Title: Using Picture Clues
1Using Picture Clues
- A Parent Explanation
- Teaching your child to use
- picture clues
2As children flip through a book, the pictures are
the most visually interesting parts of the pages.
Children need to understand that the pictures
are there to assist the reader. The words and
pictures work together to tell a story.
3Look at the text pages below. Notice that each
page has similar text with only one word that
changes. These types of books are ideal for
teaching a child to use the pictures for clues to
the unknown word.
The boy is running.
The boy is swimming.
4At first, as children are using the pictures to
decide on unknown words, accuracy is not
important. Just as long as their word goes with
the picture (as seen below).
The girl is playing.
The girl is brushing.
5If she just looked at the picture she could have
said chewing or blowing a bubble
Eventually, children should identify the
beginning sound of the unknown word before they
look at the picture. This will increase their
accuracy and might look like this.
The girl is /p/ (she looks at the picture) and
re-reads The girl is popping
The girl is popping.
6Now its your turn. After you close this
PowerPoint. Click on the assignments link at the
top of the page. Then select the activity for
Picture Clues. You read the first two pages
aloud with your child and pause before the last
word in each sentence. Model looking at the
picture and deciding what the word said. Guide
your child to do the same.