Title: Job Accommodation Shown Tell
1Accessible, Repositionable and Lockable Mounts
- Custom solutions and new developments
- Presented by
- Dianne Goodwin, ATP, MEBME
- NIH Grant 2R44HD51157-02
2Case study snapshots John
- Job Washing tables
- Limited use of R hand
- Dropped spray bottle
- Could not hold and squeeze
- Mount bottle to arm w/collar clamps
- Tilt is adjustable
- Brackets for power and manual
- Wing nuts for quick removal
- Added ash tray bucket
- Material and shop costs 155
- Labor onsite, travel, design, painting
- Funding Grant-funded
3Court reporters
- Static positioning
- Transcription machine mounted to tripod
- Asking for trouble
- Carpal tunnel
- Thoracic outlet
- Neck, shoulder and back
4Case study snapshots Buzz
- Court reporter
- Carpal tunnel syndrome and neck and shoulder
problems - Ergonomic chair with arm supports on linear
tracks supplied - Transcription machine mounted to tripod
- Could not use his ergonomic chair and arm
supports - Mounted it to his chair so he could recline
- Fabricated from drum and cymbal hardware (Height
adjustable rotated) - Funded by State of MN injured worker
- Cannot implement with a light chair
5Package Delivery/Towel folder
- Uses an AAC device
- Drink access
- Repositionable work surface
- Package support
- Towel folding
6Sliding tray AAC mount removable
7Case study Prototype Mount
- Woman with ALS
- Uses AAC device
- Refused other mounts
- Could still transfer to toilet
- Used TV tray for device
- Needs to move AAC device independently
8SolutionCustomizable and accessible mount
- Locks where you need it
- 12 lock positions per joint
- lt 1 pound force to unlock
- Tilt adjustable
- One hand to unlock and move
9Impact Increased independence
- Able to transfer to toilet
- Reduced fatigue
- Access to computer, stereo and TV
- Improved face to face communication
- Increased device portability and security
- Facilitates community participation and lobbying
10Use it, move it, get it out of your way!
11Increase your reach just turn it
12It mounts things securely, but you can move it
easily! Coming soon to an AT
specialist near you!