Title: HTML Search Forms and CGI
1 HTML Search Forms and CGI
2HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) Forms
3HTML is a tool that provides for
- Describing and representing the structure and
contents of web documents. - Linking that text to other resources.
- A CGI program has to somehow get from the user
any data to be processed. That's where HTML forms
come into play
4There are many uses of forms on Web
- As surveys.
- Online order forms.
- Feedback.
- As a means to search a database.
- Or other functions for which user input is
5Forms can be created with the following
- Selectable lists.
- Radio buttons.
- Checkboxes.
- Text Fields.
- Submit and Reset buttons.
6General form of FORM tag
Element tags ... lt/FORMgt. - ltFORM
- ACTION http//www.ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/ncsi/test.pl
- MTHOD "POST"gt ... lt/FORMgt.
- ACTION attribute tells the URL where the
information in the form is to be sent. - Default method is GET (Takes the information
entered into the form, and adds this information
to the URL specified by the ACTION attribute. - POST method sends the information from the form
as an encoded stream of data to the web
(Difference with GET method)
7Quick reference to FormElement Tag
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
ACTION"/Scripts/simple.pl" METHOD"post" gt User
NameltINPUT TYPE"text" NAME "uname" SIZE30gt
ltBRgt Service TypeltSELECT NAME"service"gtltOPTION
lt/SELECTgt ltBRgt ltH4gtltNOBRgtSUBJECT AREAlt/H4gt
ltINPUT TYPE"checkbox" NAME"agriculture"
gtAgriculture ltINPUT TYPE"checkbox"
NAME"biology" gtBiology ltINPUT TYPE"checkbox"
NAME"biomedicine" gtBiomedicine ltINPUT
TYPE"checkbox" NAME"chemistry" gtChemistry
11ltBRgt ltBRgt ltINPUT TYPE"radio"
NAME"database"gtAGRIS ltINPUT TYPE"radio"
NAME"database"gtAHEAD ltINPUT TYPE"radio"
NAME"database"gtBIOSIS ltINPUT TYPE"radio"
NAME"database"gtCAB ltBRgt ltBRgt Date
EnteredltINPUT TYPE"text" NAME "entrydate"
SIZE10"gt(dd/mm/yyyy) ltBRgt ltBRgt ltCENTERgt
ltINPUT TYPE "submit" VALUE"Submit Form"gt
ltINPUT TYPE "reset" VALUE"Clear Form"gt
ltCENTERgt lt/FORMgt lt/BODYgt lt/HTMLgt
12CGI (Common Gateway Interface) Concepts
13- CGI, permits interactivity between a client and
a host operating system through a World Wide Web
via the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
14Writing CGI programs involves
- Obtaining input from a user or from a data file.
- Storing that input in program variables.
- Â Manipulating those variables to achieve some
desired purpose, and - Sending the results to a file or video display.
15- Data are obtained in ENVIRONMENT variables.
- The ENVIRONMENT variables are shown below in the
16(No Transcript)
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18 CGI Interaction through HTML Forms
19Web Browser and Web Server interaction
- Suppose you embed the following hypertext link in
an HTML document - Â Â Â ltA HREF"TEST.HTML"gtTEST.HTMLlt/Agt If you
were to click on this link, the browser would
issue the following request to the Web server - Â GET /TEST.HTML HTTP/1.0 Accept text/plain
Accept text/html - Â Â Â Â Two blank lines
20Web Browser and Web Server interaction Cont...
- Each of these lines is referred to as a Header.
- No complete path of the file, so the Web Server
would look TEST.HTML in servers Web-document
root directory. - Browser can accept plain text or HTML-formatted
text files.
21- Server Response
- HTTP /1.0 200 OK Date Monday, 24-May-96
110905 GMT Server NCSA/1.3 MIME-version 1.0
Content-type text/html Content-length 231
ltHTMLgt ltHEADgt ltTITLEgtTest Pagelt/TITLEgt lt/HEADgt
ltH1gtThis is the sample documentlt/H1gt  This is a
test HTML page. Â lt/HTMLgt - Web browser then reads and displays the HTML
portion of the file.
