Title: DTS Customer Billing Forum Presentation
1Customer Billing Forum
October 4, 2007
- Welcome!
- Kay Overman Manager DTS Customer Relations
Branch - Presentation Slides will be available on the DTS
website soon. - Please complete your Evaluation Surveys!
- A little about DTS.
- Focused in three areas
- Customer Focus
- Focus on Performance
- Eye on Innovation
4DTS Customer Focus
- DTS does not exist without you the customers
- We recognize we need to compete for our
customers business - Customer photos in our facilities We have taken
and will be taking a number of steps to hear our
customers better - Customer Delivery Division and Account Managers
- Ongoing meetings with customer execs
- The Technology Services Board and Services
Committee - Customer Council
- Will be developing customer satisfaction metrics
5DTS Focus on Performance
- Two areas of performance
- Cost Performance
- Technology is getting cheaper our rates should
reflect that - Operational Performance
- Relies on people, process and technology
- IT was always important, but not always measured
- Today, we are benchmarking/measuring
- Very stringent SLAs
6DTS Eye on Innovation
- Technology is changing every day.
- You are the ones transforming government through
innovation. - We are your utility to help make it happen.
7DTS Events
- Weve seen over 1,000 of you at our events in the
last year! - Customer Forums (like todays)
- To interface directly with you
- We also host..
- Technology Days
- To allow us all to hear the latest on technology
trends - User Groups
- To establish regular work groups across
8Upcoming Events
- October 17-18
- DTS Sixth Annual IT Security Awareness Fair DTS
Training Event Center - October 26
- Natural Modernization Strategies Information
Forum Sacramento Convention Center - December 6DB2 User Group
- DTS Training Event Center
- Early 2008
- DTS Customer Forum Live Demo of Billing
Invoice Reporting System (BIRS) - DTS Training Event Center
- View the DTS Event Calendar at
- http//www.dts.ca.gov/calendar/
- Welcome Introduction Colleen Field
- Billing MICS Data Steve Shaltes
- Billing Invoice Reporting System Steve Shaltes
- Statement of Account Jose Samano
- Overview of Monthly Invoice Joanne Marsullo
- Invoice Detail Back-up Reports
- -Server Billing Internet Hosting Natividad
Nevarez - -Network Billing Detail Nancy Smith
- -Dedicated Equipment Cindy Maciel
- Wrap up Future News Colleen Field
10Billing MICS Data
- Billing
- CPU Processing
- Data Storage
- Disaster Recovery
- Network Charges
- Servers
- Miscellaneous
- Types of Data Files
- Reports
- Invoice Data
11What is BIRS?
- Billing Invoice Reporting System (BIRS)
- Web Excel-based application
- Used to obtain invoice detail data
- Provides ability to add attributes to an Account
Code for meaningful reporting - This is currently in a test environment
-Estimated availability is December
2007-Another forum will be held to demo BIRS
12Requirements to use BIRS
- Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
- Microsoft Excel Version 2000 or greater
- Security for Macros set to Medium or Low
- Tools gt Macro gt Security and then choose Medium
or Low - Medium setting will ask you if you want to run
macros, you should choose YES when you get the
prompt in the BIRS Application
13Main Screen of BIRS
- Used to add attributes to an account code
- Enables the Excel reports to be more meaningful
- Batch upload possible
15Account Maintenance Screen 1
16Account Maintenance Screen 2
17Account Maintenance Screen 3
18Billing Data Reports
- Select your Department
- Customized template for your Department
19Enter Username Password Choose Fiscal Year from
the drop down Click on the Connect and Download
Data button
20Billing Data Reports
Choose OPEN
21CHOOSE ENABLE MACROS (if your security setting
was on medium you will get this message)
22Billing Data Reports - Continued
- Once you enter the required information the
Excel Templates macro will - Connect to our server
- Run a query
- Get the data requested
- Copy it to the Excel worksheet
- Refresh the reports in the workbook
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24Future Enhancements
- More detail
- PDF versions of actual invoices
- PDF versions of detail reports
- Web Portal
25To get access to BIRS
- To request a user id for BIRS send an email to
dtsbilling_at_dts.ca.gov - We will then set up a user id and send you
instructions on how to access BIRS - Early 2008 BIRS Customer Forum to demo the
system live
26DTS Invoice Program at Gold Camp
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- Statement of Account
- Invoice Summary
- Duplicate Summary
- Invoice Detail by Account Code
- DTS Form 10
- Server and Internet Detail
- Network Billing Detail
- Dedicated Resource by Client
- Consulting
- UUNet
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36 If your department experienced an increase to
your DTS invoice as a result of the July 2007
rate changes, please refer to the following
budget letter Budget Letter 07-25 SECTION
allows increases or decreases, provided the
aggregate General Fund increases do not exceed
the aggregate General Fund decreases.
37Wrap up and Future News
- Future proposed rate changes
- Addition of tiers for Open Systems Data Storage
- Update the COM billing rates
- Update the Disaster Recovery billing rates
- Change in the Secure File Transport rates
- Update the DTS Training Center billing rates
- Add a rate for zAAP CPU processing
- Email dtsbilling_at_dts.ca.gov
- Colleen Field, Manager 739-7904
- Cindy Maciel 739-7709
- Natividad Nevarez 739-7683
- Joanne Marsullo 454-8139
- Jose Samano 454-7276
- Steve Shaltes 739-7831
- Nancy Smith 454-8059
- Please complete your surveys.
- Look for future DTS events herehttp//www.dts.ca
.gov/calendar - See you next time..
40Billing Detail Samples
- See six samples attached, beginning on next page.
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