Title: The Positive Contributions of Organic Production
1The Positive Contributions of Organic Production
- To HEALTH and the Environment
2Organic Organizations
- Presented by Janine Gibson, CREATIVE HEALTH
CONSULTING-Organic Inspector, Trainer , Educator - Organic Producers Association of Manitoba
other certifiers - Canadian Organic Growers
- Organic Food Council of Manitoba
- Independent Organic Inspectors Association
3Research Credit
- Food Contamination and Child Health
- One of a series on Children and the Environment
- Prepared in conjunction with Canadian Organic
Growers by the Canadian Institute for Childrens
4Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction
- Safe food, safe environments crucial for infants
and children given their rapid growth
developing body systems - Chemical pesticides fertilizers, GE components,
irradiation, sewage sludge not allowed - Manure composted to destroy harmful bacteria and
breed beneficial bacteria
5Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction
- Health -not simply the absence of disease
- State of Vitality-organism better able to
withstand external challenges (1) - Consistent and high levels of energy, mental
clarity, physical strength stamina
6Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction
- The rise in degenerative disease
- An increase in stress factors
- Decrease in nutrients in the diet to deal with
these stress factors (2) - High nutrient levels in food come from balanced
healthy soil
7Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction
- Every year of organic production builds the
richness of the soil ecosystem - USDA reports highest death rates in areas where
soil is depleted (3) - Basic principle of organic management is SOIL
8Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction
- The universe of micro-organisms in a healthy soil
contributes to the major nutrients and
micro-nutrients-minerals and enzymes-in our food
9Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction
- In creating organic standards, the precautionary
principle is always followed. - If anything has not been PROVEN to be SAFE, it is
NOT ALLOWED - Genetic Engineering and it products are an example
10Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction
- Organic Food was served for 3 years in a New
Zealand Boarding School - There was a marked decline in colds flu, fast
convalescence, excellent health generally, few
sports injuries, greater resistance to fractures
and sprains, clear and healthy skin, and improved
dental health (4)
11Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction
- In cancer treatments, studies are proving that an
organic diet is a valuable contributor to
successful outcomes. (5)
12Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction
- Studies have indicated that dietary and
occupational exposure to pesticides may influence
sperm quality negatively. (6) - Average sperm concentrations have fallen since
1940 by almost half to 66million/ml7 (8) - At least 50 organic food in the diet has been
shown to increase sperm count to 127million/ml
13Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction-Prima
ry Nutrients
- Clear, long term decline in trace mineral content
in fruits and vegetables since start of chemical
production methods (10) - Vitamin C, mineral content and secondary
nutrients, linked to ability to withstand
disease, are higher in organic crops. - Storage degradation of nutrients, less in
organically grown crops.
14Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction-Prima
ry Nutrients
- At least 19 minerals must be available in soil to
provide good nutrition for plants and animals (
including us!) - In non-organic farming, N,P,K are commonly
applied. - Studies reveal significantly higher content of
the remaining 16 minerals, in organic food, due
to organic soil building methods. (11)
15Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction-
Primary Nutrients
- Vitamins are synthesized by plants. Heritage
varieties, commonly chosen by organic growers,
contain MORE vitamins. - Testing shows between 6 and 100 higher vitamin
c content in organic fruits and vegetables (12).
16Positive Contributions of OrganicAnimal
- Animals raised under organic management must be
given freedom to express their innate
characteristic behaviors. Antibiotic use is MUCH
less common in organic systems which is likely
due to this respect of animals basic needs.
17Positive Contributions of OrganicAnimal
- Several studies show a more favorable fat profile
of saturated to unsaturated fat in organically
raised beef. (16) - Levels of the healthy fatty acid CLA in organic
milk are higher. (17)
18Heatons Risks of Chemical AG
- Pesticides-prohibited in organic and rarely found
as residue - Growing concern over cocktail effect of
multiple pesticide residues in non-organic food. - Ingesting multiple GE foods also a concern.
19Heatons Risks of Chemical AG
- Antibiotics-routine growth promoting use
prohibited in organics. Growing concern over
risks of antibiotic resistance in bacteria due to
over use and abuse in non-organic production. - BSE and vCJD- no record of any BSE found in
organically born and raised animals.
