Title: The Super Safety Net of Safe Harbor
1The Super Safety Net of Safe Harbor
- Peter Cincotta
- Office of Accountability, Research, and Testing
- Baltimore County Public Schools
- Overview of No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
accountability process in Maryland - Explanation of Safe Harbor process and how it
fits into the determination of Adequate Yearly
Progress (AYP). - Share some interesting findings on the
proficiency rates needed to make AYP through Safe
3Adequate Yearly Progress
- NCLB provides flexibility to states in many areas
of the law. - The Maryland Department of Education (MSDE) has
taken advantage of these areas.
4(No Transcript)
5Safe Harbor
- The principle behind Safe Harbor is to recognize
subgroups (and/or schools) that demonstrate a
significant increase in achievement even if the
achievement does not reach the level of the
Annual Measurable Objective (AMO).
6Safe Harbor
AMO 53.6
7Safe Harbor
- The rule is
- The percentage of students scoring in the basic
category (the basic rate) must decrease by 10
from the previous year.
8Safe Harbor
- Example
- In 2004 the Special Education subgroup for
Mathematics at Ann M. Wells Elementary had a
proficiency rate of 8.0. - Therefore, this subgroup had a basic rate of
92.0. (100.0 8.0 92.0) - This basic rate must decrease by 10.
9Safe Harbor
- 10 of 92.0 is 9.2
- That is 10 X 92.0 9.2
- Therefore, the basic rate must decrease by 9.2
percentage points. - 92.0 - 9.2 82.8 .
- A basic rate of 82.8 would be a proficiency rate
of 17.2. - 100.0 - 82.8 17.2
10Safe Harbor
AMO 53.6
11Safe Harbor
Ann M. Wells Elementary School 2005 AYP
AMO 53.6
17.2 - Safe Harbor Proficiency Rate target
8 - Proficiency rate last year
12But wait. Theres more!
13Safe Harbor
- MSDE asked for and received permission to use a
confidence interval around the Safe Harbor
Proficiency Rate target
14Safe Harbor
- The length of a confidence interval is dependent
on the size of the subgroup. - Large subgroups produce small confidence
intervals - Small subgroups produce large confidence intervals
15Confidence Intervals
Small groups have larger confidence intervals
Large groups have smaller confidence intervals
AMO is 43.8
16Safe Harbor
- Lets say there are 100 Special Education
students among grades 3, 4, and 5 at the Ann M.
Wells Elementary school.
17Safe Harbor
Ann M. Wells Elementary School 2005 AYP
AMO 53.6
11.0 is the lower end of the Safe Harbor CI with
a subgroup size of 100 students and a proficiency
rate of 8 last year.
17.2 - Safe Harbor Proficiency Rate target
8 - Proficiency rate last year
18Safe Harbor
- Therefore, this subgroup made AYP through the
Safe Harbor provision - To recap, this proficiency rate was
- Lower than the AMO,
- Lower than the lower end of the (AMO) CI,
- Higher than last years proficiency rate, and
- Higher than the lower end of the Safe Harbor CI.
19Safe Harbor
- Two strings attached
- All Students must make AYP in the same subject
of the Safe Harbor subgroup - Other Academic Area must improve over last year
for the Safe Harbor subgroup.
20Safe Harbor
Ann M. Wells Elementary School 2005 AYP
AMO 53.6
Notice how close the lower end of the Safe Harbor
CI is to last years proficiency rate.
8 - Proficiency rate last year
21Safe Harborwith a Proficiency rate of 8 last
22Safe Harbor
- Under some circumstances, a very small increase
in the proficiency rate would be enough to make
AYP through Safe Harbor. - Under some circumstances, even flat achievement
or a decrease in the proficiency rate would be
enough to make AYP through Safe Harbor.
23Minimum Proficiency Rates Needed to make AYP with
Flat Achievement
24Lower End of Safe Harbor CI for a subgroup of 100
25Even large groups will require a relatively small
increase to make AYP
26Safe Harbor
- Note that Safe Harbor is determined based on two
data points - Proficiency rate last year, and
- Subgroup size this year.
The AMO is not part of the calculation.
27Contact Information
- Peter Cincotta
- Office of Accountability, Research, and Testing
- 1940 Greenspring Drive
- Timonium , Maryland 21093
- (410 ) 887 7755 , ext. 209
- Fax (410 ) 561 5769
- E-mail pcincotta_at_bcps.org