Title: PorGrow project Results from Cyprus
1PorGrow project Results from Cyprus
- Research Education Institute of Child Health
- Savvas C Savva MD
2(No Transcript)
- Third smallest country in EU-25
- Mid-year population (2003) 720 568
- Total expenditure on health 6.2 GDP
4Major causes of death
Source WHO European health for all database,
5Obesity prevalence in children and adolescents
Source 1) IJO 2002261036-45, 2) EJCN
6Obesity in children 7-10y - Europe
Source Obes Rev 20045(suppl 1)4-104
7Obesity prevalence in adults
Self-reported data
Measured data
8Adult obesity EU25
Source IOTF Database 2005
9Modern Cypriots westernised lifestyle
Source The Cyprus Experience. In The
Mediterranean Diet. CRC press 2001 pp341-362
10Direct Cost of Chronic Diseases in the United
Direct Cost ( Billions)
Type 2Diabetes
CoronaryHeart Disease
Adjusted to 1995 dollars.
Wolf AM, Colditz GA. Obes Res. 1998697-106. Hodg
son TA, Cohen AJ. Med Care. 199937994-1012.
11PorGrow project
12Participants grouped into Perspectives
13Predefined policy options
14Additional policy options
- The criteria are the different factors that
participants have in mind when they choose
between, or compare, the advantages and
disadvantages of different options. These may
address any issue that they feel is relevant to
their assessment of the performance of any of the
options. But the criteria are applied equally to
assess all the options. - For instance, in the case of obesity policy, they
may involve public health, operational, economic,
social or ethical aspects, or entirely different
issues divided up in a different way.
- If a criterion does not lend itself to
quantification or trading off against other
criteria, but instead reflects an issue of
principle under which different options are
either acceptable or not, then this is handled by
defining that criterion as a principle.
Participants are then invited to register all
those options that are in some way unacceptable
under that criterion. - These principles can also be used as a way to
reflect the effects of important thresholds in
the performance of options under a particular
criterion. Options whose performance falls below
a threshold of this kind will be ruled out in
the same way as under any other issue of
17Principles Options ruled out
18Criteria grouped into Issues
19Number of criteria in Issues and number of
participants that raised criteria in Issues
20Weighting of Criteria
- Weights reflect more general subjective
judgements about the relative importance of the
different criteria themselves.
21PorGrow project
22Relative rankings of predefined options the
overall picture
238. Improve training for health professionals
Educational Research Initiatives
15. Food and health education
10. Improved health education
13. More obesity research
Information-related Initiatives
5. Mandatory nutritional information labelling
3. Controls on food and drink advertising
19. Control of marketing terms
4. Controlling sales of foods in public
14. Provide healthier catering menus
Modifying the supply demand for foodstuffs
11. Controls on food composition
12. Incentives to improve food composition
6. Subsidies on healthy foods
7. Taxes on obesity-promoting foods
Institutional reforms
9. Common Agricultural Policy reform
18. New government body
2. Improve communal sports facilities
Exercise physical activity oriented
1. Change planning and transport policies
20. Physical activity monitoring devices
16. Medication for weight control
Technological innovations
17. Substitutes for fat and sugar
24Combining policy options
- Substantial societal benefits
- Way of living
- Perceptions and understandings
- Mentality culture
Combination of options
Improve outcome of options
25Examples of proposed combinations of options
26Examples of proposed combinations of options
Control of sales of foods in school canteens
(option 4)
Improved food composition (option 11)
Food and health education (option 15)
27PorGrow project
- Comparison with other national and transnational
28Combination of policy options!
- A package of measures instead of implementing
single options
29Rankings of all options in all countries
30Thank you!!