Title: Query Optimization
1Query Optimization
- Jonathon McDonald
- Eric Nelson
- Jordan Neshev
- Ben Oberkirsch
- Hung Tang
- Tuning the database for performance
- Query decomposition
- Heuristics
- Cost estimation
- Pipelining
3Query Optimization
- Tuning the Database for Performance
4Controlled Redundancy
- Objective - to introduce redundancy into
relations by denormalization to improve query
performance. - Denormalization - refinement to a relation such
that the new relation(s) may violate the degree
of normalization of the original relation. - Apply denormalization when
- performance on current relations is not
satisfactory - update rate is low and query rate is high
5Idea and Application
- With one table, speed up SQL queries by using
indexes. - Create relations by duplicating certain
attributes or by combining relations so as to
accommodate SQL queries by reducing table joins. - 7 situations to use denormalization.
- Combining relations (3 situations)
- Duplicating attributes in relations (3
situations) - Creating an extract table
6Combining tables
- Combining 11 relationships
- should be considered if the relations are
frequently referenced together - consider amount of null values in new relation
- Introducing repeating groups
- relation becomes attributes
- in general, used if the number in groups is
known, static and not too large. - Merging reference table into base relation
7Duplicating Attributes in Relations to Reduce
- Duplicating non-key attributes in 1
relationships - Duplicating foreign key attributes in 1
relationships - note this sets a new relationship in place
- Duplicating attributes in (many-to-many)
relationships - a relationship is created between two
relations by introducing an intermediate
relation. - duplicate attribute(s) from one of the relations
into the intermediate relation.
8Creating an Extract Table
- Create a single table for report query.
- The data stays static for a period of time.
- The table is updated at certain off-peak time
(e.g., overnight) as a batch job. - This avoids running the complex multi-join SQL
during peak time.
9Query Optimization
- Query Processing - transforming a SQL query into
an equivalent relational algebra form,
implementing it, executing it, and returning the
data result - Four phases of Query Processing
- Query Decomposition
- Optimization
- Code Generation
- Execution
- Transform a query in high-level language into an
equivalent relational algebra form. - checks for correct syntax
- checks for correct semantic
- Five steps
- Analysis
- Normalization
- Semantic Analysis
- Simplification
- Query Restructuring
- SQL query is checked for syntax validity
- Relations and attributes are verified with the
system catalogue - Proper application of operations to attributes
and object types - Creates an internal representation in the form of
a query tree
- Convert the predicate (WHERE clause) into a
normalized form that is more easily manipulated - Two normalization transformation
- conjunctive normal form - conjuncts connected
with the AND operator - disjunctive normal form - conjuncts connected
with the OR operator
14Semantic Analysis
- Objective - check normalized queries for
incorrect formulation or contradiction - Incorrect formulation occurs when components do
not contribute to the generation of the result - Contradictory component occurs when no tuples
satisfy the component
- Objective - transform query into a semantically
equivalent and efficient form by eliminating
redundant qualifications and common
subexpressions - Applies idempotency rules of boolean algebra
- Also takes into account access restrictions, view
definitions, and integrity constraints
16Query Restructuring
- More transformation of the query into a form with
a more efficient implementation - Gets into the query optimization aspect
17Query Optimization
- Represent the query as a relational algebra
statement - Use transformation rules to obtain a more
efficient representation of the query
- Cascade of Selection
- spqr sp(sq(sr(R)))
- Commutativity of Selection
- sp(sq(R)) sq(sp(R))
- Intermediate Projections Extraneous
- ?att1 ?att1, att2(R) ?att1(R)
- Commutativity of Selection with Projection
- sp(?att3, att4(R)) ?att3, att4(sp(R)) where p
is a subset of att3, att4
- Commutativity of theta join and Cartesian join
- R lttheta joingt? S S lttheta joingt? R
- R X S S X R
- Commutativity of s with theta join (or Cartesian
join) - When selection criteria are from 1 relation
- sp(R lttheta joingt? S) sp(R) lttheta joingt? S
- sp(R X S) sp(R) X S
- Criteria from both relations
- spq(RXS) sp(R) X sq(S)
- Commutativity of ? and theta join (or Cartesian
join) - ?L1 ?L2(RXS) ?L1 (R) X ?L2(S) where L1
contains only attributes of R and L2 contains
only attributes of S - Commutativity of ? and ?
