Title: Early Childhood Initiatives
1Early Childhood Initiatives
Parents as Partners in Early Childhood Education
2- Reduced Class Size Overview
- Welcome
- Childrens experiences during early childhood
not only influence their later development in
school but also have effects throughout life. - National Association for the Education of Young
Children - Agenda
- PURPOSE To provide an overview of the Department
of Defense Education Activities (DoDEA) Reduced
Class Size Initiative - Welcome and Review of Agenda
- Activator
- Benefits of Reduced Class Size
- Discussion and Q A on Benefits
- Review of Research on Learning
- Discussion and Q A on Research
- Components of a Quality Early Childhood Primary
Grades Program - Discussion and Q A on Components
- Closing
3Why reduced class size?
- Research studies show that reduced class size has
an effect on student achievement. - President Clinton called for reduced class size
in the primary grades. - Reduced class size is being supported by
national, state, and local policy makers.
4What are the advantages to a reduced class size
in grades 1-3?
- Teachers have more time to individualize
instruction. - Teachers have time to target unique needs of
children. - Students have the opportunity to participate in a
wide range of diverse activities and to study
concepts in depth. - Teachers have more time to work with parents and
share information. - Students have more opportunity to develop their
social skills. - Students demonstrate enhanced academic
performance and a decrease in the achievement gap.
5Teachers Have More Time to Individualize
- Teachers will have time to...
- target the needs of children.
- meet with individuals and small groups of
children to work on specific areas of concern. - engage children in critical thinking and social
inquiry. - assess students progress.
- assure that students are on task.
6Students Have More Opportunities
- Students can participate in a wider range of
curriculum-based activities. - Students can study concepts in depth.
- Students can have more opportunities to develop
their social skills.
Physical Environment
Integrated, Appropriate Curriculum
Instructional Strategies Interaction
Active Student Engagement
Caring Community
8Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) Is
Based Upon ...
- Knowledge about how children develop and learn
- What we know about learners developmental stages
- Understanding the relationship between early
experience and subsequent development
9What Is An Integrated, Appropriate Curriculum?
- Curriculum based upon DoDEA standards
- Diverse, culturally responsive
- Spontaneous play, discovery learning, projects,
and daily living situations - Designed to make connections across subject
areas - Incorporates childrens interests ideas
- Instruction geared to developmental expectations
10What Does Assessment Look Like?
- Based on childrens experiences - socially,
culturally, and linguistically appropriate - Multiple sources and is continuous/ongoing
- Encourage self-evaluation
- Guides curricular and instructional decisions
- Parent-teacher collaboration
- Progress based upon age-appropriate expectations
11What is Active Student Engagement?
- All students actively engaged in the learning
process - Teacher presents information in multisensory ways
- All students manipulating materials and
responding to peers and to their environment - Time provided for reflection, interaction, and
student input - Flexible groups based on student needs and
learning experience - Clear expectations, adequate space, and
appropriate materials - Accessibility to learning centers as integral
part of learning process - Variety of instructional strategies match
individual students needs and learning goals
12What Does the Physical Environment Look Like?
- Atmosphere allows children to function
efficiently and make choices - Furniture organized for comfortable work areas
and safe traffic flow - Also allows for appropriate supervision
- Materials organized, safe, labeled, maintained,
and accessible. - Print-rich, culturally diverse environment
displayed at eye level
13Physical Environment ...
- Student-generated print evident
- Areas encourage and motivate
independent learning - Materials reflect differences and similarities
- Teachers provide age-
- appropriate supervision to
- to increase student
- responsibility
14Physical Environment
15Changes Featured in the Classroom Situation
- Smaller classes in the early grades represent a
preventive , rather than a remedial
approach. - There will be fewer students to distract one
another. - Each student will get more individual attention
from the teacher. - The noise level in the classroom will be reduced.
- Students will be able to develop better
relationships with their classmates. - Smaller classes will help students start off on
the right foot in learning how to adjust to the
classroom situation.
16School-Home-Community Partnership
- Teachers will have time to work more closely with
parents. - Emphasis on learning at school and at home can be
reinforced. - A better understanding of teacher and parent
roles can be developed. - The cooperation and collaboration of parents,
educators, and community members in pooling their
resources will enhance the academic success of
all students and promote school improvement.
- First, think back to what you have just heard
about the advantages of reduced class size. - Then, turn to the person on your right and
tell them 2 - advantages. Have them
- tell you 2 different ones.