BigCal Reconstruction and Elastic Event Selection for GEp-III - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BigCal Reconstruction and Elastic Event Selection for GEp-III


Shower Shape Determination. Distance from block center varies non-linearly ... true shower shape considerably more ... shower shape parameters from ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: BigCal Reconstruction and Elastic Event Selection for GEp-III

BigCal Reconstruction and Elastic Event Selection
for GEp-III
  • Andrew Puckett, MIT
  • on behalf of the GEp-III Collaboration

  • Experiment E04-108 will measure the proton form
    factor ratio GE/GM to Q2 of 8.5 GeV2 using the
    polarization transfer method.
  • Scattered protons are detected in the HMS using
    parts of the standard detector packagedrift
    chambers and S1 scintillators. New scintillator
    S0 forms custom trigger.
  • Transferred polarization is measured using a new
    FPP built by the collaboration (Dubna).
  • BigCal, a large solid-angle electromagnetic
    calorimeter, detects the electron in coincidence
    with the proton and is part of the trigger.
  • Timing and kinematic correlations between BigCal
    and HMS are used to reject inelastic backgrounds

HMS Detector Package for GEp
Scintillators S1 and S0 (new) Trigger and timing
HMS Shower Counter
HMS Drift Chambers Track protons
FPP Drift Chambers Track scattered protons
CH2 Analyzer
BigCalDetect Scattered Electron
  • 1744 lead-glass blocks equipped with PMTs
  • 4 Al absorber in front reduces radiation damage
  • Light source--
  • Lucite plate illuminated by LED via fiber

Floor Layout of BigCal
HMS Trigger
  • Nominal Settings
  • Require PMT at both ends of paddle to fire
  • Require S1X and S1Y for S1 trigger
  • Require S1 and S0 for HMS trigger
  • Two different trigger types for HMS at
    for each paddle of S0
  • Different logic was used at different times to
    check efficiency
  • Non-standard triggering affects TOF calibration

BigCal Trigger
  • Apply high threshold to the analog sum of 64 PMT
  • Summed groups overlap vertically, improving
  • To get best efficiency for this trigger,
    phototube gains must be fairly well-matchedcalibr
    ate HV using elastic ep.

Coincidence Trigger
  • Trigger signals are timed so that BigCal trigger
    arrives first, about 15-20 ns before HMS trigger
  • This way, the HMS scintillators determine the
    timing of all ADC gates and TDC stops(or starts)
    for true coin. events.
  • Width of coincidence timing window is ?50 ns.

Trigger Rates
Rates in this table in kHz
Trigger Rates, cont.
  • Accidental coincidence rate estimate for kin. 5
  • 11.6 kHz HMS2 triggers (elastic paddle of S0)
  • 621 kHz BigCal triggers
  • True elastic rate lt 1 kHz ltlt HMS/BigCal rate
  • Poisson Statisticsprobability of random BigCal
    trigger given HMS trigger

BigCal Reconstruction
Three main tasks for GEp
  1. Energy reconstruction
  2. Position reconstruction
  3. Timing
  • Energy calibration can be updated continuously
    for elastic epstraight-forward linear system.
  • Position requires shower shape determination
  • Timingoffsets and walk corrections

Cluster Finding Strategy
  1. Find largest maximum
  2. Build a cluster by adding nearest neighbors with
  3. Work our way outwardallow clusters to expand
    freely in any direction
  4. Zero hits in the current cluster
  5. Repeat 1-4 with remaining hits until no more
    maxima are found

Energy Reconstruction
  • Electron energy is known to within 1 from HMS
    momentum/elastic kinematics
  • Chi-squared minimization gives a system of linear
    equations in the calibration constantsdetermine
    as often as needed for GEp.
  • Have to solve system of 1,744 equations!

BigCal Position Reconstruction
  • Observable quantities are shower moments
    energy-weighted mean block positions
  • Moments vary with distance of electron impact
    point from center of max. block.

Shower Shape Determination
  • Distance from block center varies non-linearly
    with measured moment
  • Fit S correction to the distribution of impact
    point vs. cluster moment.
  • Tracks incident at large angles have distorted
    shower shape

Position Resolution
  • Using BigCal monte-carlo developed at Protvino,
    coordinate resolution betwen 4 mm and 1 cm is
  • Determination of true shower shape considerably
    more complicated
  • This example has 4 absorber, 1.2 GeV electrons

BigCal Timing
  • Blocks are timed in groups of 8 32x56/8 224
    TDC channels
  • The major correction to the measured time is an
    offset for the slightly (or very) different cable
  • There is also a significant pulse-height
    dependence to the measured time that can be
    corrected for.
  • Timing information is also available from TDCs of
    the sums of 64 used to form the trigger.

Cable Length Offset
  • TDC hits come in at a nearly constant time
    relative to the trigger
  • Find peak position in TDC spectrum to determine

Hit times relative to BigCal trigger
Walk Correction
  • Hit time has a significant pulse-height
  • Determine for each group of 8, do simple fit
  • Apply correction to hit times

Sample time-walk profiles for groups of 8
Cluster Timing
  • Throw away TDC hits outside a window of about 150
    ns ( ?75 ns of BigCal trigger time). Such hits
    won't have corresponding ADC hits within the
  • Within clusters, find all TDC hits in
    corresponding groups of 8. If multiple hits, take
    the hit which best agrees with the maximum.
  • Compute energy-weighted mean and rms times.
  • Timing resolution 3 ns

Elastic Event Selection
  • HMS measures proton momentum and angles.
  • With BPM and raster info, we can correct
    reconstructed target quantities to determine IP
  • Correct BigCal angles using the ray from the HMS
    vertex to the reconstructed BigCal position
  • In the case of multiple clusters, use HMS to pick
    the best cluster assuming elastic kinematics

HMS momentum-angle correlation
  • We can select elastic events by looking at ? vs
    ?? in the HMS by itself.
  • Some kinematics still have substantial inelastic
    backgrounds under elastic peak.
  • To put FPP in HMS hut
  • No PID capability (no gas/aerogel Cerenkov)
  • Limited timing resolution (no S2)
  • Need BigCal to clean things up
  • See effect of various BigCal cuts in figure--gt

HMS momentum-angle correlation
HMS-BigCal Correlation
Remaining Tasks
  • Use survey data to fine-tune geometry definition
  • Check BPM/raster corrections
  • Optimize cluster finding parameters/improve the
  • Improve/optimize parameter database for
    large-scale analysis
  • Determine shower shape parameters from the data
  • Write ?0 reconstruction code for multi-cluster

  • BigCal is successfully serving its purpose as
    electron detector for GEp-III
  • Some work remains to be done on analysis code
    (clustering/pions/shower shape/etc) but things
    looking good so far
  • Clean elastic event selection for high Q2 GEp-III
    and low-e GEp-2g
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