Title: Amnesty UK: Adventures with Twitter
1Amnesty UK Adventures with Twitter
2Now Then
8 months ago
- No consistent social media strategy
- Sporadic interaction
- Do this, do that
- Broadcasting
- RSS feeds
- Regular updates
- Human voice
- Mix of news, actions and chatter
- Integrated part of campaigning
- Over 6000 followers
3Our Social Media Approach
- A year ago
- No consistent social media strategy
- Sporadic interaction
- Do this, do that
- RSS feeds
- Under 500 followers
4Amnesty Everywhere
5Integrated Campaigning
In order to understand these existing networks,
define benchmarks and work out how best to use
them for campaigns we conducted a network audit.
Once we knew the size of our network and
supporter base we could map it and then start
6100 Days First Campaign
The plan
Get as many signatures for petition as
possible 100 ways to help a small action a
day Outreach to bloggers and networks Encourage
use of 100days hashtag to focus conversation
30 increase in network size
2000 petition page views
7Lessons Learnt
- Twitter has a short attention span
- Issues have to be (or appear to be) urgent
- People need to understand what youre asking them
to support and why - Offer more ways to get involved after basic
actions to maintain momentum - Have a plan B
Photo by jmtimages on Flickr
8International Womens Day
9International Womens Day
10International Womens Day
11International Womens Day
12International Womens Day
13International Womens Day
- Getting the worlds biggest company to listen
- -Find their Twitter account
- Hold them to their promise of open dialogue
- Enlist hundreds of supporters
15Twitter isnt the whole story
Dont use in isolation Provide narrative Be
authentic Be consistent Wont fit every campaign
Photo by mallix on Flickr