Title: Prostate Cancer
1Prostate Cancer
- What is the Prostate? The
Prostate is a male sex gland. It produces a thick
fluid that forms part of the semen.The prostate
is the size of a walnut.
- Where is it found?
It is located below the bladder and in front of
the rectum The prostate surrounds the upper part
of the urethra,the tube that empties urine from
the bladder.
2Prostate Cancer
What is Prostate Cancer? Prostate cancer is a
group of cells within the gland that divide and
multiply without the normal control that would
limit them. Prostate cancer is a slow-growing
disease. What are the signs and symptoms?
In the early stages prostate cancer has no
symptoms. When symptoms occur they may include
any of the following Painful or burning
urination Weak or interrupted flow Urinary
Frequency especially at nights Difficulty
starting or holding back urine Painful
ejaculation Blood in urine or semen Pain in lower
back groin or upper thigh
3What are the risk factors for Prostate Cancer?
- High fat diet
- Family History
- Race ( Black men have a higher risk)
Whats my risk of getting it?
- The risk of developing prostate cancer increases
with age. - Eighty percent (80) of all cases are diagnosed
in men over 65. - There seems to be a familial tendency which may
cause - prostate cancer to develop much earlier.
- Jamaican men have an unusual high incidence of
Prostate cancer.
4What are the test done to detect Prostate Cancer?
- Digital rectal Examination
- The doctor inserts a gloved,lubricated finger
into the rectum - and feels the prostate through the rectal wall to
check for - hard or lumpy areas
- Blood Tests
- PSA-Prostate Specific Antigen
- PAP-Prostatic Acid Phosphatase
- The PSA may rise in men with Prostate cancer,
infection and other diseases of the gland. - The PAP rises in many men with prostate cancer,
especially if - it has spread beyond the prostate.
- Urine test
- Test for blood or infection
5- Transrectal ultrasonography
- Sound waves that cannot be heard by
humans(ultrasound) are sent out by a probe
inserted into the rectum. The bounce of the
prostate and a computer uses the sound the echo
to create a picture called sonogram. -
- Intravenous Pyelogram
- A series of x-rays of the organs of the urinary
tract. -
6- Cystoscopy
- a procedure in which the doctor looks into the
urethra and - the bladder through a thin, lighted tube.
- Biopsy
- The doctor removes a small amount of the
prostate tissue and send it to lab to check for
cancer cells - Speak with your doctor and decide which test is
best for You!!! - IT IS A MATTER OF LIFE
Occupational Health Department