Title: Simultaneous Diffusion of Herbicide Tolerant Cotton and Conservation Tillage
1Simultaneous Diffusion of Herbicide Tolerant
Cotton and Conservation Tillage
- George B. Frisvold, University of Arizona
- Abigail Boor, American Express
- Jeanne M. Reeves, Cotton Incorporated
- Cotton Economics and Marketing Conference
- Beltwide Cotton Conferences
- New Orleans, LA January 9 12
2Research Questions
- Does diffusion of herbicide-tolerant (HT) cotton
encourage diffusion of conservation tillage? - Does diffusion of conservation tillage practices
encourage diffusion of HT cotton? - What other economic or agronomic factors explain
technology diffusion?
- Simultaneous equation estimation of two dynamic
diffusion curves - 3SLS estimation to account for simultaneity of
- State-level time series cross section data from
1997 2002 - HT cotton adoption data from USDA AMS
- Conservation tillage data from CTIC
5Logistic Diffusion Curve
K Adoption Ceiling
b characterizes speed of movement from a to K
a characterizes initial adoption
6Effect of b on Diffusion Rate
Fast Adoption Large b
Slow Adoption Small b
7Diffusion Curves for HT Cotton and Conservation
HTit Ki / 1 exp ( ai bit t uit )
CTit Zi / 1 exp ( ci dit t vit )
HTit of States cotton acres planted to HT
CTit of States cotton acres adopting
conservation tillage
Ki , Zi adoption ceiling parameters
8Technology Availability Parameters
ai , ci origin or technology supply parameters
ai a0 a1 PARENT a2 CALAW
ci c0
9Technology Acceptance Variables
bi , di acceptance or diffusion rate parameters
bi b0 b1 ln(CTit) b2 COTPRICE b3
di d0 d1 ln(HTit) d2 COTPRICE d3
10HT Cotton Diffusion Curve Regression
Coefficient Variable Description Parameter Estimate t-value
Availability variables
a0 Intercept -6.43 -10.55
a1 PARENT 2.12 3.35
a2 CALAW -9.92 -11.75
Acceptance variables
b0 YEAR -7.47 -1.71
b1 ln(CT) 0.11 3.84
b2 COTPRICE 0.47 2.13
b3 GLYPHPRICE 1.86 1.60
b4 PCHARVEST 2.79 2.88
11Conservation Tillage Diffusion Curve Regression
Variable Description Parameter Estimate t-value
Availability variable
c0 Intercept -1.55 -4.06
Acceptance variables
d0 YEAR -0.86 -3.14
d1 ln(HT) 0.19 4.99
d2 COTPRICE 0.07 0.48
d3 PRECIP 0.25 7.13
d4 LANDVALUE -0.0001 -3.00
d5 PCHEL 0.94 6.53
12Cross Elasticities ofTechnology Adoption
Elasticity of Mean Minimum Maximum
CT adoption w.r.t HT cotton adoption 0.48 0.13 1.14
HT cotton adoption w.r.t CT adoption 0.16 0.01 0.46
- Diffusion of conservation tillage and
- herbicide resistant cotton are mutually
reinforcing - At sample means
- A 1 increase in a states adoption rate for HT
cotton increases the states adoption rate for
conservation tillage by 0.48 - A 1 increase in the adoption rate of
conservation tillage increases the adoption rate
of HT cotton by 0.16
- Other factors affecting HT cotton adoption
- Availability of seed varieties adapted to local
conditions - Cotton price
- Harvested / planted acres
- Other factors affecting conservation tillage
adoption - Extent of HEL land
- Precipitation
- Land values (a proxy for urbanization)