Title: The Strategy for Sustainable Construction
1The Strategy for Sustainable Construction Implemen
ting the Governments Vision for
Construction Practitioners seminar Hall for
Cornwall, Truro 20th February 2009
2Todays agenda 0930 Welcome and
housekeeping, Rupert Warwick, Skyfield
Communications 0940 John Newman, BERR,
Introduction to Strategy 1000 Stephen Holland,
Associate, Pearn and Procter Chartered
Architects 10.20 Introductions to workshops,
Sian Cornish, Situ8 Ltd and Paul Bright, CSBT
Workshop 1 Climate change adaptation and
mitigation, Dr. Matt Trewella, Independent
Energy Workshop 2 Biodiversity and Materials,
Phil Hills, Cornwall Environmental
Consultants Workshop 3 Waste and Water, Gitty
Ankers, Environment Agency 10.40 Coffee/Tea
11.10 Workshops facilitated by all speakers and
Colin Hawke (Cornwall County Council), Nicola
Pengelly (Environmental Skills Network/Rezolve),
Denys Stephens (Penwith Housing Association)
12.00 Workshop Feedback 12.30 Panel Questions
and Answers
3 Introduction to the Strategy John Newman BERR
4- Sustainable Construction Strategy
John Newman
5The Strategy
- A joint industry / Government Strategy
- Not an environment strategy
- Not a best practice guide
- A listing of targets, actions deliverables
6Whats in it for you?
- Clarity on Govt initiatives
- Securing contracts
- Forewarning
- Sight of the possible
- Sustainability is inevitable
7Pick n Mix
- Embrace things which are beneficial to you
8Key topics
- The Ends
- Climate Change Mitigation
- Climate Change Adaptation
- Water
- Biodiversity
- Waste
- Materials
- The Means
- Procurement
- Design
- Innovation
- People
- Better Regulation
- Industry Construction Commitments
- Construction Clients Group
- best practice guidance
- Design Quality Indicators
- Building for Life scheme
- Modern Built Environment Knowledge Transfer
Network - SMEs
- - RD Grants via RDAs
- - Knowledge Transfer Partnership
- Collaborative Research Programmes
- Train to Gain
- www.traintogain.gov.uk
13Better Regulation
- www.betterregulation.gov.uk
14Climate Change - Mitigation
- 15 reduction on carbon emissions
- Whats economic for your company
- Alternative to legislation
15UK Climate Impacts Programme
- Produces UK Scenarios last set in 2002, next
set due Spring 2009 - Also produces range of practical tools such as
advice to businesses on how to carry out cost
benefit analysis of climate change risks
16UKCIPs Business Areas Climate Impacts Assessment
- markets
- logistics
- process
- finance
- people
- premises
- management responses
- climate change both challenge opportunity
- Future Water
- Higher standards for water fittings
- Increased use of grey water
- UK Green Building Council
- www.ukgbc.org
- Waste Resources Action Programme
- www.wrap.org.uk
- Policy of procuring only legal sustainable
timber - Development of other Responsible Sourcing schemes
21Parting shots
- Copies of the Strategy
www.tinyurl.com/yua68g - Further information