Title: Jefferson Elementary School
1Welcome to Jefferson Elementary
2Jefferson Elementary
- Located in Jefferson City, Tennessee
- Population 7,760 (City) 45,801 (County)
- Rural and Agricultural
- Major Employers are Hospital and School System
3Jefferson Elementary
- One of the largest elementary schools, 812
students - 41 classrooms, 2 administrative offices, a
clinic, a teachers workroom, cafeteria,
gymnasium, media center, conference room, and a
counselors office. - 4 developmentally appropriate playgrounds two
are a PTO/community built structure jointly
maintained by PTO and community civic groups.
The students also have access to Jefferson
Elementary School athletic track.
4Jefferson Elementarys Ethnicity
5Teacher Ethnicity
6Educational Level of Faculty
7Teachers Years of Experience
8Grade Level Achievement Scores by Content Area
9Writing Assessment
10 Reading Gain Scores
11Math Gain Scores
12Language Gain Scores
13Science Gain Scores
14 Social Studies Gain Scores
15Our Mission Statement
Jefferson Elementary School expects the best of
everyone involved in our school community.
Expect the Best!
16Our Vision
On-going School Improvement
17School Improvement Accomplishments
- Computer Lab
- Safety Entrances
- Writing Portfolios
- Take Home Folder Procedure
- Added additional playgrounds
18- Math manipulatives Grades 3-5
- Teacher instruction stations for
reading program - Additional parking and striped lot
- Additional copy machines
19Survey Results Students Strengths
- Personal and Social Responsibility
- Interpersonal Skills
- Expanding and Integrating Knowledge
- Thinking and Reasoning Skills
20Survey Results Student Limitations
- Communication Skills
- Learning to Learn Skills
21Instructional Program Survey Strengths
- Staff is dedicated to student learning and our
schools mission - Up-to-date curriculum is utilized to direct
instruction - Students feel safe and respected
- Technology resources are current
22- Teachers desire more involvement in staff
development - Teachers indicate lack of parental involvement
- Lack of adequate teacher planning time
23- Too many programs implemented simultaneously
- Communication from school to home is inadequate
24School-wide Goals
- Students will demonstrate proficiency in language
arts. - Communication with parents and community will be
enhanced. -
- Students will demonstrate proficiency in
scientific methodology and technological
application. - Students will have knowledge and understanding of
expectations from year to year during their
school experience.
25JES for the Future