22GET Method
- All the form data is appended to the URL
- QUERY_STRING contains query information passed to
the program - When user clicks the submit button from a html
form, browser generates a HTTP request - GET /Scrits/Workshop/simple2.pl?u11/11/99nameRan
iserviceCASentrydate 262F112F1999 HTTP/1.0
and sends to the web browser.
23GET Method Cont
- The continuous string of text that follows the
question mark represents the query string. - In response to this request from the browser, the
server executes the script simple2.pl and places
the string - unameRaniserviceCASentrydate
262F112F1999, in the QUERY_STRING environment
variable and HTTP/1.0 in SERVER_PROTOCOL - CGI program reads these environment variables,
process, and passes some results to Web Server
24POST Method
- Data from the form is encoded as string of data
divided in NAME/VALUE pair and separated by . - In case of POST methods with the same html form
it will generate the request
25POST Method Cont
- Â POST /Scripts/simple2.pl
- Â HTTP/1.0
- Â Accept text/html
- Â Accept text/plain
- Â User-Agent
- Â Content-type application/ x-www-urlencoded
- Â Content-length 28
- Â unameRaniserviceCASentrydate
- 262F112F1999
26POST Method Cont
- With the post method, the server passes the
information contained in the submitted form as
standard input    (STDIN) to the CGI program. - CONTENT_LENGTH contains information about how
much amount of data being transferred from html
27CGI program Using Perl (Practical Extraction and
Report Language)
- Perl is an Interpreted script, instead of a
compiled program with file extension .pl. - Perl is freely available for many platform, Unix
as well as Windows. - A simplest CGI program using perl that prints
Hello, World in the browser is - This program prints Hello, World in the browser
print "Content-type text/html \n\n" print
"Hello, World"
28CGI program Using Perl (Practical Extraction and
Report Language) Cont
- Examples using GET and POST Method
- Using GET Method                Source Code
- Using POST Method              Source Code
29Web access to RDBMS using ODBC (Open Database
- ODBC is a standardized API (Application
Programming Interface) - ODBC provides a robust set of functions for
access to a database. - ODBC is a function set that provides an interface
that is portable to multiple platforms and RDBMSs - Web access to RDBMS is basically for Structured
30Software Requirements (Windows platform only)
- Windows95/98, Windows NT with Web Browser
- ODBC Driver for that RDBMS
- Web Server
- CGI Program
- Client Server Architecture
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32Web access to FoxPro Database
- Basic steps
- Create FoxPro Database
- Create data source using ODBC administrator
- Double click Start/Control Panel/ODBC Data
Sources (32bit) - Click System DSN tab then Add button
33(No Transcript)
34- Choose the ODBC Driver and press Finish button
35Give new Data Source Name, Description and path
of the Database then press OK
36To Configure Connection press File DSN tab, Add,
choose Driver and give same data source as System
37Give the path of the database
38Web access to FoxPro Database Cont
- If no error then done
- Create HTML file with forms where ACTION
attribute points a CGI program. - Put HTML file in document root directory of the
web server - Write CGI program
- Put CGI program in script alias directory
(CGI-BIN usually)
39For Demo
- Microsoft Personal Web Server is used
- C\WEBSHARE\WWWROOT is the (default) document
root directory - C\WEBSHARE\SCRIPTS is the (default) directory
where executables (CGI programs) reside - Active Perl is used for writing CGI program
40For Demo Cont
- It is installed in
- C\PERL\BIN - executables
- C\PERL\LIB and C\PERL\SITE\LIB - library files
- ODBC.pm (perl module) and ODBC.PLL files are
needed for writing CGI program using ODBC - These files are in C\PERL\LIB or
C\PERL\SITE\LIBÂ directory - Microsoft Visual FoxPro is used for creating
41For Demo
- Table book with the following fields have been
created - Title char (200)
- Author char (50)
- Pub_year char (4)
- Publisher char (20)
- Acc_no char (10)
- Language char (10) with Acc_no as a primary key
42Demo Follows