- R ? S S ? R S ? R R ? S
- Commutativity of s with set ops (?,?,-)
- sp(R op S) sp(R) op sp(S)
- Commutativity of ? with ?
- ?L(R?S) ?L(R) ? ?L(S)
- Associativity of theta join (or Cartesian join)
- (R X S) X T R X (S X T)
- (R lttheta joingtp S) lttheta joingtqr T R lttheta
joingtpr (S lttheta joingtq T) where q is a subset
of attributes from S and T only - Associativity of ? and ?
- (R ? S) ? T R ? (S ? T)
- (R ? S) ? T R ? (S ? T)
23Strategies for Rule usage
- Select as early as possible
- Combine X with subsequent s when s represents a
join condition into a join operation. - Using associativity, rearrange leaf nodes to
execute the most restrictive selection first. - Project as early as possible.
- Compute repeated expressions only once.
24Query Optimization
- Relational Model Cost Estimation
25Database Statistics
- Why statistics
- There are many ways to implement relational
algebra operations - A DBMS must chose the most efficient one
- Efficiency is determined by calculating formulae
on current statistical information
26Database Statistics
- Which Statistics
- Most cost estimates are based upon the
cardinality of the relation - The dominant cost is disk access
- Accuracy of estimate depends upon the currency of
statistical information in the system catalog
27Database Statistics
- Types of Statistics
- For each base relation R
- nTuples(R) the number of tuples in R
- bFactor(R) the number of tuples in R that fit
into one block - nBlocks(R) the number of blocks needed to store
R (assuming that the tuples of R are stored
together, then nBlocks(R) nTuples(R) /
28Database Statistics
- Types of Statistics (contd)
- For each attribute A of base relation R
- nDistinctA(R) the number of distinct values of
A in R - minA(R), maxA(R) the minimum and maximum
possible values of A in R - SCA(R) the selection cardinality of A in R.
This is the average number of tuples that satisfy
an equality condition on A - Equality SCA(R) 1 if A is key attribute of R
SCA(R) nTuples(R)/nDistinctA(R)
otherwise - Others
29Database Statistics
- Types of Statistics (contd)
- For each multi-level index I on attribute set A
- nLevelsA(R) the number of levels of I
- nLfBlocksA(R) the number of leaf blocks in I
30Relational Algebra Operations
- Selection
- Join
- Project
- Set Operations
31Selection Operation
- Works on a single relation R, and defines a
single relations S - Predicate may be simple or complicated
- Implementation strategy depends upon
- The structure of the file in which it is stored
- Whether the attributes in the predicate have been
Implementation strategy is an algorithm
32Selection Operation
- Estimation of Cardinality of result set
- Predicate of forms A ? x
- ntuples(S) SCA(R)
- For any attribute B ? A
- nDistinctB(S) nTuples(S) if nTuples(S) lt
nDistinctB(R)/2 - nDistinctB(S) nDistinctB(R) if nTuples(S)
gt 2nDistinctB(R) - Others
33Selection Operation
- Implementation Strategies
- Linear search
- Binary search
- Equality on hash key
- Equality on primary key
- Inequality on primary key
- Equality on clustering
- Equality on non-clustering
- Inequality on secondary B-tree index
34Selection Operation
- Linear Search
- Unordered file (Heap file)
- No index
- Generally need to scan each tuple in each block
- Equality condition of Primary/Unique Key
- On average nBlocks(R)/2
- Generally
- nBlocks(R)
35Selection Operation
- Binary Search
- Ordered file (Sequential file)
- No index
- Predicate of form Ax, file ordered on A
- On average log2(nBlocks(R))
- Generally
- log2(nBlocks(R)) SCA(R)/bFactor(R)) -1
36Selection Operation
- Equality on hash key
- Attribute A is the hash key
- No overflow
- Constant (1)
- Overflow
- Additional access may be necessary
- Cost depends on amount of overflow and method to
handle overflow
37Selection Operation
- Equality condition on Primary Key
- By definition indexed
- Equality condition
- nLevels(I) 1
38Selection Operation
- Inequality condition on Primary Key
- Strategy
- Find tuple satisfying equality condition
- If index sorted, access all tuples before or
after this one - nLevels(I) nBlocks(R)/2
39Selection Operation
- Equality condition on clustering index
