Title: Pop Quiz 2
1Pop Quiz 2 Syllabus
21. I will be keeping my office hours until
Tuesday, May 1. If you need help with the course
material come by my office. After May 1, you can
reach me only by email
- dragana.djordjevic_at_gmail.com
- www.tamu.edu/ling209/htm
- downwithprescriptivism209_at_yahoo.com
- www-english.tamu.edu/pers/grad/djordjevic/ling209.
htm -
32. Upon the successful completion of this course,
you will be able to
- Describe how sounds vary systematically according
to their phonetic environment, and language
variety - Explain the notions of prescriptive vs.
descriptive grammars and of competence vs.
performance - Identify the various classes of morphemes and
identify them in English words - All of the above
43. You will have the final exam on May 4,
300-500. Dr. Lawrence Mitchell, a professor of
Linguistics will distribute this exam. The study
guides for the exam are posted on our website.
The blue book final exam CAN cover your class
notes, the book How English Works, and the
material posted on the class website. Feel free
to ask him any question you may have.
54. Our website contains an EXCELL GRADE form
which is helpful for your record keeping. Which
of the statements is true?
- Grading percentages are 25 weekly quizzes 5
pop quizzes 35 midterm 35 final. No
Incompletes in this class. - You should keep a copy of everything you get back
in the event of an inconsistency or a problem
with the grades. - The instructor is not allowed to discuss your
grade over the email. Only questions about the
class material are permitted. - All of the above
65. Upon the successful completion of this course,
you will be able to
- Tell everybody that this class ROCKS
- Locate Linguistics among other academic
disciplines and describe its major subfields and
Explain how linguistics can be applied in your
future profession. - Articulate how linguistics knowledge is
applicable and relevant to your everyday life and
Converse intelligently at cocktail parties about
why Chomsky and Tannen are not best friends. - All of the above