Title: 10 Rules of ePhilanthropy
1Major Donors Evolve from Everywhere Internet
Tools for Relationship Building
Jay Love, ePMT Co-Founder and CEO
2- We are in the middle of a fundamental shift
from mass media to the personal media of
computers and the Internet, and charitable giving
is a logical progression.Paul Saffo
Director of the
Institute for the Future.
Photo credit Sorin Brinzei
3The Rules Still Apply
(Its all about relationshipsnot technology)
42006 Contributions 295 Billion
Source Giving USA Foundation AAFRC Trust for
83 of All Monies Given by Individuals!
5How To Succeed Online
6Average Hours Spent Per Week Source Forrester
Research 2007
7Demographics of Internet Users
Source Pew Internet American Life Project,
8Demographics of Internet Users
Source Pew Internet American Life Project,
9Why Now?
Most Popular Online Activities Number of
Source Pew Internet American Life Project,
10Online Giving Estimates
Estimate 2001 550 million Estimate 2002 1.1
Billion Estimate 2003 1.9 Billion Estimate
2004 2.62 Billion Estimate 2005 4.53
Billion Estimate 2006 8.15 Billion Estimate
2007 15.77 Billion
The United States represents slightly more than
½ the Global Online Philanthropic Market
Estimates provided by ePhilanthropy Foundation
11Key Takeaways
- The Internet is not just for kids anymore
- The Internet is used by the educated and engaged
- The Internet is not just for downloading music
and fantasy football - The Internet is used by your constituentsor
someone else's
12Be Like Martha or Oprah
- Both are Masters of Multi-Channel Marketing!
13Use All Your Tools Together
Your Web Site
In Person Meetings
An Integrated Strategy
Blogs Text Messaging Social Networking Sites
14Start With A Plan
- What are the goals?
- How will we measure success?
- What are the specific tactics?
- Do we need any new tools or assistance?
- Who is responsible for what?
- Is everyone on the same page?
15- Theres no better, faster, easier and cheaper
place to gather folks of like minds than a Web
Carrie Johnson, Senior Analyst Forrester
Internet Research
16Power Of Your Web Site
More than 50 said that they would NOT have taken
further action if they had not first visited
charity Web site
Toward e-engagement Nonprofits and Individuals
Engaging Online Kellogg Foundation
- DMA Privacy Policy Generator Answer 16 Questions
and a Privacy Policy will be generated for your
18Breakthrough the Clutter
19Keeping it simple
Use Email
Gather Information
20Next Steps
21Example Plan
22The Message The Medium
- Each medium has a style that works best
- Audiences are different
- Messages dont need to be identical
- Develop campaigns or themes
- Test!
23Integration on Web Sites
- Does it accept donations by credit card? 94
- Does it have a blog? 53
- If you have a blog, can readers comment on it?
54 - If you have a blog, does it have links to other
blogs 52 - Do you post any videos on your website? 75
- Do you have podcasts on your website? 32
- Do you host message boards? 22
- Do you provide an RSS feed to your website? 29
- Overbrook Foundation Survey of Human Rights NPOs
in 2007
24Results Personalized Event Fundraising
- Average volunteer sends over 30 emails
- One in four emails sent by a volunteer results in
a donation - Average online event gift is 59 which is a 50
increase over the average off-line gift - Many volunteers reach their stated FR Goal!
25Build a Community
26Keys To Success
- Plan
- Take an Integrated Approach
- Timely Focused - Act Quickly When Needed
- Test Something New All The Time
- SHOP Others
- Think Targeted One-To-One Marketing
- People Give to People
- Have Fun!!!!
27Web 2.0
What it is and What it Can Mean to Your
28Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0
Web 1.0 refers to first generation Web-based
content that was typically one-way static
communication. Web 2.0 refers to second
generation Web-based services that emphasizes
two-way online collaboration and sharing among
29Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0
30Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0
- Web 1.0 was about reading, Web 2.0 is about
writing - Web 1.0 was about organizations, Web 2.0 is about
communities - Web 1.0 was about home pages, Web 2.0 is about
blogs - Web 1.0 was about portals, Web 2.0 is about RSS
- Web 1.0 was about owning, Web 2.0 is about
sharing - Web 1.0 was about web forms, Web 2.0 is about web
applications - Web 1.0 was about dialup, Web 2.0 is about
broadband - Source Joe Drumgoole, http//joedrumgoole.com/blo
31Online Video Use has Exploded
Source The Wall St. Journal , 2006
32"Build, learn, and make mistakes as you go
you'll know more about what you're doing as
you're doing it, instead of before you do it."
Jason Fried, 37 Signals "A lot of our successes
don't have anything to do with anything our
executives thought were a good idea." Sergey
Brin, Google
33Social Networking Boom
25,037 Friends
18,047 Friends
12,309 Friends
1,313 Friends
34Easy to Learn How
35"Do one thing every daythat scares you."
Eleanor Roosevelt "We have a strategic plan.
It's called doing things." Herb Kelleher
367 Tips for Successful Social Network Campaigns
- Meet people where they are
- Leverage network partners
- Be everywhere you can, but prioritize
- Keep on top of you costs
- Be prepared for the BIG moment
- Let the community take over your message
- Keep calls to action SIMPLE
- Christine.net 2007 by Christine Herron
37"A year from now you maywish you had started
today." Karen Lamb "If you could do
tomorrowover again, would you?" Seth Godin
- 10 Technology Resolutions for 2008
Sarah Robbins -
Director of Emerging Technologies -
391. Set up a Gmail Account
402. Post Pics to Flickr
413. Try a Microblog
424. Create a Google Alert
435. Set Up an RSS
446. Share a YouTube Video
457. Really Use Your Cell Phone(Send a text or a
468. Join a Social Network
479. Share PowerPoint Slides(Save a tree or two!)
4810. Play a Video Game
49Thank you!
Jay B. Love, ePMT Co-Founder and
CEO jay.love_at_etapestry.com