- Equality condition on attribute A
- Secondary index
- Clustered index gt tuples are on same blocks
- Number of tuples may require overflow into more
than one block - Cost determined as first index accessed, then the
number of blocks required to store the tuples
satisfying the equality condition - nLevels(I) SCA(R)/bFactor(R)
40Selection Operation
- Equality condition on a non-clustering index
- Equality condition on attribute A
- Non-clustered index gt must assume tuples on
different blocks - Cost determined as first index accessed, then the
selection cardinality - nLevels(I) SCA(R)
41Selection Operation
- Inequality condition on a secondary B-tree index
- On average, half the leaf nodes accessed
- Via index, on average half the tuples accessed
- nLevels(I) nLfBlocksA(I)/2 nTuples(R)/2
42Selection Operation
- Composite predicates
- Conjunctive selection
- Contains tuples satisfying all conjuncts
- (Aa ? B b) C c
- Disjunctive selection
- Contains union of tuples satisfying disjuncts
- (Aa Bb) ? C c
43Selection Operation
- Composite predicates
- Cost analysis
- Conjunctive selection without disjunction
- Use a selection implementation strategy (2-8)
discussed earlier if - Attribute in conjunct has index, or is ordered,
estimate as in 2-8 discussed earlier - Selection condition involves equality on two or
more attributes, and a composite index or hash
exists on the combined attributes - Secondary indexes are defined on one or more
attributes, and these attributes are involved
only in equality conditions in the predicate
44Selection Operation
- Composite predicates
- Cost analysis
- Selections with disjunction
- If an attribute in the selection condition
contains an or, and that attribute has no index
or sort order, then entire selection operation
requires linear search - If an index exists on every attribute of the
selection, then optimize by retrieving tuples
that satisfy condition, and apply Union (see Set
45Selection Operation
- Estimation example (Staff relation)
- There exists a hash index on staffNo
- There exists a clustering index on branchNo
- There exists a B-tree index on salary
- Staff has the following statistics
- nTuples 3000 bFactor 30 gt nBlocks 100
- nDistinctsalary 500 gt SCsalary 6
- minsalary 10 000 maxsalary 50 000
- nLevelssalary 2 nLfBlockssalary 50
46Selection Operation
- Estimation example (contd)
- Linear search cost
- Search on key attribute is 50 blocks
- Search on non-key attributes is 100 blocks
- Can we improve
- ? staffNo SG5
- Equality condition in PK attribute
- PK attribute is hashed
- Use strategy 3 equality on hash key gt cost
of one block
47Selection Operation
- Estimation example (contd)
- Can we improve (contd)
- ? salary gt 20 000
- Range search on salary attribute
- Salary attribute has Btree index
- Use strategy 8
- 2 50/2 3000/2 1527
- Strategy 7 worse than linear search
- Use linear search
- Estimated cardinality
- 3000(50000-20000)/(50000-10000) 2250
48Join Operation
- Commonly a performance concern
- Most time consuming after the Cartesian Product
- Critical to perform as efficiently as possible
49Join Operation
- Theta join
- Tuples satisfying a predicate from the Cartesian
product of R and S - Predicate of form R.a ? S.b
- ? a logical operator
- Equi-join
- A theta-join where the predicate is equality
- Natural join
- Join involves all common attributes of R and S
50Join Operation
- Implementation Strategies
- Block-nested loop join
- Indexed nested loop join
- Sort-merge join
- Hash join
51Join Operation
- Estimation of cardinality
- Cartesian product
- nTuples(R) nTuples (S)
- Join
- Worst case
- nTuples(T) ? nTuples(R) nTuples (S)
- Assuming uniform distribution, better estimates
52Join Operation
- Estimation of cardinality (contd)
- Equi-join (R.A S.B)
- If A is a key attribute of R, then a tuple of S
can only join with one tuple of R - nTuples(T) ? nTuples(S)
- If B is a key attribute of S
- nTuples(T) ? nTuples(S)
- If neither A nor B are keys
- nTuples(T) SCA(R) nTuples(S) or
- nTuples(T) SCB(S) nTuples(R)
For any tuple s in S, expect SCA(R) for a given
value of A, and this number to appear in join.
