Title: Strings:
- Theory of Everything, Something, or Nothing?
- Robert N. Oerter
2The Standard Model
Fermions Family Family Family Family
Fermions 1 2 3
Fermions Neutrinos ?e ?µ ?t
Fermions Electrons Kin e µ t
Fermions Quarks u, u, u c, c, c t, t, t
Fermions d, d, d s, s, s b, b, b
3The Standard Model
Bosons Gauge Particles W, W- Dubya-plus, Dubya-minus
Bosons Gauge Particles Z0 Zee-zero
Bosons Gauge Particles ? Photon
Bosons Symmetry Breakers H Higgs
4Problems with the Standard Model
- Why three families?
- Why these particle masses?
- SM predicts mass of W, Z0, and photon
- All other masses are arbitrary
- ? mass ltlt e mass ltlt quark mass
- Dark Matter not normal matter
- Dark Energy
- Gravity (General Relativity) left out
5Hints of New Structures
- Structure or Symmetry?
- Leptons built of still smaller preon particles?
- Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) what gauge group?
- Is a different kind of structure needed?
Closed String
Open String
7Free Relativistic Point Particle
Least action principle minimize the invariant
length of the world-line
Quantum Mechanics sum over all paths
8Free Relativistic String
Four-vector Xµ (X0, X1, X2 , X3) X0 ct
9Free Relativistic String
10String Action
String Equations of Motion
11Classical string - solutions
Write X XR(t-s) XL(ts)
? Each point on the string moves at the speed of
light (for pure left- or right-mover)
12The Quantum String
- Assign a phase to each world-sheet
- Sum over all 2-D surfaces Xµ(s,t)
- Feynman diagrams for particles
13String Interactions
14String Interactions
- No new parameters needed
- String theory smoothes out the interaction
vertex - All infinities of field theory are eliminated
15The Quantum String
- Results of string quantization
- No infinities
- No additional coupling constants
- Massless particles
- Spin-0 scalar
- Spin-1 gauge boson
- Spin-2 graviton!!!
- Massive particles
- m2 (2pT)n n 1, 2, 3,
16The Quantum String
- The Bad News
- Tachyon m2 -2pT
- No fermions
- Quantization requires D 26 spacetime dimensions
- Connection with General Relativity
Background spacetime
String quantization in a curved background ?
General Relativity!
- Anti-commuting numbers ?1?2 - ?2?1
- Spacetime described by (Xµ, ?a)
- Supersymmetric theory fermion-boson symmetry
- No Tachyons
- Quantization requires D10 spacetime coordinates
and 16 anticommuting coordinates - Gauge groups SO(32), E8xE8
18From 10-D to 4-D
- 6 of the dimensions are very small
- Topology determines the number of fermion
families - Shape determines coupling constants
19Experimental Tests
- Large-mass relics of the Big Bang (not found)
- Fractional electric charges e/5, e/11 (not
found) - Departures from inverse-square law of gravity
(Arkani-Hamed, et. al. - not found) - Light from distant galaxies shows Planck-scale
physics? (Ragazzoni et.al. - not found)
20Non-Newtonian Gravity? (Adelberger Eöt-wash)
21Planck-scale physics?
22The Goals of Physics
- Describing the world
- Make predictions
- Compact description
- Ease of use
- Theory of everything?
- Inconsistent equations are bad
- Maxwell / Newton ? Special Relativity
- Quantum Mechanics / General Relativity ? ?
- Would I know a TOE if it kicked me?
- Dark matter most of the mass in the universe!
- Can never access all regimes of size and energy
23Strings A TOE?
- Do strings describe the world?
- No longer a 1-parameter theory
- Actually a class of theories e100 of them!
- Not known how to choose between them
- No string predictions of masses, coupling
constants - No experimental prediction has been confirmed
- Not easy to use
- Do strings unify QM and GR?
- Graviton
- Derive (super)gravity for the background
spacetime - Black hole physics
- Strings A Theory of Something