2As We Start
- Our goal healthy children, prepared to succeed
in school - Our measures aligning with a growing
state/national consensus - Ingredients of a plan
- Supports for the work
- Aims for this meeting
3Why Early Development Matters
- The Early Years Count
- There is overwhelming evidence that the care,
support, and environment children experience in
their earliest years significantly impact healthy
development, success in school and in life
4Why Early Development Matters
- Families Can Make the Difference
- Helping families to support the full and healthy
development of their young children is Step 1 in
assuring that all children reach their fullest
5A Working Definition of Children Healthy and
Prepared for School
- As children enter school, they are in good health
and have the social/emotional, cognitive and
language skills they need to succeed. - Families have had the information, supports, and
resources they need to be effective caretakers
and advocates for their children in the early
years. - Schools are ready and able to provide ALL
children the opportunity to learn. - Neighborhoods provide experiences, support and
services that maximize success for children,
families, and schools.
6In other words,
- Ready families
- Ready schools
- Ready communities
- Ready services (health, early care and education)
- Optimal development, healthy children, and
children prepared to succeed in school
7The Making Connections Connection
- Helping young children grow up healthy and
prepared to succeed in school is linked to all
three major areas of the Making Connections
theory of change - Family economic success
- Quality services and supports
- Development of Social networks
8Links to Family Economic Success
- Sufficient family income is crucial to enable
families to provide what children need for
optimal early childhood development. - Access to affordable child care is often a key
factor in allowing parents to work 61 of
mothers with children under six work full year,
full time. - Child care is the fastest growing business
opportunity for women nationally, especially for
mothers with young children.
9Links to High Quality Services and Supports
- Helping young children develop requires
connections among many services families need
health, mental health, schools, child care, etc. - Good early childhood programs link families to
other services they need, such as GED and other
education, jobs, domestic violence assistance, or
mental health services. - Empowered residents can and should demand higher
quality services and supports.
10Links to Social Networks
- Parents knowledge, skills and action to support
their children in their early years is most
influenced by their families and friends. - Activities for young children (e.g. libraries,
parks, family resource centers) create
opportunities for their families to congregate,
create social capital, and participate in the
community. - Research shows that children of parents with
strong, diverse social networks are more prepared
for school.
11Making Connections Six Core Results
- 1. Families have increased earnings and income.
- 2. Families have increased levels of assets.
- 3. Families and youth increase their civic
participation. - 4. Families have strong supports and networks.
- 5. Families have access to services that work for
them. - 6. Children are healthy and ready to succeed in
12Indicators of Success
- Initial Making Connections indicators
- A broader menu of indicators, based on national
consensus - Streamlined indicators for the Casey Trustees
13Initial Making Connections Indicators for Result
- Pregnant women receive prenatal care in the first
trimester. - All children have access to health insurance.
- More children enter school with the strengths,
skills and good health that enable them to learn. - More children have developmentally appropriate
preschool experience. - More parents are involved in their childrens
14A Broader Menu from Which Sites Can Choose
- Ready Children
- Ready Families
- Ready Communities
- Ready Services
- Health
- Early Care and Education
- (Everyone has a complete list in their folders)
15Streamlined Indicators
- Data on four key indicators across all sites
will be reported to the Casey Trustees - Percent of children participating in preschool
- Improvement in kindergarten assessments
- School attendance in early grades
- Third grade reading scores
16Suspected Ingredients in a Good Plan
- Experiences that develop physical health,
exploration and play, and social emotional,
cognitive and language skills. - READY FAMILIES
- A plan for every family to receive and act on
information and resources to support their
childs development, with special attention to
isolated families and those in particularly
vulnerable situations.
17Suspected Ingredients, cont.
- Opportunities for economic success for families
- Safe, healthy environment
- Action to increase availability, affordability,
accessibility of high quality preschool
experiences for all children, including support
for family, friend and neighbor caregivers. - Action to provide adequate health resources for
families with young children. - READY SCHOOLS
- Schools that welcome their families and support
school success for ALL children
18Joining With Other Partners
- Achieving the goal requires partners
- Most sites have collaborative efforts under way
19What Making Connections Can Contribute
- A focus on children in some of the most
vulnerable neighborhoods - A commitment to reach every family in our
neighborhoods - A commitment to close the gap
- Parents as leaders, building on the social
networks that parents have
20Support for School Readiness Strategies in Sites
- Investments from site funds
- Hands on technical assistance people,
resources, peer visits to other communities
provided through the Technical Assistance
Resource Center - Information and TA from Foundation grantees
- Program on Families with Young Children
- Education Reform
- Health and Mental Health
21Learning Across Sites
- Learning network for School Readiness
Coordinators from all sites - Monthly phone calls
- Ongoing information exchange
- July meeting
- 2 cross site strategy meetings (Mar. 30-31 and
Oct. 20-21) - Local Coordinators, School Readiness
Coordinators, plus partners in each site
222005 Seed Grants to Sites
- To build neighborhood capacity and create
strategic partnerships (example neighborhood
messengers, Family Friend and Neighbor caregiver
support, ready schools. - Requires match with local co-investor
- 75,000 maximum for each grant (500,000 pool)
- Other great ideas will be considered!
23Results for this Meeting
- Develop greater clarity about the Making
Connections framework for ensuring that children
are healthy and prepared to succeed in school - Gain insight about using data and developing
strategies that are powerful enough to achieve
targets -
- Learn about promising programs, policies, and
strategies and resources available - Leave the meeting with consensus on next steps
and shared expectation in 2005
24Setting Targets
- All sites have identified specific targets they
intend to reach over time to close gaps between
children in the Making Connections neighborhood
and children in the larger metro area or to reach
a community goal.
25Hitting the Target Key Questions for Each target
- What do we know or need to know? Relevant data
on children, families and neighborhood and gaps
to be filled - Whos doing something now? Potential partners to
support - What are our options? Strategies taken together
that are powerful enough to hit the target - What can Making Connections add?
- What is our approach? Sequence of investments
and action to support strategies, in partnership
with others
26Working It Out