Multiply this by number of tuples in S.
53Join Operation
- Nested loop join
- Simplest algorithm
- Outer loop iterates over each tuple in R
- Inner loop iterates over each tuple in S
- Can improve
- Block nested loop join
- Basic unit of read/write is a disk block
- Add two additional loops that process blocks
54Join Operation
- Block nested loop join (contd)
- Cost
- Each block of R must be read
- Each block of S must be read for each block of R
- nBlocks(R) (nBlocks(R) nBlocks(S))
- Improvement
- Since cost is based upon disk access, read as
many blocks of the outer loop relation in as
possible into the database buffer - Cost
So choose smallest relation for outer loop
Save one buffer for inner relation and one buffer
for outer relation
55Join Operation
- Block nested loop join (contd)
- Cost
- nBlocks(R) nBlocks(S)(nBlocks(R)/(nBuffer-2))
- nBlocks(R) nBlocks(S)
If all blocks of R can be read into the buffer
56Join Operation
- Index nested loop join
- Index or hash function exists on join attributes
- Replace inefficient file scan with index/hash
lookup - Avoids enumeration of Cartesian product
- Again, read in as many blocks as possible into
database buffers - Cost
- Join attribute A in S is PK
57Join Operation
- Index nested loop join (contd)
- Join attribute A in S is PK
- nBlocks(R) nTuples(R) (nLevelsA(I) 1)
- Join attribute A in S is clustering index
- nBlocks(R) nTuples(R)(nLevelsA(I)SCA(R)/bFact
58Join Operation
- Sort-merge join
- For Equi-join, most efficient join is when both
relations are sorted on join attributes - Then look for qualifying tuples by merging two
relations - Tuples with same join attribute value guarenteed
to be in consecutive order - Each block of each relation needs to be read only
Assume each set of tuples with same join value
can be held in DB buffer at same time
59Join Operation
- Sort-merge join (contd)
- Cost
- nBlocks(R) nBlocks(S)
- Need to presort?
