Title: CAS or MATLAB in 1st year collegiate math?
1CAS or MATLAB in 1st year collegiate math?
- Matthias Kawski ?
- Arizona State University
- Tempe, U.S.A.
- http//math.asu.edu/kawski
? This work was partially supported by NSF grants
DMS 00-72369 and DMS 01-07666.
2Professional user of both CAS an MATLABe.g.
MAPLE curvature of optimal control,MATLAB
simulate ½ conductor industry supply chains
- Brief intro-contrast CAS versus MATLAB
- Brief survey Matt K and his environment why
this question? - (Traditional) calculus is just algebra !
- MAPLE and calculus ???
- MATLAB and calculus ???
- The next courses MAPLE versus MATLAB
4Computer ALGEBRA Systems
- 1000 professional, 150 student version
- can do state-of-the-art numerics, graphics,
.but main data structure is symbolic
expressions(NOT numbers). - Can do virtually all symbolic calculations
thatcan be done by hand, but faster, much more
reliably (fewer mistakes), and more
systematically - can call MATLAB from inside CAS (inconvenient)
5CAS example
- 1000 professional, 150 student version
- state-of-the-art numerics, graphics, .main data
structure is matrices of floating point numbers - professional use in sciences, engineering, math,
- fast !
- can call CAS from inside (symbolic toolbox)
7MATLAB example
Most simple academicapplicationimage
processing..(e.g. basic .gif imageoff the WWW,
say a 60 x 80 pixel image)
8Institutional background
- Arizona State Universitypublic university in
rapidly growing metro area50 000 student
total12 000 in math each fall semester 7 000
below calculus 300 events of average size
40 - majority of calculus I-III, diff equns, linear
algebraare engineering majors - engineering college very progressive
9Integrated curricula in 1990s
technology intensive, team-oriented,
project-driven,..(Intro2Engineering, CAD,
English, Physics, Calculus,..)
10Professional technology integrated
- All students have at (almost) all times access to
professional computer software - especially during the exams! i.e. exams needed
to change (usually including internet access) - typically, one or two computers at each
table,but do not teach in traditional computer
lab set up in rows where studenst hide behind
11Professional technology for math
Courses under considerationprep for calculus,
calculus, mutli-var and vector calculus, diff
equations, (linear algebra)
- , papyrus
- abacus
- slide-rule
- logrithm table
- hand-held calculator
- graphing calculator
- Computer Algebra System MAPLE, MATHEMATICA
- professional numerical package MATLAB
12Calculus is an algebra course ?
- (algebra of ) limits, especially rational
functions(LHopitals rule . everything via
Taylor expansion) - derivatives versus derivations
- antiderivatives (as opposed to integrals)
- proof CAS can get 90 right on almost any
final exam - The only thing that that matters is what is on
the final exam Traditional calculus is a course
in algebra!
13Derivations versus derivatives
- Derivatives are analytic objects, defined
bylimits, approximability by linear objects - Derivations are algebraic objects that are
defined as linear maps that satisfy the Leibniz
(product) rule - D(fg)(Df)gf(Dg)
14Derivations versus derivatives
- Derivatives are analytic objects, defined
bylimits, approximability by linear objects - Derivations are algebraic objects that are
defined as linear maps that satisfy the Leibniz
(product) rule - D(fg)(Df)gf(Dg)
- The only thing that that matters is what is on
the final exam Traditional calculus is a course
in algebra!
15Our engineers
- every year they come back asking more loudly
why we dont use MATLAB also in 1st year calc. - so far held them at bay, compromise calculus w/
CAS, introduce MATLAB in some DE sections, LA
mostly w/ MATLAB. - main motivation for this presentation and
articleThe clients seem to be very ill-informed
about - the very distinct natures of either alternative
- of how they mesh w/ the requested curriculum
- and how problematic it is to INTEGRATE either
16Easy way out
- MATLAB is useless on traditional calculus
exams,i.e.no problems with exams when using
MATLABMATLAB becomes an add-onfor
explorations, plotting, some checking,but is
certainly not integrated
17CAS gives trouble
- CAS by itself earns A on traditional calculus
exam.i.e. either - need to completely redesign exams,or
- prohibit CAS on exams.
- Choice I is very hard, but it can be done
(10 years ) - Choice II is again just an add-on, no
integration. - but neither one makes my engineers happy at this
18A closer look at the divergence
- Calculus as mathematics of continuous change
changing objects functions - Calculus as the study of
- differentiable functions, and
- integrable functions
- Take closer look at functions in CAS / MATLAB
19Expressions versus functions in CAS
20Functions in CAS
- Traditional language
- find a function that
- find the aniderivative of
21Derivations in CAS
22Derivations in CAS
23MATLAB basic functions
24MATLAB advanced functions 1
externally defined usual trouble pathnames,
write-protected networked
environmentsfunction handles
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26MATLAB function topics
- Nearly ideal for numerical differentiation and
numerical integration, including
investigationsof the limiting processes
indeed, an almost perfect match for very reformed
calculus course - incl. even functions defined as antiderivatives
- hard function composition, inverse functions, .
27Summary and conclusions
- MATLAB is a very easy add-on, useless in exams
- CAS, but not on exams, is just another add-on
- CAS, incl. on exams, requires dramatic
rethinking - For traditional course CAS is much easier match
- Major challenge use MATLAB (w/ integration
demand) as vehicle to implement (next step of)
true calc reform?
28Compare linear algebra
- We now have two parallel linear algebra courses
- target Jordan canonical form MAPLE course
- target Singular Value Decomposition MATLAB
- Similar with differential equations
- Maybe next, two calculus courses
- one course that is essentially algebra of
mappings - one course that studies continuous change of
numerically defined functions
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32A c y, c ???clearly an undetermined
linear system ofn 4 equations in m 1
unknown(s).What should division by coefficient
matrix mean?
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- Dont take your engineers wishes lightly Either
way it will be a lot of work, and true
integration will necessarily may radically change
the course how much is wanted? - Both CAS and MATLAB offer to greatly expand
students horizons beyond the traditional
algebra-oriented 1st year collegiate math courses - CAlgebraS are considerably easier to integrate
into more traditional courses - MATLAB most typically is only an add-on,
unless the courses are dramatically reformed.