Title: WBS 1'1 EMU Chambers
1WBS 1.1 EMU Chambers
- Cathode Strip Chambers
- Andrey Korytov
- L3 Manager
- System Overview
- CSC Group Organization
- RD - cost efficient design
- - performance results
- CSC Production Plan, Production Sites
- Schedule, Milestones
- US Deliverables
- Base Cost Analysis
- Contingency
- Summary
3CMS Endcap Muon System
Large CSCs (3.4x1.5 m2) 72 ME2/2 chambers 72
ME3/2 chambers Small CSCs (1.8x1.1 m2) 72 ME1/2
chambers 72 ME1/3 chambers 20o CSCs (1.9x1.5
m2) 36 ME2/1 chambers 36 ME3/1 chambers
4Performance requirements
- Operation very reliable (limited access)
- Offline Resolution 75 mm per chamber (ME1/2)
- 150 mm per chamber (others)
- Trigger 1 mm resolution per chamber
- fast (gt92 within 25 ns window)
- Rates 300-1000 Hz/cm2 (random hits)
- 100 Hz/cm2 (charged particles)
- no aging up to 0.1 C/cm (10 years of LHC)
- B-field non-uniform and up to 1 T
5Cathode Strip Chambers
- Same chamber presision measurements trigger
- offline spatial resolution 50 mm
- trigger spatial resolution 1 mm in presence
- of electromagnetic debris (6-layer CSC)
- fast timing lt25 ns for 6-layer CSC
- Can work in difficult environment
- high rate capabilities (1 kHz/cm2)
- large (4 Tesla) and non-uniform B-field
- Also
- two coordinates from single plane
- strips can be shaped to measure f-coordinate
alignment marks are easy - no stringent control of gas mix, temperature, and
- trapezoidal chambers
- length up to 3.4 m
- width up to 1.5 m
- 6 planes per chamber
- 9.5 mm gas gap (per plane)
- 6.7 to 16.0 mm strip width
- strips run radially to measure f-coordinate
- 50 µm wires spaced by 3.2 mm
- 5 to 16 wires ganged in groups
- wires measure r-coordinate
- gas ArCO2CF4305020
- HV4.1 kV (Qcathode110 fC, Qanode140 fC)
7EMU Chamber Parameters
8CSC Group
institution involvement UC Davis -
Simulation Production (UCLA Site) UCLA - RD,
Design Production (UCLA and Fermilab Sites) UC
Riverside - RD Production (UCLA Site) Carnegie
Mellon - RD, Design Fermilab - RD,
Design Production (Fermilab Site) Florida -
RD, Design Production (UF and Fermilab
Sites) Livermore - RD Ohio State - RD,
Design Purdue - RD, Design Production
(Fermilab Site) Wisconsin - RD,
Design Production (Fermilab Site) PNPI -
St.Pitersburg - RD, Design Production (PNPI
Site) IHEP - Beijing - Design Production (IHEP
9CSC Group Organization
10CSC RD Goals
- CSC Cost Minimization
- Simple and Robust Design
- geometry to allow for relaxed tolerances
- minimal number of parts and simple assembly
- Identify Cost Driving Materials, minimize their
cost - find readily available commercial products
- Identify Cost Driving Labor, minimize cost
- automate labor intensive operations
- minimize in-house labor, i.e. place orders in
industry - testing in the production to minimize repairs
- Maintain Adequate Performance
- Reliable operation at Qcathodegt100 fC
- 75-150 mm off-line spatial resolution
- 1 mm trigger spatial resolution
- gt92 probability of correct bunch crossing
11RD CSC Prototypes
P0 (1995) - muon beam performance tests
T0 (1994) - design tests
6 planes 60x60 cm2 w16 mm s2.5 mm 2r30 mm
2 planes
"top" of large CSC (ME2/2) s(x/w), timing,
efficiencies, tails
P0 (1996) - muon beam performance tests
T1A (1995) - design tests
new winding technique s3.2 mm (no wire support,
timing!) HV segmentation, buttons RTV gas
sealing strips milled with 45-degree
cutter grinding was used to make gap bars
6 planes 60x60 cm2 w6 mm s3.4 mm 2r50 mm
T1B (1995) - design tests
"bottom" of precision CSC (ME1/2) s(x/w),
timing, efficiencies, tails, 1/2-strip finding
trigger hardware LCT in presence of e/m debris
2 planes (both T1A and T1B)
P1A (1996) - large scale design tests
2 planes 3.3 m long 1.2-0.8 m wide w16-10
mm s3.2 mm 2r50 mm
P1 (1996) - large scale complete chamber
6 planes 3.3 m long 1.2-0.8 m wide w16-10
mm s3.2 mm 2r50 mm
P2 (1997) - full scale 11 large chamber
6 planes 3.3 m long 1.5-0.8 m wide w16-8
mm s3.2 mm 2r50 mm
