Title: IRMCo Progress Overview
11113 November 2007, Izmir, Turkey 3rd Consortium
IRMCo Progress Overview
2IRMCo progress overview Jul 2007 Nov 2007
- July/August 2007
- Digitizing of Level 3 maps
- Research on the environmental resources of Gozo
- September 2007
- Design and development of overall structure for
Gozo module - Distributed among the partners on 26th September
3- October 2007
- IRMCo filled the template for Module Set-up for
the Gozo case study and circulated to all
partners - Finalisation of text to be used in the first unit
- - Unit 1 Gozo Today
- November 2007
- Preparation of Tutorial for Unit 1
(multiple-choice questionnaire) - Selection of Thematic Map for Unit 1 Gozo Today
- Exportation of GIS information layers and
attribute tables used in Unit 1
4Template for Module Set Up
- Title of module
- Target groups
- Objectives
- GIS layers needed for the module
- Title and brief description of units
- Brief description of study area with images
maps - Importance of study area
The Natural and Cultural Heritage of Gozo
5Target groups
- Undergraduate students in earth sciences
- Teachers at secondary level in geography and
environmental science - Environmental NGOs - both local and
international - Ecological and cultural tourists
The test group for the pilot study will be made
up of a small number of students and teachers of
earth sciences
- To bring into focus the different environmental
resources of Gozo - online spatial database - To highlight the inter-relationships that exist
between the islands environmental resources
manipulation of information layers - To introduce the potential user to the basic
concepts of the GIS web-platform practical
exercises/tutorials - To present a comprehensive overview of the
islands resources to date - maps, published
works, photos, website links - To encourage the user to discover and understand
the tools available in GIS - hands-on experience
of the Web-GIS platform - To highlight the importance of preserving the
natural (earth) and cultural heritage of Gozo -
conservation tips
7The Natural and Cultural Heritage of Gozo
Overall structure of module
- Module units
- Gozo today
- Geological setting
- Water resources
- Natural heritage
- Cultural Heritage
8- Each unit will include
- Text giving relevant information on the topics
covered in the unit. - A thematic map for each unit.
- Look-up tables with qualitative and quantitative
attributes. - A tutorial which guides the user to examine the
above using the Web-GIS tools provided. - A number of conservation tips.
- Reference to the origins of Gozo place names.
- A glossary of Maltese terms.
- Photos of the study area, as well as graphs and
diagrams. - A bibliography and further reading section.
9Collection and organisation of data
10Unit 1 Gozo Today Contents
Location Size Climate Population Language
Religion Administrative divisions Roads
transport Urban development Economy Tourism
Agriculture Fisheries Places of Interest
11Unit 1 Gozo Today Thematic map
- WebGIS Information Layers
- Local Councils
- Road network
- Urban areas
- Place names
12Unit 1 Gozo Today Attribute data
13Thanks for your attention!
IRMCo irmco_at_keyworld.net