Title: Understanding the Public Health Skills and Career Framework
1Understanding thePublic Health Skills and Career
- Cindy Carlson, Public Health Resource Unit,
Oxford - Cindy.Carlson_at_phru.nhs.uk
- www.phru.nhs.uk
2Context why a Public Health and Skills and
Career Framework needed developing
- Key Drivers
- Widening health inequalities major public health
issues - Public confidence in competent, regulated public
health workforce effort on specialists, patchy
practitioner development, confusion over career
progression - Need for collective, strong response from the
whole workforce changing the mindset!
3Who is the PHSCF For?
4WHO is the PHSCF For?
Political and Global Leaders, Scientists,
Business Leaders, Civil Servants
Waste management professionals,Farmers,
Gardeners, LandscapeDesigners
Architects, Environmental health Traffic
engineers,Spatial planners, Plumbers, Builders
Restaurant owners,Caterers, Transport planners,
Teachers, Business owners / Employers, Airline
workers / Pilots, Engineers, Scientists
Employers, Businessmen,Bankers
Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, Carers, Social
Religious leaders, Local leaders, School teachers
The Health Map. Barton Grant 2006 Based on a
public health concept by Whitehead Dahlgren.
The Lancet 1991
5What is the framework?
- What it looks like
- How it has been developed
- Next stages in development
6Public Health Skills and Career Framework
7How has it been developed
- Started with England. Endorsed by all four UK
Departments of Health - Used existing frameworks to inform discussion,
including public health specialist trainingm CIEH
and NMC curricula, NHS National Occupational
Standards and NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework
- Bottom-up development
- Principles- clarity, accessible, useful,
applicable focus on essence, used existing
work - Consultation on competences
- Piloting eg health trainers, smoking cessation
in pregnancy
8What it has achieved to date!
- Unifying force for public health UK countries,
professional public health groups (specialist,
practitioner and wider workforce) - People are beginning to understand what to expect
across the wider public health community
9Using the framework
- Understanding what competences are needed in
different roles - Understanding complementarity across roles and
10Example of defined areaFront line health
improvement practitioner
- Level 5 Health Improvement Area
- Listen to and involve the public and communities
in improving health and well being and reducing
inequalities - Plan, implement and review specific aspects of
health improvement projects - Provide information and advice on specific
measures and approaches to improve health and
well being
11How you might use it to help change the mindset!
- Key Theme Public Health is not just the
responsibility of the NHS!!! - Networks, PCT and Local Authorities PHSCF helps
inform pilot project work on the mix of
competences needed to achieve public health
priorities - Universities and Training Institutions PHSCF
provides the basis for learning outcomes - Third Sector linking to induction and
development for staff
12Over to you
- Questions?
- Where you can view the whole framework
www.phru.nhs.uk - Contact Cindy Carlson
- cindy.carlson_at_phru.nhs.uk
- 01865 334735
- Ros Dunkley
- ros.dunkley_at_phru.nhs.uk
- 01865 334744