detailed performance studies cosmic ray
tests first complete set of final electronics
prototypes 1998 muon beam tests 1998 high rate
tests (muon beam gammas)
12CSC Design Single Plane Parameters
- Large Gas Gap -- 10 mm (cf. 5-10 mm)
- relaxes panel flatness tolerances
- allows for wider strips (save on electronics
channels) - Thick Wires -- 50 mm (cf. 20-30 mm)
- very robust mechanically
- Large Wire Spacing -- 3.2 mm (cf. 2-2.5 mm)
- relaxes wire placement tolerances
- no intermediate wire supports
- fewer wires
13CSC Design overall chamber
Design is simple (few parts), robust, and
suitable for mass production
14CSC Design Cost Driving Materials
- Cost Driving Materials have been identified
- Panels
- Wires
- Gap Bars
- Wire Fixation Bars
- Significant cost reduction of these materials has
been achieved as a result of an extensive RD
(still they constitute 74 of the overall
material cost) - All material costs based on vendor quotes
- Materials tested on large prototypes
15CSC Design Panels - material cost driver
- Panels from 3 bidders (out of 11 - see on the
right) were ordered -
- flatness, mechanical properties studied (CMS
Note 1995-094) - Plascore was chosen
- panels with FR4 skins (ready product)
- very stable
polycarbonate core - flat within our spec.s
- inexpensive
- willing to work on technology improvements
- EuroComposite and Teklam are fallback options
- A few batches of panels from Plascore have been
ordered since 1995 - All large prototypes (and most of small ones)
were made out of these panels - and showed very reliable performance
Panel Manufacturers AAR Cadillac ACT Advanced
Composites EuroComposite Hexcel M.C.Gill Norfield
Oregon Composites Plascore Teklam Todco
16CSC Design Wires - material cost driver
- Large MWPC Systems used Luma wire 587/km for
50 mm wire - Sylvania quote for similar wire 144/km (also
used in MWPCs) - Sylvania and Luma wires were purchased and
thoroughly tested, - thus, we could directly compare Sylvania wire
against Lumas -
- visual analysis under microscope good
- elasticity limit and breakage point good
- breakage under sparking good
- chamber performance good
- All large scale prototypes have Sylvania wire
- and have shown reliable operation
17CSC Design Cost Driving Labor
- Strategy for
minimizing labor cost - robust and simple chamber design, suitable for
mass production - labor intensive operations are identified and
automated/optimized - strip milling vs. etching
- wire winding
- wire soldering
- gluing
- parts are purchased from commercial vendors to
minimize in-house labor - testing along chamber assembly to minimize
18CSC Design Strips - labor cost driver
- Lowest etching quote (two bidders CCT,
Buckbee-Mears) - 9,549 per chamber (9 panel sides)
- plus 104K initial investment is required
- Milling (all based on large scale prototypes)
- 1 hour (per plane with 80 strips) fast
- 25 mm precision good
- 45o cutter mills with almost etching
quality good - smooth vs. milled cathode CSC performance ident
ical - With all handling, cleaning and testing,
milling will cost - 1,900 per chamber, i.e. 5 times cheaper (2M
of savings) -
- All prototypes (except for the small P0) have
had milled strips - and showed very reliable operation
19CSC Design Wire Winding - labor cost driver
- Transfer frames too labor intensive
- New winding machine to wind directly on panels
- two planes (1000 wires each _at_4 turns per min) -
less than one shift - minimum handling
- no asymmetric stresses on a panel
- Chamber prototype results
- uniform tension 5 (we need 10)
- wire spacing 100 µm (we need 200 µm)
- All prototypes showed very reliable operation
20CSC Design Wire Soldering - labor cost driver
- Hand-soldering (P1A large scale prototype 1000
wires per plane) - 2 FTEs x 6 days per 6-plane chamber
- Robotic soldering machine was built at Fermilab
- using commercially available automated
soldering head (Panasonic) - - 3.5 sec per soldering joint (tested on P2
