Title: The Economics of Conflict
1The Economics of Conflict
- Data on conflict
- conflict and poverty
- relationships and transmission mechanisms
- the economics of conflict
- correlates
- macro-level /cross country comparisons
- blood diamonds
2Conflict data
- Occurrence of civil wars - Collier and Hoeffler
- civil wars between 1960 and 1999
- internal conflict between a government and an
identifiable rebel organisation that results in
at least 1000 combat-related deaths, of which at
least 5 must be incurred on each side - Battle deaths - PRIO
- deaths in battles in armed conflict between 1946
and 2002 - internal, internationalised and international
3Disaggregating War deaths
Soldiers and civilians killed in combat
Battle deaths
One-sided violence
Non-battle deaths
Criminal and unorganised violence
Non-violent mortality
4Usefulness of battle deaths data
- advantages
- indicates size of combat operations
- how many died in combat operations
- includes combatants and non-combatants
- disadvantages
- underestimates full human cost of conflict
- execution of prisoners of war
- upsurge in crime as law breaks down
- disease and starvation
5Problems in measuring war deaths
- Lack of a counter-factual
- would people have starved if there had been
peace? How many less? - Would HIV/AIDS have spread as quickly? How much
slower? - Lack of pre-conflict census
- Time-frame some deaths occur after conflict has
ended - comparability of definitions across countries
6Conflicts with largest battle death totals
7Battle and war deaths selected conflicts
Table 4 Lacina and Gleditsch
8Poverty and Conflict
- How are the poor affected by conflict and how
does poverty trigger conflict? - Transmission mechanisms
9(No Transcript)
10Violent conflict as a cause of poverty
Violent conflict
- Negatively
- loss of income, destruction of social networks,
of land, assets and infrastructure insecurity - breakdown of law and order
- displacement
- detrimental to health (injury, death, disease)
and education (enrolment, availability of
teachers) - Positively
- employment opportunities as fighters
- challenges existing power relations
11Poverty as a trigger for violent conflict
Violent conflict
- Social discontent/disadvantage, relative
deprivation - alternative to unemployment
- opportunity for looting and other criminal
activities - opportunity to challenge status quo
- household dynamics, social decision making, land
12Economics of conflict correlates
- WB/Collier and others
- a history of conflict low income stagnant
income primary commodity dependence and
inequality - gives rise to conflict traps
- reverse causality between conflict, income,
growth etc - low income poor people may have few options
other than rebelling - low growth poor future
- primary commodity dependency high of exports
from primary products . Easily lootable
13Economics of conflict greed and grievance
- Collier and Hoeffler factors affecting civil war
- Motives
- greed lootable rents, control of natural
resources - grievance historical injustices, poverty and
inter-group inequalities - role of opportunities
- finance for rebellions blood diamonds, donations
from diaspora, finance from hostile neighbour - low costs low foregone income availability of
military capital, weak government
14Econometric model
- Empirical analysis of country characteristics for
79 conflicts over 1960 - 1999 - Probability of civil war in a given time period
- correlates include measures of greed, grievance
and opportunity - findings
- opportunity very important
- low per capita income significant correlate
- no evidence of grievances
- robustness of findings?
15Micro-studies diamonds are forever, wars are not
- Guidolin and La Ferrara (2006)
- impact of sudden death of rebel leader on share
price of diamond forms and other non-diamond
firms in Angola - what happened to share price?