Title: Classroom Management: Systems and Practice
1Classroom Management Systems and Practice
- Joy Wiebers
- Suzann Wilson
2- Major portions of the following material were
developed by George Sugai and Rob Horner OSEP
Funded Technical Assistance Center - www.pbis.org
3Activity Effective Classroom Managers
- What do effective classroom managers do daily?
- 2-3 strategies
4Main Ideas
- Identify actions for a PBS team to facilitate
improving the quality of classroom practices - Classroom behavior support practices blended with
school-wide systems - As a team, how will you facilitate effective
classroom settings - Effective classroom management practices promote
academic and behavioral gains
- Create a setting that acknowledges and welcomes
all students - Create a setting that is predictable, consistent,
positive,and safe - Identify at least one thing you will do
differently in your classroom next week to
increase academic engagement - Identify at least one thing you will do in your
classroom next week to improve behavior
6- Link classroom to school-wide
- School-wide expectations
- Classroom v. office managed rule violations
- Focus on classroom systems if
- More than 50 of referrals are from classroom
7(No Transcript)
8Classroom Setting Systems
- Classroom-wide positive expectations taught and
encouraged - Teaching classroom routines and cues taught and
encouraged - Ratio of 4-5 positive to 1 negative adult-student
interaction - Redirections for minor, infrequent behavior
errors - Frequent precorrections for chronic errors
- Effective academic instruction and curriculum
9Guiding Principles
- Remember that good teaching is one of our best
behavior management tools - Active engagement
- Positive reinforcement
- Pre-correction
10Guiding Principles, cont.
- Apply three tiered prevention logic to classroom
setting - Primary for all
- Secondary for some
- Tertiary for a few
11Designing School-Wide Systems for Student Success
12Invest in Appropriate Behavior
- Define and teach 3-5 expectations for your
classroom - Positively stated expectations
- Easy to remember
- Posted in the classroom
- Consistent with School-wide expectations
- Explicitly taught classroom expectations
- Examples Be safe, Be responsible, Be respectful
13Teach behavioral expectations as you teach
academic skills
- Describe
- Model
- Role Play/Practice
- Feedback
- Transfer of skills into practice
14Describe the skill
- Define the skill
- Give a rationale
- Discuss characteristics
- When to use
- Cues for recognizing situations
- Discuss the steps
- Give examples
- Shows what to do
- Use 2 or more examples
- Use relevant situations and actors
- Show positive outcomes
- Model one skill at a time
16Role Play/Practice
- Provide a situation
- Rehearsal of steps
- Students think aloud and role play
- All participants have a role
- Teacher and students provide feedback on the
critical features of the skill - review what was right, what was wrong, and what
to change - Student listens to all comments
18Transfer of Skills into Practice
- Cue during real situations and reinforce with
high rates of praise - Provide feedback about performance
- Practice as necessary
- Most critical
- Teach students to self-manage/self-regulate
- Once the routines are established, allow
prompting by normal events (bell ringing) - Provide prompts
- Provide consequences
- Monitor, reteach, and reinforce as necessary
20Prevention / Pre-correction
- Correction procedures are designed to stop
inappropriate behavior - Remember
- Minor behaviors can lead to more serious behavior
- Lots of minor behaviors can be as destructive to
a building as the less occurring major behaviors
21Establish a Positive Environment
- 41 ratio of praise to every correction
- Begin each class period with a celebration
- Your first comment to a child established
behavioral momentum - Provide multiple paths to success/praise
- Group contingencies, personal contingencies, etc.
22Classroom Management Practices
- Outlines an action plan for implementation
- For every teacher to utilize
231. Minimize crowding and distraction
- Designate areas in the classroom for all
activities - Determine what happens where
- Establish traffic patterns
- Visual access
- Teacher access to students at all times
- Student access to relevant instructional
materials - Teacher desk
242. Maximize structure and predictability
- Determine routines critical to class success
- Routines are explicitly defined
- Define desired behaviors
- Explicitly teach classroom routines
- Post procedures
- Transitions
253. State, teach, review, and reinforce positively
stated expectations
- Define 3-5 positively stated behavioral
expectations - Classroom matrix
- Teach expectations directly
- Post expectations in the classroom
264. Provide more acknowledgement for appropriate
than inappropriate behavior
- Establish system for 4 to 1
- Begin each class with a positive
275. Maximize varied opportunities to respond
- Establish balance of instruction over time
- Vary individual vs. group responses
- Pacing
- Accommodate various learning styles
- Study guides, diagrams, charts, graphic
organizers, technology, peer tutoring, guided
286. Maximize active engagement
- Preparation of lesson plans
- Begin with clear outcomes
- Vary format
- Written, choral, gestures, verbalizing
- Implementation of lesson plans
- Plan for difficult transitions (establish
routines) - Link engagement with outcome objectives
297. Actively supervise
- Move
- Scan
- Interact
- Pre-correct
- Positively acknowledge
308. Respond to Inappropriate Behavior Quickly,
Positively, and Directly
- Become familiar with building flow chart and
referral form - Respond efficiently
- Attend to students who are displaying appropriate
behavior - Follow building flow chart
319. Establish Multiple Strategies for
Acknowledging Appropriate Behavior
- Develop ways to reinforce appropriate behavior
- Social, tangible, activity, etc.
- Frequent vs. infrequent
3210. Generally Provide Specific Feedback for
Errors and Corrects
- Curricular adaptations and strategies to
guarantee 70-80 success rate - Provide feedback about academic and social
performance - Always indicate correct behaviors
- Indicate what happens next
- Identify students who did not meet objectives
- Plan for follow up activities
- Celebrate what you are doing well
- Think of one thing you could change in your
classroom - What do you need from your system or
34Activity Classroom Practices
- Identify one thing you will do differently in
your classroom next week to increase academic
engagement - Identify one thing you will do differently in
your classroom next week to improve behavior - Report 2-3 big ideas from your team discussion
- Suzann Wilson
- PBS Trainer
- 242-7794
- suzann.wilson_at_dmps.k12.ia.us
- Joy Wiebers
- PBS Trainer
- 242-8408
- joy.wiebers_at_dmps.k12.ia.us