full scale CSC), - - high quality and uniformity of soldering
joints - Projected Time with all handling, wire cutting,
etc - 1 FTE x 4 days per 6-plane chamber,
- i.e. 3 times faster than hand soldering
- Estimated Savings at Fermilab Production Site
- 270K (labor) - 90K (machine investment)
180K - P2 protototye (full scale large CSC) works
reliably since January 1998
21Performance RD Operation Reliability
- P1A, P1, P2 large scale prototypes
- operation point at 4.1 kV and at 4.5 kV
prototypes are still operational - P1 has been under HV for more than a year
- P1A shipped twice, P1 shipped once no problems
(a gt10g) - Aging Studies
- 10 years of LHC at full luminocity gt
accumulated charge on wires is 0.1 C/cm - Use of CF4 gas is know to prevent aging gt no
aging effects up to 10 C/cm - CSCs made according to our design and out of
the design materials -
- 20 CF4 - chamber irradiated in excess of 13
C/cm - 10 CF4 - chamber irradiated in excess of 13
C/cm (high gas flow) plus - additional 0.7 C/cm accumulated at gas
flow rate 0.1 V/day - and 1.5 C/cm at gas flow of 1 V/day
(nominal) - No gas gain variations were observed. Dark
current remained small.
22Performance RD Off-line Spatial Resolution
solid points single plane resolution in cosmic
rays for top ( ), middle ( ), bottom ( )
parts of the trapezoidal CSC (P1
prototype) solid curves single plane resolution
Monte Carlo dashed curves 6-plane resolution as
extrapolated from single plane data
P1 - large scale prototype
Chamber planes are half-strip staggered and
expected six-plane resolution is 80 mm, i.e.
well within 150 mm spec.
23Performance RD Trigger Spatial Resolution
s0.7 mm
- comparators find hits to within a 1/2-strip
with 92 efficiency - six-plane patterns (LCTs) are found with 99
efficiency - and 0.11(strip width) 0.7 mm resolution
- in presence of em debris accompanying muon
behind the iron
24Performance RD Trigger Bunch Tagging
- 6-plane patterns are found with
- 99.5 efficiency
- (smaller prototype beam tests)
- Time stamp 97 probability to be
- within 25 ns window
- for the 2nd earliest signal
- out of 6 hits in an LCT pattern
- (well within the required 92)
P1 - large scale prototype
25CSC Design Summary
- Chamber Design is optimized
- Cost Drivers (materials and labor) are identified
- and their cost is well understood and
minimized - Mass Production Tooling is prototyped
- Full Scale Chamber Prototypes meet our
26CSC Production Plan
- Production is divided between five sites
- Fermilab site
- UC site
- UF site
- PNPI - St.Petersburg site
- IHEP - Beijing site
- optimal use of Fermilab infrastructure and
university contributions - use of the base program resources at Fermilab
and universities - - chamber construction and tooling experts
- - physicists with expertise in chambers and
electronics - use contributions from CMS collaborators
(PNPI-St.Petersburg, - IHEP-Beijing) assembly of smaller chambers
(4M in US costs) - one common chamber dsign
- all parts and critical tooling made in US
27CSC Production Sites
- Fermilab site (Fermilab/university consortium)
- - procurement of chamber parts for all chambers
- - strip milling for all chambers
- - assembly and HV-training of large chambers (148
ME23/2) - - sample testing
- UC and UF sites
- - outfitting large chambers with electronics and
services - - system tests of large chambers
- - installation, commissioning, maintenance of
large chambers - PNPI and IHEP sites
- - assembly and tests of smaller chambers
- - installation, commissioning, maintenance of
smaller chambers - all parts and critical tooling are provided by
US - labor is covered by PNPI and IHEP--it is their
contribution to CMS
28CSC Production
parts and critical tooling (smaller chambers)
smaller CSCsElectronics, tested installation/comm
UC Site
large CSCs
large CSCsElectronics, tested installation/commis
Fermilab Site - panel production - large CSC
large CSCsElectronics, tested installation/commis
large CSCs
UF Site
