be on the invoice
56When is input VAT not VAT?
- Article 4 VAT Sixth Directive defines a taxable
person - any person who independently carries
out in any place any economic activity
57When is input VAT not VAT?
- In the ordinary course of business if a VAT
invoice is issued by a taxable person there is an
automatic right to deduct the VAT shown on that
invoice by the person receiving the goods or
services. - The responsibility for accounting for the VAT
charged is that of the supplier
58When is input VAT not VAT?
- In the UK and other EU Member States a problem
with Missing Trader Fraud where a VAT
registered business charges VAT but disappears
and fails to pay any VAT charged to the tax
authorities - Usually happens as part of a chain of
transactions involving businesses in other Member
59When is input VAT not VAT?
- Missing Trader Intra Community Fraud (MTIC Fraud)
- Involves high value goods
60When is input VAT not VAT?
- Computer chips
- Mobile phones
- Jewellery
- Mont Blanc Pens
61When is input VAT not VAT?
- Bond House Systems Limited
- A UK VAT Tribunal case
- Disallowed recovery of input VAT even though the
business had purchased goods in good faith and
held a VAT invoice
62When is VAT not input VAT?
- Bond House Systems Limited
63When is input VAT not VAT?
- Bond House Systems Limited
64When is input VAT not VAT?
- In Bond House input VAT was disallowed on the
basis that the chain of transactions lacked
Economic Substance - The transactions were not looked at individually
but globally - The transactions formed part of a series which
was fraudulent
65When is VAT not VAT?
- ECJ cases including Leclerc and others v Sàrl Au
blé vert and others (229/83)- a device to
circumvent the French net book agreement, and
Emsland-Stärk GmbH v Hauptzollamt Hamburg
(C-110/99) - the use or abuse of legal form in
order to obtain a benefit - were cited in
support of the decision
66When is VAT not VAT
- The transactions formed part of a series which
was fraudulent - The criteria by which such transactions are to be
judged are wholly objective - The transactions are devoid of economic substance
- The VAT charged was not VAT and not recoverable
67When is VAT not VAT?
- Further attempts to disallow VAT even where VAT
invoice is held by means of imposing joint and
several liability in similar cases where failure
to make reasonable checks in regard to buyers
and sellers. - S77A VAT Act 1994
68When is input VAT not VAT?
- Both the Bond House case and a challenge to the
provisions imposing Joint and Several Liability
are now under appeal and referred to the ECJ
69Code of Practise
J.C. Bouchard
71Election of the Council
72Statutes/insurance and accounts
P. Beighton R. Yewdall
73Change of Status and Legal Position
74Statutes Legal Position
- Our position in 2001
- IVA established for 10 years
- Known to represent Member's refund interests
worldwide - An important vehicle for presenting issues of
- concern to the Commission and VAT authorities
- A need for a permanent establishment
- Preference for Brussels
75Statutes Legal Position
- Our position in 2002
- We enlisted the assistance of PwC Belgium for
legal advice. - PwC proposed two options
- Both non-profit making associations
76Statutes Legal Position
- Our position in 2002contd
- AISBL recommended as more flexible
- Must be non-profit making
- Limited commercial activities with a view to
developing their non-profit making purpose -
- Requires government approval
- Currently no specific accounting obligations
- We began preparing draft Articles of Association
77Statutes Legal Position
- Our position in 2003
- We continued preparing the draft Articles of
Association - We put the draft Articles to our members
- We finalised the documents and signed the Final
Version of Articles of Association in Belgium on
2nd July 2003 - We received the Royal Decree from the King of
Belgium on 17th December 2003
78Statutes Legal Position
- Our position in 2004
- We now have a full legal personality in Belgium
- We have a registered head office in Belgium
- However correspondence should continue to be sent
to the Secretary in the UK - Please note there is no PHYSICAL presence in
80International VAT Association Activities - 2003
- Incorporation
- Insurance
- Luxembourg Claims
- Agreement with Spanish Administration
- Liaison with potential new members
- Requests from members / students
- Web site Development
81(No Transcript)
82Country Information
- Today there are currently 15 Member States within
the EU - Tomorrow we will have 25 member states
- Our web site contains basic filing information on
only 10 of those countries - We still do not have information on the following
- Austria
- Belgium
- Greece
- Luxembourg
- Portugal
- ANY of the new
- member states
83Acceding Countries
- New Member States
- Cyprus Czech Republic
- Estonia Hungary
- Latvia Lithuania
- Malta Poland
- Slovak Republic Slovenia
84Accounts Financial Position
85(No Transcript)
86(No Transcript)
87(No Transcript)
88Membership andSubscriptions
J.C. Bouchard
90Membership subscriptions
- 2003
- Officially
- 54 Members
- Inc. 1 Honorary
- (no subs required)
- Paid Up Members
- 46
- 3 members have promised to pay
- 3 members are yet to confirm
- 2004
- Officially
- 63 Members
- (inc. 1 Honorary)
912004 subscriptions
- Subscription invoices to existing members were
issued on 7th January 2004 - New members invoices were issued at later dates
- New members have been keen to pay their 2004
922004 Membership
- Officially 66 Members
- 2 members
- Did not pay for 2003
- Have not paid for 2004
- Have lost touch
- Leaving
- 64 Active Members
93Ways of Reducing Expenses
- Members what can you do to help?
- Please pay your own bank charges!
- Last year we lost 245 on subscription fee
transfers - Please pay your subscriptions promptly!
- We are a non-profit making organisation and the
interest we earn is used for your benefit
94Ways of Reducing Expenses
- IVA Council What can we do to help?
- Our President has agreed to pay subscription fees
in the same way as any other member! - Restrict the number of Guest speakers we invite
- We are reviewing costs for bank charges and the
possibility of changing banks to reduce charges - We are reviewing costs vs usage for the Website
95Income vs Expenditure
- What can we do ?
- Restrict our activities immediately
- OR
- Increase our subscription fees
96Income vs Expenditure
- What can we do ? Conclusion
- Increase our subscription fees
972005 Subscription Fees
- To balance an increase in subscriptions, we would
like to - continue to act on behalf of our members in
issues such as the difficulties being experienced
with Luxembourg - Forge ahead with the competent Authorities
- Update our website
- Continue to provide regional information via the
website - Provide regular updates, via the website and
email, along the lines of the newsletter that
used to be issued
982005 Subscription Fees
- 600 per member company
- Part II, s3 and s4(1) and in the Statutes prior
to Incorporation - EACH Legal Entity must be a member in its own
99Closing remarks J. C. Bouchard
100IVA Meeting 30 April 2004Warsaw