Title: 26'03'09 LCSP Chairs Group Meeting
1Local Children's Services Partnerships Chairs
Meeting 26th March 2009 WELCOME
2The Childrens Trust Model in Kent
National Reforms to deliver ECM Children Act
2004 National Childrens Plan Apprenticeships,
Children, Skills and Learning Bill
Kent Partnership
Vision for Kent Local Area Agreement
Kent Children's Safeguarding Board Stronger
relationship between KCT and KCSB
Kent Childrens Trust (KCT) Director of
Childrens Services and Lead Member Extended duty
to cooperate Kent Children and Young Peoples
Plan 8 strategic priorities to improve well
being and life chances New CYPP guidance
January 2009
KCT Sub Groups and Working Groups
Local Childrens Services Partnerships (LCSP) X
23 To develop integrated front line delivery with
a focus on preventative services to improve
outcomes locally Stronger national focus on local
partnership delivery Local Children and Young
Peoples Plan
3Framework for developing Childrens Trusts
Five essential features of Childrens Trust
4Whole system change progress and challenges
5What Directors of Childrens Services are telling
- Key enablers
- Good partnership working across health,
education, social care, youth justice. - Strong leadership from DCSs, lead members, heads,
LCSB chairs. - Integrated working through locality based
multi-agency teams around the child. - Formal agreed strategies, e.g. obesity,
anti-bullying, teenage pregnancy. - Robust performance management focused on
outcomes. - Effective joint commissioning.
- Key risks
- Funding, with a key concern at present that
Childrens Trusts might lose part of the 1bn pa
resource allocated to Area Based Grant. - Staff recruitment and retention, especially
social workers and service leaders. - Capacity, particularly to cope with the pace and
scale of change e.g. on 14-19 - Differences in priorities and practices between
partners. - Lack of aspiration among some children and their
Everyone agrees we need to step up the pace and
achieve more consistency. Even the best recognise
the need to go further.
Some of these risks can be mitigated by good
local leadership and partnership. But most need
national action as well.
6Group Activity
- To share progress
- Learn from each other
- Identify risks and development needs
- Discuss key enablers to take your LCSP forward
- Identify the key risks in developing your LCSP
- Agree top two messages for the new Director of
Childrens Services
7One Childrens Workforce Framework
- Every Childrens Trust is expected to produce
a workforce strategy - The Workforce Strategy should be linked to the
Children and Young Peoples Plan - The Childrens Workforce Development Council
have produced a framework as a guide - The DCSF 2020 Childrens and Young Peoples
Workforce Strategy recommends its use - The Rainbow toolkit supports this framework to
help with workforce strategy development - It offers a range of exercises that can be used
by Childrens Trusts to help self assessment
8One Childrens Workforce Framework
- Each colour of the Rainbow represents one
element of a complete workforce strategy - In Kent we have started to use it to help some
LCSP areas look at workforce challenges - Group One is receiving additional support with
developing their workforce strategies - Group One Ashford x2, Shepway x2,
Maidstone 2, Tunbridge Wells, Dartford W E - The plan Group Two from July to December and
Group Three from January to June 2010 - Please contact Workforce Strategy Adviser
Ann.Christina_at_kent.gov.uk to book support