Albert Einstein - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Albert Einstein


'Hos bir kizla iki saat oturmak. iki dakika gibi ge er' ... Einstein was cremated in Trenton, New Jersey. His ashes were scattered at an undisclosed place. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein
  • Quotes / Alintilar

With Charlie Chaplin.Charlie Chaplin ile
  • When you sit with
  • a nice girl for two hours,
  • it seems like two minutes.
  • When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes,
  • it seems like two hours.
  • Thats relativity.
  • Hos bir kizla iki saat oturmak
  • iki dakika gibi geçer.
  • Sicak bir sobanin üzerinde iki dakika oturmak,
    iki saat gibi gelir.
  • Bu izafiyettir

The oldest picture, at age 7.En eski resmi, 7
  • If I had only known, I would have been a
  • Gravity cannot be held responsible for people
    falling in love.
  • Bilseydim çilingir olurdum.
  • Yerçekimi (veya çekim) asik olmanin sorumlusu

At age 14.14 yasinda.
  • Education is that which remains when one has
    forgotten everything learned in school.
  • Only two things are infinite, the universe and
    human stupidity, and I am not sure about the
  • Egitim okulda ögrenilen unuttuklarimizdan geriye
  • Sadece iki sey sinirsizdir evren ve
    insanoglunun ahmakligi, ilkinden o kadar da emin

High school diploma,in 1896 at age
17.5Lise Diplomasi, 1896 yilinda17.5
Wedding with Mileva,in 1903 at age 24.Mileva
ile Evliligi,1903 yili, 24 yasinda.
  • A hundred times every day I remind myself that
    my inner and outer life, depend on the labours of
    other men, living and dead, and that I must exert
    myself in order to give in the same measure as I
    have received.
  • Her gün kendime kendi iç ve dis hayatimin ölü
    veya yasayan diger insanlarin emeginin ürünü
    oldugunu ve kendi aldigim ve almakta oldugum
    derecede vermeye gayret etmem gerektigini

In 1905 at age 26.1905 yili, 26 yasinda.
  • If my theory of relativity
  • is proven successful,
  • Germany will claim me as a German, and France
    will declare that I am a citizen of the world.
  • Should my theory prove untrue, France will say
    that I am a German, and Germany will declare that
    I am a Jew.
  • Izafiyet teorisini ispatlayabilirsem Almanya
    benim bir Alman oldugumu iddia edecek, Fransa ise
    dünya vatandasi oldugumu söyleyecek.
  • Yok ispatlayamazsam Fransizlar zaten bir Alman
    oldugumu mirildanacak, Almanya ise yahudi
    oldugumu açiklayacak.

yilinda yayinlananlar, 26 yasinda
  • 1. The Photoelectric Effect, used Plancks
    Quantum Hypothesis.
  • 2. Special Theory of Relativity.
  • 3. How Mass and Energy, were Equivalent.
  • 1. Fotoelektrik Etki, Planckin Kuantum Kuraminda
  • 2. Özel Izafiyet Teoremi
  • 3. Kütle ve Enerji Esitligi

The first, from four pages of Einsteins General
Theory of Relativity sent for publication on
March 1916 at age 37.37 yasinda, 1916 yili Mart
ayinda ilk kez yayinlanan Einsteinin Genel
Izafiyet Teoreminden dört sayfa.
With Elsa, his second wife, in 1920 at age
41.Ikinci esi Elsa ile, 1920 yilinda 41 yasinda.
  • Since the mathematicians have invaded the theory
    of relativity, I do not understand it myself
  • The human mind has first to construct forms,
    independently, before we can find them in
  • Matematikçiler,Izafiyet Kuramina
  • el attiktan sonra,ben kendi kuramimi taniyamaz
    hale geldim.
  • Insan aklin sinirlarini zorlamadikça
    hiçbir seye ulasamaz.

In 1921 at age 42, Nobel Prize for his 1905 work
on the Photoelectric Effect.1921 yilinda,
42 yasinda iken Fotoelektrik Etki varsayimi ile
1905 yilinda Nobel Ödülünü kazandi.
  • Science without religion is lame religion
    without science is blind.
  • These thoughts did not come in any verbal
  • I rarely think in words at all.
  • A thought comes, and I may try to express it in
    words afterward.
  • Bilimsiz din kör, dinsiz bilim ise topaldir.
  • Düsüncelerin hiçbir sözlü formülasyonu yok. Ben
    nadiren kelimelerle düsünürüm. Bir düsünce ünce
    gelir ve daha sonra onu kelimelere dökmeye

In 19211921 yilinda
  • Each of us visits that Earth involuntarily and
    without an invitation. For me it is enough to
    wonder at its secrets.
  • There are two ways to live your life. One is as
    though nothing is a miracle. The other is as
    though everything is a miracle.
  • Her birimiz Dünyaya gayri ihtiyari ve davetsiz
    olarak geldik. Bana göre, artik onun gizemlerini
    merak etmeyi birakmaliyiz.
  • Hayati yasamanin iki yolu vardir Biri
    hiçbirseyin mucize olmadigini düsünmek, digeri
    herseyin mucize oldugunu düsünmek.