- Add in nBlocks(R)log2(nBlocks(R))
60Join Operation
- Hash join
- May be used for Natural join or Equijoin
- Partition phase
- Select hash function h to partition R and S
- h(R.B) ! h(S.C) gt R.B ! S.C
- Probing phase
- Note h(R.B) h(S.C) ?gt R.B S.C
- Read each R partition
- Attempt to join tuples with tuples in equivalent
S partition - Can use nested loop join for this phase
61Join Operation
- Hash join (contd)
- Cost
- Read R and S to partition
- nBlocks(R) nBlocks(S)
- Write each partition to disk
- nBlocks(R) nBlocks(S)
- Read in each partition to find matching tuples
- nBlocks(R) nBlocks(S)
- Total
- 3(nBlocks(R) nBlocks(S)
Assumes no overflow and in memory hash index
62Join Operation
- Hash join (contd)
- Cost (contd)
- If above assumption doesnt hold, then
partitioning of relations cannot be done in one
pass - Use recursive partitioning algorithm
- 2(nBlocks(R) nBlocks(S))lognBuffer-1(nBlocks(S
))-1 nBlocks(R) nBLocks(S)
63Join Operation
- Estimation Example (Branch Staff)
- There exists a hash index on PK staffNo
- There exists a hash index on PK branchNo
- There are 100 database buffer blocks
- The system catalog holds
- nTuples(Staff) 3000
- bFactor(Staff) 30 gt nBlocks(Staff) 200
- nTuples(Branch) 500
- bFactor(Branch) 50 gt nBlocks(Branch) 10
64Join Operation
- Estimation Example (Branch Staff) (contd)
- nTuples(PropertyForRent) 100 000
- bFactor(PFR) 50 gt nBlocks(PFR) 2000
- Estimate
- J1 Staff ltJgtstaffNo PropertyForRent
- J2 Branch ltJgtstaffNo PropertyForRent
65Join Operation
- Estimation Example (Branch Staff) (contd)
Best strategy depends on situation
66Projection Operation
- Extracts vertical subset of relation R, and
produces single relation S - Implementation strategy considers
- Removal of attributes that arent required
- Not problematic
- Elimination of duplicate tuples produced from
previous step - More problematic
67Projection Operation
- Estimation of Cardinality of result set
- Projection contains key
- ntuples(S) nTuples(R)
- Projection contains single non-key attribute A
- ntuples(S) SCA(R)
68Projection Operation
- Cost Estimation of Duplicate Elimination
- Duplicate elimination using sorting
- Sort attributes left in reduced relation of R
- Makes duplicates adjacent
- Must create intermediate relation at a cost of
nBlocks(R) - Sorting costs nBlocks(R)log2(nBlocks(R))
- Total cost -
- nBlocks(R) nBlocks(R)log2(nBlocks(R))
69Projection Operation
- Cost Estimation of Duplicate Elimination
- Duplicate elimination using hashing
- Partition
- Allocate one buffer block for reading R, allocate
one nBuffer 1 buffer blocks to store partitioned
output - Remove unwanted attributes
- Apply hash function to remaining attributes
(chose hash function for uniform distribution) - Two tuples in different partitions guaranteed not
to be duplicates - Search area for duplicates now reduced
Useful if large number of buffer blocks compared
to number of blocks for R
70Projection Operation
- Cost Estimation of Duplicate Elimination
- Duplicate elimination using hashing (contd)
- Eliminate duplicates
- For each nBuffer 1 buffer blocks of stored
partitioned output - Apply second hash funtion to tuple
- Insert hash value into in-memory hash table
- If tuples hash to same value as another tuple,
check if duplicate - Eliminate new tuple if duplicate
- Write result tuples
71Projection Operation
- Cost Estimation of Duplicate Elimination
- Duplicate elimination using hashing (contd)
- Cost
- Assume hashing has no overflow
- Exclude cost of writing result relation
- Cost is
- nBlocks(R) nb
nb is number of blocks required by intermediate
relation before duplicate elimination.