parts and critical tooling (smaller chambers)
smaller CSCsElectronics, tested installation/comm
guard strips
gap bars
wire fix bars
29Fermilab Site Panel Milling
Location Lab 8 Operations Inspection
incoming panels (thickness, flatness,
etc.) Axxiom Machine drill holes, cut
trapezoids Gerber Machine mill strips, cathode
and anode artwork Certification milled panels
cleaned, milling quality certified Packaging pa
nels wrapped for storage shipping
30Fermilab Site CSC Assembly
Location MP-9 Operations Gluing Station -
glue wire fixation bars - glue long and short
guard strips - glue gap frame
bars WindingSoldering Station - wind wires on
panels, glue wires - solder wires, cut wires
Pre-Assembly/Testing Station - solder Rs, Cs,
connectors, protection boards - test HV in
air wire tension/spacing (sample) Assembly
Station - stack panels and Al frame bars, test
HV - tighten bolts, RTV seal - wire HV
connectors HV-training Station - HV-training of
chambers Repair Station
31Final Assembly System Tests Sites
Location UCLA and UF Operations Long Term
HV-Conditioning Final Assembly - services and
gadgets - electronics cards and enclosures (10
units per chamber) - cabling, marking cables
(100 different cables per chamber) Tests without
HV - cable connections (no mix-ups) - no dead
channels, oscillations, pickup noise
(ground/shield) - electronics-on-chamber (strip
calibration, thresholds, delays) Tests with HV -
HV is properly filtered - determine operation
point for each plane (gas gain, efficiency) -
minimum plateau with respect to Idark and Nnoise
(wires/strips) - tune anode LCT timing w.r.t.
to cosmic muons - time matching between anode
and cathode LCTs Detailed tests - time
permitting (not necessarily on each
chamber) Chamber repairs Database
32CSC Project Schedule
33CSC Production Schedule
Lab 8 MP 9 UC
Site UF Site PNPI IHEP 1999 22 6
/.5 yr 2000 98 17 8 8 2001 98 50 25 2
5 20 38 2002 98 50 25 25 26 50 2003 56/.5 yr
25/.5 yr 16/.5 yr 16/.5 yr 30 60
Panel Count by CSC type at Lab 8
ME23/2 ME23/1 ME1/23
TOTAL 1999 22 22 2000 42 20 36 98 2001 42 20
36 98 2002 42 20 36 98 2003 (1/2 yr) 16 40 56
34Major CSC Milestones
- 01/01/98 P2 (ME23/2) 11 scale prototype
- 12/20/98 ME23/2 - final design
- 11/16/98 ME2/2 Preproduction Prototype
- 12/08/98 ME2/1 Prototype
- 01/15/99 Panel Production Design Review
- 03/16/99 Panel Production Site is ready, Start of
panel production - 12/21/99 22 ME23/2 CSC worth of panels made, Full
Speed Production begins in Jan 2000 - 03/15/99 Chamber Assembly Design Review
- 07/01/99 Chamber Assembly Site is ready, Start of
ME23/2 chamber assembly - 12/21/99 6 ME23/2 CSCs assembled, Full Speed
Production begins in Jan 2001 - 12/21/99 ME3/1 and ME1/2 Preproduction
Prototypes, small chamber design review - 12/20/00 PNPI and IHEP Sites ready, Start of
Small Chamber Production in Jan 2001 - 12/21/99 FAST sites are ready, Start of detailed
CSC tests with prototype electronics - Full Speed Final Assembly and Testing begins in
July 2000
35WBS 1.1 Deliverables
- Design Deliverables
- Cathode Strip Chambers ME1/2, ME1/3, ME2/1,
ME3/1, ME23/2 - CSC production tooling
- CSC testing equipment and procedures
- High Voltage System
- Production Deliverables
- 1444148 large ME23/2 chambers production of
parts, assembly, outfitting with electronics,
testing, commisssioning at CERN (Fermilab, UC, UF
sites) - All parts for smaller CSCs (assembly kits)
- 36238 ME2/1, 36238 ME3/1 (to be
assembled/outfitted/tested at PNPI) - 72274 ME1/2, 72274 ME1/3 (to be
assembled/outfitted/tested at IHEP) - Critical tooling and testing equipment for PNPI
and IHEP sites - High Voltage for all ME1/2, ME1/3, ME2/1,ME3/1,
36CSC Cost Estimate WBS L3
M12.835 (base, in FY97 ) 42 (Contingency)
37CSC Base Cost Estimate WBS L3
38CSC Base Cost Estimate Categories
39CSC Base Cost Estimate Details
CSC Base Cost M12.835
40CSC Cost material cost database
- I. Parameters, Parts for all CSCs
41CSC Cost material cost database
