Title: 47 Tuc sprocess abundance results from SALT
147 Tuc s-process abundance results from SALT
- Globular clusters abundance anomalies
- 47 Tuc s-process element abundances
- Large Scale Survey the Robert Stobie
Spectrograph (RSS) on SALT - Synthetic line strength analysis
- 47 Tuc Spectra obtained using SALT
3- Therefore
- GC main sequence element abundances same as
chemical composition of the initial gas cloud - Evolved star abundances variations are evidence
of types of nuclear processing and mixing
4Abundance anomalies in globular cluster stars
- Anticorrelation of CN to CH molecular band
strengths - Bimodal distribution of CN strength on RGB and MS
- Na-O ( Al-Mg) anticorrelation in RGB stars
- (Gratton et al 2004)
5MIXING (Cannon et al 1998) Dredge up
of processed material to the surface of the
star PRIMORDIAL Two gas clouds of differing
chemical composition merged prior to star
formation SELF-ENRICHMENT Previous generations
of cluster stars enriched the gas cloud either
through supernova or AGB stellar
winds POLLUTION Material ejected from AGB stars
in the cluster is accreted on to the surface of
the observed stars polluting their atmospheres
6Why are s-process element abundances useful?
- Enhancement of s-process elements occurs during
the third dredge up in a thermally pulsing AGB
star of mass gt 1M? - Comparison of RGB stars with AGB stars tests
nuclear product mixing theories - Variations in s-process element abundances in
both RGB and AGB stars is evidence for pollution
by primordial scenarios (AGB ejecta)
7Globular Clusters s-process element abundances
Recent high resolution studies of several GCs
conclude no abundance anomalies for s-process
- James et al 2004
- Uniform enrichment of s- r-process elements in
- NGC 6397 Fe/H -2.0
- NGC 6752 Fe/H -1.5
- 47 Tuc Fe/H -0.7
- Carretta et al 2007
- n-capture process elements are homogeneously
distributed - NGC 6388 Fe/H -0.44
847 Tuc s-process element abundances
- Disagreement between studies of s-process
element abundances in RGB stars in 47 Tuc
947 Tuc s-process element abundances
- Wylie et al 2006
- Possible star-to-star scatter in s-process
element abundances in 47 Tuc
10- High Resolution Medium Resolution
- Resolution ( ) 60,000 10,000
- Targets per Field 1-5 gt100
- Telescopes Instruments
- VLT UVES Flames (Rmax20,000)
? ??
11Robert Stobie Spectrograph (RSS) Formerly the
Prime Focus Imaging Spectrograph (PFIS)
12What can RSS do?
- Maximum operating
- resolution 10,000
- Is this resolution sufficient to observe line
strength variations in weak metal lines in GC
47 Tuc CMD
13Synthetic line strength analysis of weak metal
14High Medium Resolution Spectrum Synthesis of
Stellar Models
15High Medium Resolution Spectrum Synthesis of
Stellar Models
16Temperature Gravity Effects on the Giant Branch
1747 Tuc CMD
18Temperature Sensitivity
Zr I, Ba II not present Zr I, Ba II at model
abundance Zr I, Ba II enhanced by 0.5 dex Zr I,
Ba II enhanced by 1.0 dex
19Zr I Ba II
Zr I, Ba II not present Zr I, Ba II at model
abundance Zr I, Ba II enhanced by 0.5 dex Zr I,
Ba II enhanced by 1.0 dex
20Nd II Eu II
Nd ii Eu II not present Nd II, Eu II at model
abundance Nd II, Eu II enhanced by 0.5 dex Nd II,
Eu II enhanced by 1.0 dex
21Abundance Results
23Future Work
24(No Transcript)