Title: Sound Energy Research
1Sound Energy Research
VAHS Voice Analysis Hydration System
2Sound Energy Research
Sai Maa renamed the VAHS Sacred Empowerment
3Your life journey is in your Voice
4What does your Voice Say About You
5Simple Wave Forms - Unique Wave Signatures
One of the great revelations of 20th Century
sciences is that all existence can be broken down
into simple wave functions. Every human voice,
photon, and elementary particle rings with its
own unique wave signature. Knowledge of the
unique wave forms of the whole manifest creation
are the cornerstone of the new paradigm called
vibrational medicine.
6The Particular Wavelength interaction known as
When you resonate with something, you are
emitting a wave signature which is in sync with
it. By applying a constant resonant frequency to
a standing wave you intensify, reinforce, and
prolong the standing frequency of that wave.
Researchers say that by applying these concepts
of resonance to waves emitted by the brain it is
possible to induce altered brain states.
7Entrainment based on Nikola Tesla discoveries
Previous methods of brainwave entrainment are
based on discoveries made by the 19th century
inventor Nikola Tesla the electrical pioneer who
developed the alternating current system of
electricity that is currently in use all over the
8Enjoying the complete experience
9Whatever you present today is a culmination of
all that you have thought, felt and done
- Your voice is a true reflection of the
- multi-faceted energy patterns that compose your
10Did you know
- The voice contains more information and is more
individualized than a human thumb print. - If analyzed correctly it can tell you everything!
- The voice is a feedback current from the body,
mind, emotions and soul.
11Although we are the architects of our reality, we
pretend that someone outside of us is the
The irony is that we pursue help from outside
ourselves to heal the very illusion that we
ourselves have created SOUND FAMILIAR?
12Finally, you can use the power of your own voice
to heal yourself
13Your Physical Body contributes to the sound of
your Voice
Your Physical Body adds RESONANCE to your voice.
You may have the symptoms of depression, or some
other problem, but they did not necessarily
originate in the physical body. Physical body
resonates your signature sound. We recognize our
friends by the sound of their voice.
14Your Emotional Body contributes to the sound of
your Voice
Your Emotional Body adds FEELING to your
voice. The Emotional Body is responsible for the
feelings we formulate in order to cope with the
different stressful situations in life.
15Your Mental Body contributes to the sound of your
Your Mental Body adds BELIEF to your voice. The
mental body is responsible for the beliefs we
formulate in order to cope with the different
stressful situations in life.
16Your Spiritual Body contributes to the sound of
your Voice
Your Spiritual Body adds INTENT to your
voice. It is motivated by the Divine Currents
and seeks to guide us to perfection.
17The Power of Intent
Two elementary school children demonstrated
INTENT as they talked to cooked rice everyday
for one month. They said "thank you" to the rice
bowl on the left. They said "you fool" to the one
on the right. If children can do this to rice,
what are your thoughts creating? What information
are you constantly dumping into your cellular
18We are unable to connect our visible
manifestation with our inner reality.
By our intentwe make ourselves the victim of the
reality that we have designed.
speaking without intent
speaking with intent
19Capturing The Power of Intent
Sound Energy Research has patents pending for our
ground breaking Software and Scalarwave
Technology. In 15 seconds we capture 1 ½
billion bits of voice frequency information and
display a breakthrough FFT of 147 decimal points
of resolution.
20Capturing the Integrity of Intent
The thought arose from intent The birth of
intent is the birth of a thought. How they are
formed is a belief system. The intent is
eventually perceived as a thought on a conscious
level. The thought is the feeling expressing
intent. The software captures the intent behind
the thought. Our proprietary algorithm finds the
intent that created the thought which in turn
manifests the reality
21Voice Analysis captures an energetic sample of
what is going on physically, emotionally,
mentally and spiritually
Your voice sample reveals the stresses and
strains that are affecting your health and
welfare. Our VAHS technology captures the voice
sample and sets the condition for the body to go
into a state of self repair.
22Our Scalarwave Coils
Bobs early work. some 35 years ago with Jack
This unit has pure optical quality quartz with
all geometric components encased in pure gold
23What can true Scalarwave Technology do?
32 Probe Datalex EEG
This brain map is a perfect example of how our
Scalarwave technology can take a dysfunctional
brain pattern, settle down the high mental
activity and show an improvement one hour
later. The white area (indicating high mental
activity) disappeared indicating a deep state of
relaxation was achieved.
The increased deep Delta readings do not normally
occur and indicate cellular stimulation. When
this test was taken (around 20 years ago) it was
believed that brain cells could not regenerate.