- II. Quotes are linked to the part list
42CSC Base Cost Estimate Materials
43CSC Base Cost Estimate Labor
- construction of the full scale prototypes (P1,
P2) is the basis for the estimate - major and most of minor tooling protypes have
been used in the full scale chamber prototypes
assembly - all operations have been timed
- operations at individual production stations are
outlined in space and time - 80 efficiency is assumed (Lab 8, Lab 6
experience), - i.e. manpower assumed is sufficent to make 1 CSC
every 4 days, while average yeald is assumed to
be 1 CSC every 5 days - tooling capability is 1 CSC every 3 days in one
shift - soft production ramp-up is built in
- standard Fermilab and University labor rates are
44CSC Cost Panel Production Labor
45CSC Cost CSC Assembly Labor
46CSC Cost Labor at peak of production
Fermilab 1 PhD supervisor (senior) Lab
8 1 PhD supervisor 0.5 tech. supervisor
(P.Deering) 2 CNC operators (1 Axxiom, 1 Gerber)
1 tech (cleaning/inspection/wrapping) 0.4
techs (2 techs one day a week for
handling/shipping/etc.) MP 9 1 PhD
supervisor 1 tech. supervisor (K.Kephart) 7
techs (primary assembly stations) 1 specialist
(testing/HV-training expert) 2 PhDs
(repairs/tests/etc.) FAST Sites 1 PhD
supervisor (senior) 1 PhD lab physicist (full
time in the lab) 1 tech (outfitting with
services, electronics, handling, etc.) 1 expert
(electronics/chamber problem debugging) 2 FTE
students (1 FTE assembly, 0.5 cathode work, 0.5
anode work)
47CSC Manpower Profile
48CSC Cost Obligation Profile
49Contingency MFxJF
maturity factor (MF) 1.0 - purchased 1.1 -
catalog item, P.O. 1.2 - vendor quote 1.3 -
complete design (TDR) 1.4 - indirect estimate,
request for info w/sketches 1.5 - estimate
based on conceptual design judgment factor
(JF) 1.0 - standard, simple, we buy now at this
price 1.1 - extracted from very similar
quote 1.2 - chain of vendors - not
100 prototyped 1.3 - single vendor 1.4
- lack of knowledge (not prototyped)
contingency on not purchased materials cannot
be less than 20
50Contingency MFxJF
Labor and Engineering
maturity factor (MF) 1.25 - vendor quote
and/or complete design judgment factors (JF)
1.0 - coordination, management 1.1 - labor
directly verified on prototypes 1.2 - not 100
prototyped 1.4 - lack of knowledge (not
51Contingency Examples
- FR4 sheets 1.2 (vendor quote) x 1.3 (single
vendor) 1.56 - ME3/1 Gap Bars
- 1.2 (vendor quote for ME2/1) x 1.1 (similar
chambers) 1.32 - Shipping 1.5 (conceptual design) x 1.2 (not 100
prototyped) 1.80 - Winding 1.25 x 1.1 (labor directly verified on
prototypes) 1.38 - Repairs 1.25 x 1.4 (lack of knowledge, not
prototyped) 1.75 - Technical coordination of overseas sites
- 1.5 (conceptual design) x 1.4 (not prototyped)
52Contingency by Category
- overall CSC contingency 42
- material cost is based on large scale
prototypes and quotes 36 - direct labor estimate is based on prototype
construction 50 - production and testing equipment/tools
50 - equipment/tools maintenance 110
- production supervision 25
- base program and university contribution labor
assumes - at least 50 contingency available
- foreign collaborators are responsible for
contingency - (2M in US costs) on their contribution
- CSC design - optimized and validated on large
scale prototypes - - prototype performance meets our
specifications - Cost - materials from the planned vendors are
verified on prototypes - - material cost is based on vendor quotes
- - labor evaluation is based on experience with
- full scale chambers construction using final
tooling prototypes - - labor cost calculated from standard
Fermilab/University rates - Organization - production plan has been
developed - - production sites and site managers are
identified - - agreement on responsibilities and
deliverables between - institutions to be involved in the
production have been reached - Schedule - Project File outlines detailed
schedule through 2004 - - all past CSC milestones have been
accomplished on time