Title: Content Management
1Content Management
- Have We Been Here before??
2What is Content Management?
Content Text, images, web pages business
e-documents, DB tables, interface files, live
data feeds, Management collect, validate,
approve, assemble / combine, locate, translate,
distribute, version, update, archive e-CM human
or appl target is via Internet
Configuration Management For Information
3Why Is Content Management Important?
Who Come Because
4Why Is Content Management Important?
Which are mutually beneficial efficient because
(processes, data commonality)
5The e-CM ProblemSpace
- The webmaster bottleneck
- Approval, legal risk (authoring workflow)
- Hasnt someone done something like this before?
Shouldnt these look consistent? - I need it in a different form
- I dont want ALL that stuff
- Where is that information?
- Currency of hard data within soft content
- How will your application understand my data?
6Content Management Who Needs It?
- Organisations that
- Have a network of business partners or agents or
with broad and varying information needs - Are struggling with the volume, accuracy or
timeliness of information on their intranet or
internet sites - Need to combine structured and unstructured
information to and from both humans and
applications - See strategic advantage in using all their
information assets in creative ways - Are coupling core supply chain systems with other
7e-CM Value Proposition
- Automation
- Reduced costs
- Workflow management - reduced time to info
consumer - - Structured, formalised data embedded in documents
can be used by applications - Accuracy
- Reduced legal risk
- Info consumer satisfaction, efficiency, trust,
loyalty - Produce once, consume many
- Filter, personalise for audience
- Available for CRM, MI, mining
- Reduced costs
- Richness, Aesthetics
- Info consumer satisfaction, usability, loyalty
8Popular e-CM Tools
9CM Tools - Considerations
- Price affordable
- 4 12 weeks implementation
- Decide on integration scope
- Incremental scope, coverage adoption
- Generally, CM tools lack B2B support (schema
management, mapping rules) - Need all the project management stuff
10e-CM In Practice
- Extranet
- Partner portal
- XML documents
- Public Web Site Portal
- 3rd party portal
- e-Shop
- Intranet Portal
- E-Intelligence (rich DW)
Deliver e-Content Interactions
Content Manager
Doc Imaging
External feeds, trawls
Mgt Rpts, DW
Desktop App files
Core Enterprise Apps
11e-CM In Practice Case Studies
- Distribution of repair / maintenance manuals
- Tenix/Navy, Mazda, Sharp Electronics
- E-Market brokers
- a
- Intranet / Internet content
- Delta Air
- Automated supply chain connections
- Customer services, sales
- Hawaii Electric, Dell
- Business intelligence
12System Integration Issues
- Integration of
- Workflow, core applications, DW, desktop, supply
chain partners, external feeds - Issues
- XML, but which XML?
- Schema management
- Consistency of semantics
- Repository vs. Directory (copy vs in place)
- Technical - stability, performance, reliability,
Be more specific Why are these issues?
13Associated Services
- Business case preparation
- Integration architecture
- Tool evaluation
- Schema evaluation, extension, negotiation
- Project management of implementation
14e-Content ManagementKey Points
- Problem space is
- Publishing controls automation
- Integration of information sources
- Mappings for B2B application data exchange
- Technology is outstripping our ability to manage
and use it. Tools help, but KISS. - Web site functionality is a commodity ? content
is the differentiator - CM is a large part of e-Appl dev
- Needs familiar management disciplines project,
change, config, document
15Key Points the future
- Look forward to
- Pervasive XML, (WML, VML.)
- Convergence of publishing CMs and system
repositories - Repositories as active agents
- More help for semantic consistency issues
- Content workflow
- Increased emphasis on aesthetics
- Extranet applications the norm
- Desktop always the interface for systems for
both info input output
16Questions Arguments