24Our Scalarwave Technology has evolved
More Early Work
Round, triangle, square, pentagon and hexagon
coils on crystal rods
Our Voice Analysis Hydration System VAHS
imprinting coil
25Water and Aging are directly related
It has been shown that the water content of the
body decreases with age, producing a visible
wrinkling and withering effect. At the cellular
level, aging causes a shift in the ratio of water
inside vs. outside the cell. As the volume of
water inside the cell is reduced the cells
wither just like the skin. Infants are
approximately 80 water by weight, yet it is not
uncommon for the amount of water in the elderly
to be below 50. The younger a person is, the
greater the amount of total water movement or
cell water turnover they experience. Aging is a
loss of Hexagonal Water from organs, tissues and
cells. An overall decrease in total body water.
26Birth and Biowater
At birth we are 90 water. 100 of the water in
our bodies at birth is Biowater. Biowater is
hexagonal by natures design.
27Cellular Memory is even stored in the Bones
There is increasing clinical evidence that
emotional trauma is stored in the brain and the
bones. Frequencies generated through our
Scalarwave technology and delivered by our
structured water create a loosening effect on
these traumas.
28Hydration The passage of water molecules
through the Aquaporin
The Aquaporin (water pore) is necessary for
making the cell absorb water. The clock
wise/counter clock wise motion is the same
configuration as our Patent Pending Scalarwave
These similarities support our positive approach
to imprinting information on a quantum level.
2003 Nobel Laureates Peter Agre and Roderick
MacKinnon, have contributed to fundamental
chemical knowledge on how cells function. A
number of diseases can be attributed to poor
functioning in the water and ion channels of the
human body. Water molecules worm their way
through the narrow channel by orienting
themselves in the local electrical field formed
by the atoms of the channel wall.
29Hydration - most water does not have the correct
geometry to pass easily through the membranes of
the cells
According to Dr. Mayfield, NMD, DOM there is no
question that hexagonally-structured water
provides more rapid hydration. "Hexagonal water
helps to improve a number of measurable
parameters in the human body. In my experience,
even though many of my patients are drinking the
recommended amount of daily water, they are still
dehydrated. Hexagonally-structured water hydrates
the body more rapidly by encouraging faster water
uptake. I have been able to observe that the
intracellular/extra cellular water ratio begins
to normalize within 10 - 15 minutes." "Because of
its link to so many functions, hexagonal water
appears to "jump-start" numerous bodily functions
- even to enhance the water-protein communication
network in the body."
30The Key is in the Geometry
Using our proprietary technology and Scalarwave
coils we have been able to produce stable
hexagonal structured water. Our Voice
Biofeedback Imprinting Water is like no other
water. It has been setup, then stripped and
finally conditioned to accept the additional
frequencies from the Voice Analysis sample.
31Our Generic Structured Concentrates
Purity/Clarity - still contains the base formula
that won all of the awards. This formula is
designed to expand consciousness and awareness.
Super Cellular The name says it all. Based
upon thousands of clinical voice analyses, which
revealed the needs of the physical
body. Supercalm - relax formula, designed to
uplift the emotions, and create a sense of
well-being. Indigo - we structured this special
water to encourage more right brain activity. Dr.
Shichida, world renowned founder of over 350
Preschool Child Academies in Japan teaches the
importance of right brain stimulation.
One 8 oz bottle of concentrate makes 8 gallons of
structured water
32Water has Memory!!!
Dr. Jacques Benveniste discovered that water had
memory. Water is capable of carrying molecular
information (biological messages), and that it is
possible to record, transmit and amplify this
information, as can be done for sounds and music.
It was a natural step for Sound Energy Research
to apply their award winning structured water to
their Voice Analysis Software. For the last 35
years, Sound Energy Research has been actively
involved with the mystery of Choice Point Energy.
Sound Energy Research is the first to create a
special imprinting water as a medium to carry
personal frequency information directly to the
33Whats in your voice is in your cells The
feedback loop
We can imprint your frequency information into
our VAHS Imprinting water and deliver it directly
to your cells?
You provide the computer, our Voice Analysis
Hydration System VAHS provides the rest
34Take Back Your Power
Take back your powerUse your voice and our water
to reprogram yourself. The voice will tell
allThe voice is the most powerful biofeedback
measurement tool available on the planet
todayThe voice shows us where the dominant
energy is stored. It also shows us where your
stresses and strains are.
His Holiness Shri Satuwa Baba Maharaj enjoying
his personal program. (95 years young)
Your voice sample also selects 7 pairs of
elements from the periodic table that require
balancing in your physical body.
35The power of affirmation
With greater brain wave coherence the power of
affirmation and prayer are exponentially
36Our VAHS Self Empowerment Device
Enhance your food and vitamins to your frequency
Inert Noble gas to stimulate the Aetheric
Fluidium Directing Rod Quartz Optical Crystal
Imprinting Coil
Create Personal Frequency Water while enjoying
the release of deep stress Experience the
creation of new Dendrites when the phantom sounds
Balance the Energy in your Environment