Title: FIDIS what about Gender??
1FIDISwhat about Gender??
2How to effect change in a gendered world,moving
towards a more equal but still gendered world
3 Gender action plan two parts 1 Participation
of women 2 Re the content of the project
41 Participation of womenTwo aspects
The target for women in percentages.
Facilitating womens participation.
5The target for women as shown in - On the JA
Board 30.- As JA coordinators 30.-
Participating on training activities 50.-
Priority will be given to womens subscriptions
reaching 50.
6Facilitating womens participation. Parental
needs- Limiting long-distance journeys- The
use of digital networks and phone conferences-
The provision of child care
7How to move beyond numbers?
8Gender action plan part 2 Re the content of
the project
9But what is gender/ sex?SexThe biological
difference between male and femaleGenderThe
social-cultural construct of what sex means in a
culture at one time- It can differ- No
essentialism involved S. de Beauvoir On ne
naît pas femme, on le devient.
10What hasgender and sex to do with identity?
11Sex and genderare central aspects of identity
12How to include gender perspectives in our
research? Quantitative analysis of the
correlation between- seemingly irrelevant
information of an individual- the individuals
identity. (FIDIS Proposal, p. 6)
13I suggest some key questions The search for
the use of the criterion of sex.1) Does sex
play a role in our own research?2) In which
sense does it play a role?3) Is the criterion of
sex completely absent?4) Is sex identified in
the IMS?
14How to move on to the screening of gender? 1)
How does the criterion of sex play a role in our
research?2) How is the sex variable used?3)
What correlations are made with this variable?4)
Are the connections made by obvious biological
differences?5) Do the connections refer to
15Realizing that sex and gender are central aspects
of identity.Looking at the use of the
criterion of sex and taking it into account.
16Further question please contactKaren.Francois_at_vu