72Set Operations
- Binary operations
- Union
- Intersection
- Set difference
- Must be union compatible
- Implementation
- Sort both relations, and scan result set once
- Union
- Place in result set any tuple that appears in
either original relation, eliminating duplicates
73Set Operations
- Implementation (contd)
- Intersection
- Place in result set any tuple that appears both
original relation, eliminating duplicates - Set difference (R-S)
- Place in result set any tuple that appears in R
that is not in S - Cost
- Use sort-merge join algorithm
- nBlocks(R) nBlocks(S) nBlocks(R)log2(nBlocks
(R)) nBlocks(S)log2(nBlocks(S))
74Set Operations
- Estimation of Cardinality of result set
- Estimate of set operations more problematic,
usually upper and lower bound given - Union (RUS)
- max(nTuples(R), nTuples(S)) nTuples(T)
nTuples(R) nTuples(S) - Intersection (RnS)
- 0 nTuples(T) min(nTuples(R), nTuples(S))
- Set Difference (R-S)
- 0 nTuples(T) nTuples(R)
75Query Optimization
- Pipelining and Query Optimization in Oracle
- Used to improve query processing performance
- (aka On-the-Fly Processing)
- What weve assumed until now
- Materialization The output of one operation is
stored in a temp relation (and written
temporarily to disk) for use by the next
operation - Alternative Pipeline results of one operation
to another operation so that no temporary
relation needs to be created for the intermediate
77Pipeline Implementation
- Typically a separate thread within DBMS
- Uses a buffer to hold the tuples passing from one
operation to the other - Drawback Operation inputs may not all be
available at once for processing which can limit
algorithm options - (ie. Cant use Sort-Merge Join Algorithm if the
pipelines input tuples arent also sorted on the
join attribute) - Benefit Some execution strategies can be greatly
78Pipelining example
- sposition Manager(ssalary gt 2000(Staff))
- Normal approach
- Process the selection on salary
- Store result in temp relation
- Do second selection on temp relation
- Pipeline approach
- Apply the second selection to each tuple in the
result of the first relation AS IT IS PRODUCED - Does away with need for a temp relation
- Used to show the execution order of operations
- 2 general types of trees
- Linear trees (Left-deep, Right-deep, Other)
- Non-linear trees (aka Bushy trees)
80Linear Trees
- Relation on one side of the operator always a
base relation - When the operations are a join, the left child is
the outer relation and the right is the inner
relation - Inner relations must always be materialized
- Makes left-deep trees extremely useful since all
inner relations are base relations - Allows left-deep trees to be implemented using a
fully-pipelined execution
81Query Optimization in Oracle
- Supports both Rule-Based and Cost-Based
Optimization - Gives user ability to create and maintain
Histograms - Allows the Execution Plan to be viewed
82Oracle Rule-Based Optimizer
- Contains a table of rankings for different access
paths available for queries. - Optimizer determines rankings according to this
table for each different Execution Strategy and
then selects the strategy with the best score
83Rule-Based Optimization Rankings
84Rule-Based Optimization Ex.
- SELECT propertyNoFROM PropertyForRentWHERE
rooms gt 7 AND city St Louis - Available access paths
- Full Table Scan (available for every query)Rank
15 - Unbounded range search on rooms column indexRank
11 - Single-Column access on the city indexRank 9
85Oracle Cost-Based Optimizer
- Use the Execution Strategy requiring the least
amount of resource use - User can specify whether this is based on
throughput or on response time - Can also suggest hints for the optimizer to
consider - Relies on gathering of statistics generated by
user - Manual updates necessary when database changes
- Done on entire data structure or using sampling
(row-based and block-based)
86Optimizer Hints in Oracle
- Used to force the optimizer into a decision
different than it would otherwise choose - Can force the use of
- Rule-Based Optimizer
- Particular Access Path
- Particular Join Order
- Particular Join Operation (ie. Sort-Merge Join)
87Optimizer Hints in Oracle
- SELECT / INDEX(sexidx) / name, positionFROM
StaffWHERE sex M - Forces the use of the sex index
- Can improve performance over a full-table scan if
we know that a relatively high of the staff are
- Provide a more realistic estimation of data value
distribution within columns - Used to better estimate of tuples returned by
queries/operations - Width-Balanced Data divided into fixed number of
equal width buckets - Height-Balanced Data divided such that each
bucket contains the same of values - Overhead Storing and Maintaining
90Width-Balanced Histogram
91Height-Balanced Histogram
92Oracle Execution Plan
- Seen by using the EXPLAIN PLAN command
- Output written to a database table
- Main Table Columns
- STATEMENT_ID - Defined as EXPLAIN PLAN parameter
- OPERATION - Name of internal operation performed
(ie SELECT) - OPTIONS - Name of another internal operation
performed - OBJECT_NAME - Name of the table or index
- ID - Number assigned to each execution plan step
- PARENT_ID - ID of next step that operates on ID
step output - POSITION - Processing order for steps with same
PARENT_ID - COST - Estimated cost of the operation (null for
rule_based) - CARDINALITY - Estimated number of rows accessed
by this operation
93Oracle Execution Plan
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