Title: Preparing the terrain for W
2Preparing the terrain for W C
3Preparing the terrain for W C
Other known facts DNA made of nucleotides Space
between nt 3.4 A Diameter 20A 3-5 bonding of nt
Erwin Chargaff AGCT
L. Bragg lab
- Francis Crick
- 35 years old
- Physicist
- Grad Student - Biophysics
- James Watson
- 23 years old
- Post Doc
- Mentors Luria
- and Delbruck
5Meets F. Crick at Cavendish in 49 Crick was a
loquacious 35 year old grad student
6What did W C discover?
Symmetrical molecule typical of a helix Two
strands 10 nucleotides/turn 34 A per turn Strands
running in opposite directions, complementary A
T C G Phosphate-sugar backbone outside
7Select best answer based on Chargaffs rule
- AG/TC1
- AT/CG1
- AC/TG1
- CG/TA1
a. Is correct, proportion of purinespyrimidines
8Order the following DNA molecules from higher to
lower Tm
- 1, 2, 3
- 1,3, 2
- 2, 1, 3
- 3, 2, 1
d. Is correct, higher the number of CG, higher
the temp to denature DNA
9THE Model
- Double Helix
- Position of Phosphates and Bases
- AT, CG Bonding
Structure of DNA from Watson Crick, 1953.
10DNA Molecule
10 bp/turn
Right handed
3.4 nm
Negative charge
11Genetical Implications
- Crick wanted to add implications to initial paper
- Purine-Pyrimidine pairing
- Any sequence (A,T,C,G)
- . . . sequence of the bases is the code which
carries the genetical information.
12Genetical Implications
- One chain is complement of other
- . . . suggests how the deoxyribonucleic acid
molecule might duplicate itself. - H-bonds broken
- Unwind and separate
- Pair of templates
13Meselson and Stahl
- The Most Beautiful Experiment in Biology
- -John Cairns
14Meselson Stahl
- Meselson at Caltech
- PhD student, X-Ray Crystallography
- Stahl to Caltech (1954)
- Bacterial and Phage Genetics under Delbruck
- Stahl declines position at Berkley
15Models For Replication
Diagrams from http//www.mun.ca/biochem/courses/
Replication is Semi-Conservative!
17Meselson and Stahl grew bacteria for many
generations in heavy isotope N15, then
transferred to N14 for several generations. DNA
extracted from the 1nd generation grown in N14
produced 2 N14/ N15 molecules What will be the
number of DNA molecules and composition extracted
from the 3rd generation in N14?
- Answers
- 8 molecules 4 N14/N15 and 4 N14/N14
- 8 molecules 2 N14/N15 and 6 N14/N14
- 8 molecules 6 N14/N15, 2 N14/N14
- None of the above
b. Is correct, try it
18DNA replication
Replication bubble
Replication forks
19DNA Replication fork
Okasaki fragment
20The following enzymes play key roles in DNA
replication in E. coli DNA pol I, DNA pol II,
helicase, gyrase, primase, ligase. Which or
these are used more frequently in the lagging
than in the leading strand
- All are used at the same frequency in both
strands - DNA pol I, ligase, helicase
- DNA pol III, primase, gyrase
- Primase, DNA pol I, ligase
d. Is correct
21DNA replication dilemma With each round of
replication, newly synthesized strands become
22Telomerase solves the dilemma