Title: The Compact for
The Compact for African Recovery
2The Compact is an African Initiative
- The Compact is founded on a new way of doing
business within Africa, linked to a transformed
international partnership
3The Compact recognizes
- solving Africas problem is foremost task for
Africas leaders - At current trends Africa will not meet the
International Development Goals by 2015
4The Compact recognises diversity of African
experiences and prospects.The Compact is based
on realistic assessment where the obstacles lie
5The MAP and Compact
- The MAP is a breakthrough initiative
- - it provides political vision and leadership
- The MAP holds out the prospects of
- African ownership of a continent-
- wide plan for African renewal
6The MAP and Compact (contd)
They are essential counterparts share the
vision and the same priority
- Compact provides implementation of
- key measures called for by the MAP
- Compact proposes new modalities for
- international partnership that will be critical
- to ensure MAP success
7- Foundation of the Compact is a commitment by
African governments to put their their houses in
8 At the heart of the Compact
Improving Economic Performance
9To attain poverty reduction and overcome
formidable challenges
10The road to good governance is well mapped out
Good Governance
11Africa at the dawn of the 21 Century
12 impressive economic progress in the 1990s but we
have not yet broken out of the vicious cycle
13Poverty is increasing
14 Halving poverty by 2015
requires 7 GDP growth 33
Investment (40 for SSA)
15(No Transcript)
16Improving Economic Performance
17Improving Economic Performance
18Improving Economic Performance
19Improving Economic Performance
20Improving Economic Performance
21Improving Economic Performance
22into a Virtuous cycle of
23Key Areas for joint African-International Action
24Four Major Challenges
25Overcome HIV/AIDS PandemicAfricas number one
survival issue
- African Govt
- take leadership and priority
- mobilize resources
- involve people with
- induce participation
- combat stigma
- reaching out to young
- International Partners
- provide grants
- - not loans
- facilitate access
- reduce cost of medicines
- fund for vaccines
- provide effective programme
26Provide Basic Health Servicescurrent 10 to
minimum 45-60/year
- African Govt
- improve efficiency of public services
- prioritize basic public health services
- adopt specific target for TB and malaria
- International Partners
- establish the principle to support essential
health services - provide financial support to health services and
public programme -
27Invest in Peopleincrease resources for education
- African Govt
- sustain efforts to provide universal education
- prioritize resources for education in budgets
- target to overcome the gender gap
- International Partners
- increase financial commitment to education
- establish principle of supporting basic education
in international partnership - mobilize a wide coalition
- support tertiary education and research
28Provide ICT and Narrow the Digital Divide
29Provide ICT and Narrow the Digital Divide
- African Govt
- invest in ICT infrastructures
- establish effective legal and regulatory systems
- utilize ICT in specific sectors education and
health care
- International Partners
- promote existing and new ICT initiatives
- enhance G8 Dotforce
- support innovative initiatives
- forge partnership mechanism
- support infrastructure and capacity
30Enhance Research Capacities to enhance Africas
- Promote research for finding solutions to
Africas problems - Develop research institutions and networks
- Promote public policy research and partnership
- Encourage joint-African research and education
31 Improve Key Infrastructure estimated
required investment is 18 billion/year
- Boosting investment
- provide basic hard infrastructure
- upgrade urban infra and develop rural infra
- Improving policies and management
- More efficient utilisation of shared resources -
water and trans-border land - Improving regional co-operation
32Accelerate Regional Integration
33 Strengthen Regional Cooperation
- Key actions demand regional approach
- HIV/AIDS, peace and security, financial market
- Research and infrastructure
- Key actions to spur economic growth and poverty
reduction are greatly facilitated by cooperation
across the continent
- Consolidation into regional trading blocks is a
prerequisite for development - Africa needs more investment in regional public
34 Strengthening Regional Cooperation is a prime
area for partnership
- Need to find the means of achieving greater
economic and political unity - First, need to build the capacity of existing
regional and sub-regional organizations
- Need to find their modalities for harmonisation
and co-operation
35New Forms of International Partnerships with
36 Why Reforms in International Partnership ?
- Aid has had success
- but growing mutual dissatisfaction
- - a circle of high expectations grand
- promises, incomplete achievement of goals,
- and frustrations
- African government facing debt overhang
- Africas new generation
- - growing up with debts run by their ancestor
37What needs to be done?
38need more transparency and accountability how
can aid process promote democracy if it itself is
not transparent?
39Need longer term, stable assistance
provision assistance with a short planning
horizon is unpredictable subject to unilateral
40Need to simplify and harmonise aid
41- The test for donors will be to hold onto their
current aid levels, while distributing their aid
more thoughtfully.
43More Aid
Rapid Debt relief
Improved Market access
44Debt Relief
45- Debt relief actions are intended to be speedy,
but agreements and disbursements still lag
46- The goal should be a lasting exit from the debt
problem - commitments to not again build up unsustainable
47- A premium on grant aid
- Converting IDA into a full grant facility
48Implementing the Compact
49Here is How the Compact Would Work
50Guiding Principles
51Four Principles
- African ownership
- policies and programmes for poverty reduction
- Stable long-term resource flows
- predictability of donor support
- Transformed partnership
- peer review and performance monitoring
- Recognition of Africas diversity
- different progress in governance and economic
52The Way Ahead
53Political Leadership in Africa
54Heads of State Forum (HSF)
- Symbolise and realise African ownership
- provides leadership to obtain continent-wide
consensus and momentum -
- Key mechanism for mutual accountability
- raise issues with partners, and obtain coherence
of leadership -
55Heads of State Forum (HSF)
- Establish mechanism for peer review
- review of performance on governance and economic
management - Address the issue of Africas diversity
- face challenges of diverse performance and
56 Commitments by International Partners
57 Technical Underpinning
58 Technical Underpinning Role of ECA
- ECA undertook significant initiatives
- generates dialogue, data and analysis
- operates with three key African-owned
- initiatives
- ADF, Big Table, PRSP Learning Group
- provides critical input ECAs performance
- indicators
59 May we seize this moment to move towards the
Compact for African Recovery!