20Heatons Risks of Chemical AG
- Food Additives- More than 500 are permitted in
non-organic processing, compared with 30
permitted in organic processing. - Organic standards prohibit additives and
ingredients linked to allergic reactions,
headaches, asthma, growth retardation,
hyperactivity, heart disease and osteoporosis
21Heatons Risks of Chemical AG
- Nitrate
- Chemical fertilization results in higher levels
of potentially toxic nitrate in vegetables. - Studies have shown lower levels in organically
produced crops. - Nitrate concentrations in ground water are
gradually reduced in organic farming.
22Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction-Endno
- 1.Holden P. 1992 Food Quality without Chemical
Crop Protection BCPC Mono49 - 2. Holden P. 1998 100 Health, Piatkus, UK,
Clayton P. 2001 Health Defence, Accelerated
Learning Systems Publishers, Aylesbury, UK,
Sinclair H 1990. Food Quality and its effects on
health, EFRC Colloquium pp5-6
23Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction-Endno
- 2. Contd-Davies, S and Stewart, A 1987
Nutritional Medicine, Macmillan, London Hilford,
P. 1999. Say No to Cancer, Piarkus, UK - 3. USDA 1971 Evaluation of Research in US on
Human Nutrition, Agricultural Services Report 2 - 4. Daldy,Y. 1940 Food production without
Artificial fertilizers, Nature 145
24Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction-End
- 5. Gerson, M. 1958. A cancer therapy Results of
Fifty Cases, Totality Books, CABushop, B. 1988
Organic Food in Cancer Therapy, Nutrition and
Health 6 Bircher-Benner, M. 1987 The Prevention
of Incurable Disease, Keats PublInc,Conn.
Plaskett, L.G. 1999 Nutritional Therapy to the
Aid of Cancer Patients, Intnl Journal of
Alternative Complementary Medicine
25Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction-End
- Jensen, T.K. et al 1996. Semen quality among
Members of Organic Food Association in Denmark,
The Lancet 347, June 29, p1844 Abell, A. Ernst,
E.and Bonde, J.P. 1994. High sperm density among
members of organic farmersassoc, The Lancet 343,
June 11, p1498ibid 2000. Semen quality and
sexual hormones in green house workers,
Scandinavian Journal of Work Environmental
Health 26, pp492-500
26Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction-End
- 7. Carlsen,E.,Giwercman,A., Keiding, N and
Skakkebacck, N.E. Evidence for decreasing sperm
quality of semen in past fifty years, British
Medical Journal 305, pp609-613. - 8. Hoppe, H. 2000. Measuring Food Quality, New
European Quality Forum Presentation at the 11th
National Conference on Organic Food, Roryal Ag
College, Cirencester, Jan. - 9. (see 6
27Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction-End
- 10. Heaton, Shane 2000. Organic Farming, Food
Quality and Human Health, Soil Assn, UK - 11. ibid, p36
- 12. ibid, p37, 7 studies
- 13. Joseph, J.A., Skulin-Hale, B., Denisova, N.A.
Prior, R.I. cao. G., Martin,A., Taglialatela, G.
and Bickford, P.C. 1998. Journal of NeiroScience
18 pp8047-8055.
28Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction-End
- 14. Plaskett, L.G. 1999 Nutritional Therapy to
the aid of cancer patients, International Journal
of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, Dec. - 15. Molgaard, J.P. 2000 Nutrients, secondary
metabolites and foreign compounds in organic
foods, Proceedings of the 13th IFOAM Scientific
Conference, Basel Switzerland, pp28-31
29Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction-End
- 16. Pastushenko, V.,Matthes, H.C., Hein, T. and
Holzer, Z. 2000. Impact of cattle grazing on meat
fatty acid composition in relation to human
nutrition, Proceedings of the 13th IFOAM
Scientific Conference, Basel Switzerland, p293 - 17. The Danish Institute of Agricultural
Sciences, Dec. 02 www.agrsci.dk/index_uk.shtml
30Positive Contributions of OrganicProduction-End
- 18. Woese, K et al 1997. Journal of Science of
Food and Agriculture 74 - 19. Heaton, Shane 2000 p48, 6 studies, Organic
Farming, food quality and human Health, Soil
Assn, UK
31Thank You for caring!-Natasha and her Chicken