Title: Water Water Everywhere
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2Water Water Everywhere?
Sustainable AgricultureSustainable Water
- Robert Brodnax
- Acting Group Manager Policy
- Environment Waikato
4Water Water Everywhere?
5Kayaking - Waikato River
Recreation/ tourism
Photo Destination Lake Taupo
Currently uses 32 of water allocation
7Karapiro Dam
Waikato Hydro 12 of NZs electricity Huntly,
which relies on Waikato River for cooling, 20
of electricity demand
Photo Leiff Piggot
8Is domestic water supply more important than
other uses?
9Agriculture is key to our growth
Water is key to agriculture,and the rest of the
10No detectable change 57
River Water Quality Trends100 Waikato Region
Sites, 1990 - 2002
Improving trends (clarity, Ammonia)
Declining trends (pH, Total N, Total P)
11Impact on water qualitySources of nitrogen
entering streams in the Waikato Region
12Nitrogen Loads to Lake Taupo
13Whats acceptable in water quality?Groundwater
nitrogen trends
14If pine-pasture conversions occur in the upper
On current information, we know WPL gt20,000 ha
CHH 32,000 ha Plus other private conversions
Taupo pine forest
PhotoJohn Greenwood
15What are the downstream risks ?
Peak floods will be longer, more intense and more
Huntly flooding
John Greenwood
16Aucklands water supply Vital electricity
link Key transport corridor
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18Real life waits for no planAverage N fertiliser
use on Waikato dairy farms
Moving Forward
20Finding workable solutions
- Expert knowledge
- Good planning
- Comprehensive community dialogue
- Demonstrating economic benefits
- Innovation and lateral thinking
- Strong central and local government
21The next three years
- Get compliance with permitted activity rules
- Integrated Catchment Management
- Advocate and support industry leadership
- Begin community dialogue
22Protecting Lake Taupo
- EW proposes a cap on nitrogen, not on stock
numbers - Allows farmer flexibility to alter farming
practices - Allows technology innovations (nitrogen
inhibitors) - Special case
- 81.5 million fund to assist change in land use
Partnership Central Government Ngati
Tuwharetoa Taupo District Council
Environment Waikato
23Hugely difficult political issue
- Politicised issue
- The new religion?
- Environment Court challenges
- Treaty claims
- EW holds a middle path
- Our strength is in our science and commitment to
Strong evidence-based decision-making and
community process - If development occurs without careful thinking
through of the consequences, EW may be forced to
regulate sooner -
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