Title: Enrollment Workshop
1Enrollment Workshop
- Oklahoma Department of CareerTech
- Information Management Division
- Spring 2008
2Agenda for This Morning
- Finalizing FY08 Data
- Changes for FY09 Data
- Internet Reports
- Evaluations
- Lunch
3Due Dates for FY 2008
- 3rd Quarter - April 11, 2008
- July 1 March 31
- 4th Quarter - July 11, 2008
- July 1 June 30
- July 31, 2008 (for schools that need to update
summer school enrollments) - July 1 end of summer school
- August 31 all full-time enrollment data is
final no corrections accepted after this date
4What Programs Do I Report?
- See Your Program Funding Sheet for Current
Listing of Approved Programs
5What if Enrollment/FTE Data Is Not Correct?
- Review your enrollment reports for accuracy
- Make corrections to your enrollment data before
submitting next quarters data - Contact IMD if data is calculated or displayed
6What is the Difference Between Enrollment and FTE
- Enrollment is a headcount of students
- FTE enrollment is the total number of hours in
which students are enrolled divided by 525
7Who Do I Submit?
- All students who were enrolled in 61 hours or
more of instruction - Adult students who were enrolled in less than 61
hours if their intent (plan of study) was to only
enroll in less than 61 hours - Use the enroll date and end date/drop date as
the basis for calculating hours - Do not subtract hours due to attendance
8What Student Data Do I Submit?
- PID Number(s)
- First Name
- Last Name
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Race
- Educational Level
- Feeder Code
- Clock Hours
- Industry Name (only if being sponsored by
9What Student Data Do I Submit? (cont)
- Special Needs
- Disability
- Displaced Homemaker
- Single Parent
- Limited-English Proficiency (LEP)
- Disadvantaged
- Economically
- Academically
- Both Economically/Academically
10How Do I Submit Data?
- IMD Home Page www.okcareertech.org/imd
11Select Technology Centers Data Submission
12Select Validate and Upload Enrollment/Program
13Select School, Enter Password, Select Data Type,
Select Type of Action
14Enter File Name, Select Quarter and Select Upload
Validate Only!!!!
15Data Has Been Validated But, Not
20061013 165040
16Return to this Page Change Type of Action to
Validate LOAD
17Enter File Name to Upload, Select Quarter and
18Data Has Been Validated And Loaded 1st Quarter!
19Always Check Your Data!
20(No Transcript)
21Select Year, School and Enter Password
You can view data back to FY 01-02
22Is It Correct? Check Final Report VERY Carefully!
23Other Things To Check.
- Have you reported any Disabled?
- Have you reported any Disadvantaged?
- Have you reported any LEP?
- Were any students just pre-enrolled and never
- Any record with 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Quarter
indicator will be deleted at the end of the
August ! - Teachers will be required to do a
Completion/Follow-Up Report on All Students in
the Finalized File
27What Are Career Clusters?
- Career Clusters are broad occupational groupings
of specific industry based jobs. - Career Clusters provide a way for schools to
organize instruction and student experiences
around sixteen broad categories that encompass
virtually all occupations from entry through
professional levels. - Oklahoma is using 15 of the 16 Career Clusters to
organize Pathways and Career Majors
28(No Transcript)
29For Discussion Purposes Only
30What Career Majors Are Approved At My Site?
- See Career Major Approval Sheets on IMDs Web
Site under Technology Center Summary Reports
31How Will This Affect Enrollment?
- Enrollment submitted to ODCTE by Pathway
- Report total number of hours for the Pathway if
enrolled in multiple Career Majors - Students receiving financial aid must be enrolled
in a Career Major at local level - Career Majors/Courses will be identified to ODCTE
when Completion/Follow-Up Reports are completed
(Jan 2010) - A teacher/PID is not a Career Major
- Enrollment not tied to teacher/PID
- New record format
- New data elements/definitions
32NEW Record Format for Career Major Enrollment
33(No Transcript)
34New or modified from previous year
- Pathway 5-digit alpha/numeric code to identify
the Pathway the student is enrolled in for the
current school year - See IMD Website for codes
- School Code 9-digit alpha/numeric code to
identify the technology center - See IMD Website for codes
- First Name Students First Name
- Last Name Students Last Name
- Suffix Students Name Suffix (e.g. Jr, Sr, III)
36- SSN Students social security number.
- Leave blank if not available
- Do not use drivers license number
- Student Testing Number (STN) or
- School ID
- For secondary students, provide the 10-digit
numeric Student Testing Number (STN). The STN
has been assigned for all secondary students in
Oklahoma by the State Department of Education and
should be available from the students home
school. - For adult students, provide the students unique
alpha/numeric school assigned ID. - Gender Students gender (M, F, U)
37- Date of Birth Students date of birth.
- Format Y Y Y Y M M D D
- Leave blank if not available
- Race Students racial classification
- Education Level
- Secondary Students current grade level if
enrolled in a comprehensive school - Adult Students highest grade level achieved
- Clock Hours Number of clock hours enrolled in
the Pathway for the school year - Business Code Provide only if student is
sponsored by business See IMD website for codes
38- Disability Is student disabled?
- No longer identifying type of disability
- Displaced Homemaker Is student a displaced
homemaker? - Single Parent Is student a single parent?
- Limited-English Is student LEP?
- Academically Disadvantaged Is student
academically disadvantaged? - Economically Disadvantaged Is student
economically disadvantaged?
39- Migrant Is student a Migrant?
- The term migrant means migratory agricultural
workers, including migratory dairy workers, or
migratory fishers, and who, in the preceding 36
months, in order to obtain or to accompany such
parents or spouses to obtain temporary or
seasonal employment in agricultural or fishing
work have done at least one of the following - - moved from one local education agency (LEA) to
another. - - moved from one administrative area to another
in a state that is comprised of a single LEA. - - resided in an LEA with an area larger than
15,000 square miles and migrated a distance of 20
miles or more to a temporary residence to engage
in a fishing activity. - Reference - 34 CFR 200.81 .
40- Feeder School Code Identify the home school of
all secondary students - See IMDs website for comprehensive school codes
- For alternative schools, contact IMD if school
name is not listed - Use 00X999999 for Adult students
- Use 00P000002 for Home Schooled students
- Use 99I999999 for Out Of State students
- Use 80P000xxx for Private School students
- Use 00I000888 for Charter School students
41Who to Submit?
- All students who were enrolled in 61 hours or
more of instruction within a Pathway - Adult students who were enrolled in less than 61
hours if their intent (plan of study) was to only
enroll in less than 61 hours - Use the enroll date and end date/drop date as
the basis for calculating hours. - Do not subtract hours due to attendance
42Due Dates for FY 2009
- October 10, 2008
- January 9, 2009
- April 10, 2009
- July 10, 2009
43How to Submit Pathway Enrollment?
- Process will be the same as submitting Program
enrollment data - Submit enrollment data quarterly
- Always go back to July 1
- Check data after each submission
- Only enrollment records with 4Q will be saved as
final enrollments
44Questions for 2008-2009 Submission?
45Call for Assistance!
- Ruth Peace, Manager
- (405)743-5124, RPeace_at_OkCareertech.org
- Janet Moore, Asst. Manager, BIS Classes
- (405)743-5125, JMoor_at_OkCareertech.org
- Joanne Aulgur, Full-Time Programs/Career Majors
- (405)743-5570, JAulg1_at_OkCareertech.org
- Steve Robison, IPEDS
- (405)743-5134, SRobi420_at_OkCareertech.org