- Pioneering Private Sector Development in Latin
America and the Caribbean -
2MIF - A Unique Instrument
- Conceived in early 1990s to support wave of
privatization and economic reform sweeping
through Latin America and the Caribbean - Created to help bridge gap between theory and
realities of transition to market economy - Built to test new ideas and catalyze reform
3Broad and flexible mandate to
- Support market reforms
- Build workforce capabilities and skills standards
- Broaden economic participation of smaller
4Structured to Innovate
- Wide range of grant, investment and other
financial instruments - Acts directly with private sector as well as
governments - Pilots new development approaches and then shares
lessons learned
5830 million in over 520 projects
- Co-financing from partners brings total to 1.3
billion at work - resources have been primarily directed to less
developed countries
6MIF focuses on Core Activity Areas
- Microenterprise
- - Innovation partnerships program
- - Regulatory and supervisory framework
- - Strengthening microfinance institutions
- Financial sector and capital markets
- - Capital market development
- - Market transparency measures
- - Regulatory reform and supervision
- Small businesses
- - Streamlining regulations
- - Innovative business relationships
- - Eco-efficiency
- - Quality management
- - Financing options
- - Information technologies
- - Skills standards and credentialing
- Market functioning
- - Regulatory framework
- - Facilitation of trade and investment
- - Labour market modernization
Financial Investments 48 projects US210mm
Non-reimbursable Grants 54 operations in
financial and capital markets US 71million
Small Enterprise Investment Facility
8Technical Assistance Grants
- Targeted initiatives that pilot new approaches
or play catalytic role - Local partnership
- Sustainable, with demonstration effect
- MIF resources must be critical to outcome
- Focus on sharing lessons learned
- Average grant size 1-1.5 million
9Financial Sector Reform
- Market Transparency Measures
- Accounting and Auditing Standards
- Regulatory training and consolidation of
financial sector supervision -
- Capital Market Development
- Harmonization
- Clearance and Settlement
- Removal of Barriers
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13Capital Market Development Projects
14 15Investments - Microfinance
- Has enabled NGOs to become regulated financial
sector institutions and grow beyond donated funds - MIF now has 13 such investments in its portfolio
plus equity participation in three leading funds
Profund, Lacif and Gateway - Financed majority of microfinance activity in
Latin America and the Caribbean - Portfolio reaches over 740,000 clients
16Investments Equity Funds
- MIF is the leading investor in creating new
formal risk capital vehicles for small business
in the region 35 funds - 27 funds fully organized and partially disbursed.
A total of 290 entrepreneurs are supported
through MIF funds about one quarter of these
companies are startups. - Funds target small business and start-ups that
otherwise cannot access long-term risk capital
17SEIF Microfinance Portfolio
18SEIF Investment Fund PortfolioDecember 2002
19List of Institutional Co - Investors
20Goals and Early Results
- Goals in promoting equity as a development tool
- Grow promising companies
- Attract foreign capital
- Promote technology
- Encourage development of local fund management
experience - Promote good governance
- Provide hands on assistance
- Promote culture of equity investment
- Rates of return
- What has happened over past five years
- 1. Path to profitability is difficult
- 2. Private capital has briefly retrenched
- 3. Has occurred
- 4. Emerging core of investment fund managers
- 5. Now an awareness of the issue
- 6. Obstacles to growth and profitability remain
high - 7. Still not widespread
- 8. Rates of return still too early to tell.
21Strategy for MIF in Current Environment
- Long term financing, entrepreneurial development
are needed now more than ever, in LAC - But, private investment will be scarce for some
time - work with other partners (governments,
development agencies) and find areas of overlap
with private sector interest. - Work to improve business environment
- Continue promoting evolution of industry