Title: Financial Systems and Monetary Policy in Africa
1Financial Systems and Monetary Policy in Africa
- Mthuli Ncube
- Selwyn Capital
- October 2004
2Evolution of Monetary Policy in Africa
- Currency Board
- Printing Press
- Rationing Regime
- Credit Ceiling Regime
- Market Clearing Regime
- Refer to Honohan and OConnell(1996)
3Table A Historical Evolution of Monetary Policy
Regimes in AfricaÂ
4Indirect Monetary Policy
Indirect Monetary Policy Instruments Reserve
Requirements Discount Window Treasury Bill /
Central Bank Paper Auctions Open Market
Operations Operating Target Reserves Short-ter
m Interest Rates Intermediate Targets Money
or Credit Aggregates Interest Rates Investment
Residential Housing Consumer Durable
Expenditure Net Exports Policy
Goals Inflation Unemployment Real GNP Growth
5Financial Systems and Indirect Monetary Policy
- Monetary instruments, indicators and targets
- Money supply
- Money demand
- Monetary transmission Mechanism
6Features of a Financial System that Affect
Conduct of Monetary Policy
- Balance sheet structure of financial institutions
- Characteristics of financial contracts
- Degree of competition within Financial Sector
- Ownership pattern of banking sector
- Availability of financial instruments and
substitutability - Degree of development of financal markets
- A well-functioning payment system
- An adequate regulatory environment
7Financial Sector Reforms Objectives
- Reduce financial repression of interest rates and
credit allocations - Transition from direct to indirect monetary
policy - Restructure bank balance sheets and restore
solvency - Develop financial markets esp T-bills
- Improve financial infrastructure, supervision,
auditing, accounting, corporate governance
8State of Financial Sector Reforms
- Reforms and indirect monetary policy
- Financial market development
- Balance sheet structure of Commercial Banks
- Degree of Banking Sector Competition
- Ownership Structure
- Market fragmentation and informal financial
system - Clearing and payment system
- Regulatory environment
9Financial Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
10Financial Institutional Structure and Regulation
- Well-functioning Financial System enhances
efficienct allocation of resources and their
mobilization - Agency conflicts and Economic Distortions
- Private Agency
- Public Agency
- Social Agency
- Solutions 1. Self-enforcing Contracts 2.
Financial Liberalization and Political Agency
3.Market-Based Regulation (Depositor Insurance vs
11Way Forward
- Strengthen bank balance sheets and capital ratios
- Introduce innovative financial instruments
- Improve competition in banking sector
- Privatise banks and encourage foreign ownership
- Develop primary and secondary markets for T-bills
and govt stock interbank market for domestic and
foreign currency - Develop capital markets
- Introduce real time-based payment system
- Improve regulatory capacity