Title: Participating Media Illumination using Light Propagation Maps
1Participating Media Illumination using Light
Propagation Maps
- Raanan Fattal
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
- In media like fog, smoke and marble light is
- Scattered
- Absorbed
- Emitted
- Realistic rendering by accounting such phenomena
- The Radiative Transport Eqn. models these events
I(x,w) radiation intensity (W/m2sr)
change along w
4Solving the RTE Previous Work
- In 3D, the RTE involves 5-dimensional variables,
- Much work put into calculating the solution
- Common approaches are
- volume-to-volume energy exchange
- stochastic path tracing
- Discrete Ordinates methods
- Methods survey Perez, Pueyo, and Sillion 1997
5Previous Work
- The Zonal Method Hottel Sarofim 1967,
Rushmeier 1988 - Compute exchange factor between every volume pair
- In 3D , involves O(n7/3) relations for isotropic
scattering - Hierarchical clustering strategy Sillion 1995
reduce complexity
6Previous Work
- Monte Carlo Methods
- Photon tracing techniques Pattanaik et al. 1993,
Jensen et al. 1998 - Path tracing techniques Lafortune et al. 1996
- Light particles are tracked within the media
- Noise requires many paths per a pixel
- Unique motion many computations per a photon
Pattanaik et al. 1993
Lafortune et al. 1996
Jensen et al. 1998
7Previous Work
- Discrete Ordinates Chandrasekhar 60, Liu and
Pollard 96 , Jessee and Fiveland 97, Coelho
02,04 - Both space and orientation are discretized
- Derive discrete eqns. and solve
- The DOM suffers two error types
cell volume
angular index
spatial indices
Discrete light directions inside a spatial voxel
8Discrete Ordinates
- Numerical smearing (or false scattering)
- Discrete flux approx. involves successive
interpolations - smear intensity profile
- or
- generate oscillations
- Analog of numerical dissipation/diffusion in CFD
(showing rays cross section)
9Discrete Ordinates
- Ray effect
- Light propagates in (finite) discrete directions
- Spurious light streaks from concentrated light
areas - New method can be viewed as a form of DOM
10New Method - Overview
- Iterative solvers Progressive Radiosity Zonal
propagate light Gortler et al. 94 - Idea propagate light using 2D Light Propagation
Maps (LPM) and not use DOM eqns. in 3D stationary
grid - One physical dimension less
- Partial set of directions stored
- Allow higher angular resolution
- Unattached to stationary grid
- Advected parametrically
stationary grid
Offer a practical remedy to the ray effect
No interpolations needed for light flux, false
scattering is eliminated
Light Propagation Maps, 2D grids of rays, each
covering different set of directions
11New Method - Setup
- Variables
- average scattered light (unlike DOM)
- (need only 1 angular bin for isotropic
scattering!) - - rays intensity
- - rays position
Goal compute
stationary grid
light propagation map LPM
2D indexing
12New Method - Derivation
- Next derive the eqns. for and
their relation to
Plug in L instead of I, and R rays pos.
instead of x
Note in the in-scattering term, I wasnt
replaced by L
Introduce an unpropagated light field U instead
of sources
13New Method - Derivation
- As done in Progressive Radiosity, the solution
- is constructed by accumulating light from LPMs
- (A -discrete surface areas, F phase func.
weights) - This is also added to the unpropagated light
field U
14New Method an Iteration
- Rays integrate U emptying relevant bins
- Light scattered from rays added to U, I
stationary grid
- Proceed to next layer - repeat
- LPM rays dirs. must be included in Us
- Coarse bins of I, U contain scattered light,
filtered by phase func. - Linear light motion inadequate to simulate
DOM with 54 angular bins
For 643 with 9x9x654 angular bins DOM requires
510MBs Using LPM of 9x9 requires lt 1MB and grid
9x9 angles in LPM, 16 in grid
Less memory for stationary grid!
DOM with 54 ordinates on 1283
9x9 ordinates in LPM on 1283
Same coarse grid res. (6 dirs. isotropic sct.)
First-order upwind
Second-order upwind
High-res. 2nd-order upwind
LPM parametric advection
Comparison with Monte Carlo
MC with 5x106 particles, 17.6 mins
MC with 106 particles, 3.5 mins.
9x9 LPM,3.7 mins
19Results Clouds Scenes
Back lit
Top lit
20Results - Marble
Constant scattering Perturbed absorption
(isotropic, 52x1283)
Perturbed scattering Zero absorption (isotropic,
21Results Two wavelengths
Two simulations combined (isotropic, 52x1283)
Hygia, Model courtesy of Image-based 3D Models
Archive, Telecom Paris (isotropic, 52x2563)
23Results - Smoke
CFD smoke animation (isotropic, 72x643)
- Running times (3 scat. generations x 6 sweeps)
- 643 (isotropic), LPM of 5x5 17 seconds
- 643 (isotropic), LPM of 9x9 125 seconds
- 643 3x3(x6), LPM of 6x6 60 seconds
- (2.7 GHz Pentium IV)
- Light rays advected collectively and
independently - Avoids grid truncation errors - No numerical
smearing - Less memory more ordinates Reduced ray effect
25 26Results
- In scenes with variable s, indirect light travels
27Discrete Ordinates
- In CFD, advected flux is treated via Flux
Limiters - high-order stencils on smooth regions
- switch to low-order near discontinuities
- For the RTE such High res. methods suffer from
- still, some amount of initial smearing is
produced - limiters are not linear, yielding a non-linear
system of eqns. - offers no remedy to the ray effect discussed