In 19271927 yilinda
  • Do not worry about your difficulties in
    mathematics, I assure you that mine are greater.
  • The most incomprehensible thing about the world
    is that it is at all comprehensible.
  • Matematikte karsilastiginiz güçlükler için
    endise etmeyin. Emin olun benim karsilastiklarim
    sizinkilerden daha büyüktür.
  • Dünyada anlasilmasi en güç olan, onun (dünyanin)
    anlasilabilir olmasidir

In 1928 1928 yilinda
  • It would be possible to describe everything
    scientifically, but it would make no sense it
    would be without meaning, as if you described a
    Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave
  • Herseyi bilimsel olarak tanimlaman mümkündür,
    ancak Beethoven senfonisini dalga basincinin
    varyasyonu olarak tanimlarsan anlamsiz olur.

In 1929, withMax Planck, author ofQuantum
Hypothesis.Kuantum Kuraminin yazari Max Planck
ile birlikte, 1929 yili
  • One reason why mathematics enjoys special
    esteem, above all other sciences, is that its
    laws are absolutely certain and indisputable,
    while those of other sciences are to some extent
    debatable and in constant danger of being
    overthrown by newly discovered facts.
  • Matematikçilerin diger tüm bilim adamlari
    arasinda özel saygi görmelerinin bir nedeni de
    matematigin kurallarinin kati kesin ve
    tartisilmaz olmasidir.
  • Diger bilim adamlarinin tartismaya açik olan
    çalismalarinin yeni buluslarla devrilme tehlikesi

In 1930 , with Rabindranath Tagore, modern
Indias poet, Nobel
Laureate for Literature. Modern Hindistanin
sairi Rabindranah Tagore ile, 1930 yili
  • Imagination is more important than knowledge.
  • Hayalgücü bilgiden daha önemlidir

In 1931, with Thomas Mann, german democrat and
novelist, Nobel Laureate for Literature.Alman
Demokrat ve Yazar Thomas Mann ile birlikt, 1931
  • If you are out to describe the truth, leave
    elegance to the tailor.
  • Hakikati tasvir etmek istiyorsan, zarafet isini
    terziye birak.

In 19321932 yili
  • Before God we are all equally wise - equally
  • The most beautiful thing we can experience is
    the mysterious. It is the source of all true art
    and science.
  • Allah önünde hepimiz
  • esit derecede bilge ve esit derecede aptaliz.
  • Tadabileceginiz en güzel deneyim gizemdir.
    Gerçek sanati ve bilimi besleyen temel duygu da

Becoming an American Citizen in 1940 at age
61with his secretary and his stepdaughter.1940
yilinda, 61 yasinda Amerikan vatandasi olurken,
sekreteri ve üvey kizkardesi ile birlikte.
  • Sometimes one pays most for things one gets for
  • Bazen baskasinin hiçbir sey karsiliginda aldigi
    seyi bir baskasi çok fazla ödeyerek alir.

In 1942, withRobbert Oppenheimerthe main
scientist in the creation of the atomic
bomb.Atom bombasinin icatinda çalisan bas bilim
adami Robbert Oppenheimer ile birlikte, 1942 yili
  • I know not with what weapons World War III will
    be fought,
  • but World War IV
  • will be fought with sticks and stones.
  • III. Dünya Savasinin ne ile yapilacagini
    bilmiyorum, fakat IV. Dünya Savasi sopalar ve
    taslarla yapilacak.

In 19501950 yili
  • Great spirits have always found violent
    opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot
    understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly
    submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and
    courageously uses his intelligence.
  • Yüksek ruhlar, her zaman siradan akillarin
    siddetli muhalefetleriyle karsilasirlar. Onlar
    bir adamin hiç düsünmeden kalitsal ön yargilara
    neden yönelmedigini, ancak dürüstçe ve cerasetle
    kendi zekasini kullandigini anlayamazlar.

Albert EinsteinBorn 14 March 1879 Ulm,
Wurttemberg Germany.Death 18 April 1955 at age
76 Princeton, New Jersey, USA.Albert
EinsteinAlmanya, Wurttember, Ulmda 14 Mart 1879
yilinda dogdu.Amerika, New Jersey Princetonda
76 yasinda 18 Nisan 1955de vefat etti.
  • Dies of hearth failure.
  • Einstein was cremated in Trenton, New Jersey.
  • His ashes were scattered at an undisclosed place.
  • Kalp yetmezliginden vefat etti.
  • New Jerjey, Trentona yakildi.
  • Külleri nerede oldugu açiklanmayan bir alana
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