Title: The Reality of NCATE Performance Accreditation
1The Reality of NCATE Performance Accreditation
- Donna M. Gollnick
- Shari Francis
2Candidate Knowledge,Skills, and Dispositions
Standard 1
31. Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and
- Candidates preparing to work in schools as
teachers or other professional school personnel
know and demonstrate the content, pedagogical,
and professional knowledge, skills, and
dispositions necessary to help all students
learn. Assessments indicate that candidates meet
professional, state, and institutional standards.
4How many institutions are meeting Standard 1?
Fall 2002 Spring 2003 Fall 2003 Initial Adva
nced Initial Advanced Initial Advanced n69 n60
n53 n55 n57 n42 Std 1 97 97 92 93 100 95
5Weaknesses being cited
- Dispositions are not being assessed.
- Assessments are not measuring content knowledge.
- The unit is not assessing student learning.
- Specific programs are not meeting professional
standards. - The conceptual framework is not reflected in
assessments. - Assessments are not being conducted across all
6(No Transcript)
7Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates (Initial
and Continuing Preparation of Teachers)
8Program Reviews as Evidence of Meeting Standard 1
National Reviews by SPAs (Specialized Professional
State Reviews by the State Agency Responsible for
Program Approval
9Features of Program Report
- Limited to 25-35 pages of text plus 3 attachments
for each of the 6-8 assessments - Consistent categories of evidence across programs
- Common report formats from institutions SPAs
- Will not include samples of candidate work
- NCATE will manage the program review system
10Program Report Sections
- Context
- List of 6-8 assessments being submitted
- Indication of alignment of assessments to SPA
standards - Analysis of assessment data as related to
candidate proficiencies in content knowledge,
pedagogical and profes-sional KDS, and student
learning. - Use of data to improve.
11The NCATE Report on National Recognition
- Part A Recognition Decision
- Part B Status of Meeting the SPA Standards
- Part C Evaluation of Program Report Evidence
- Part D Evaluation of the Use of Assessment Data
- Part E Additional Comments
- Part F Directions for Preparing a Rejoinder
12Next Steps
- Complete the customization of template to SPA
Standards - Template available on the web for access in
August - Piloting the new process in fall 2004
13Standard 2
- Assessment System and Unit Evaluation
142. Assessment System and Unit Evaluation
The unit has an assessment system
that collects and analyzes data on applicant
qualifications, candidate and graduate
performance, and unit operations
to evaluate and improve the
unit and its programs.
15How many institutions are meeting Standard 2?
Fall 2002 Spring 2003 Fall 2003 Initial Adva
nced Initial Advanced Initial Advanced n69 n60
n53 n55 n57 n42 Std 1 97 97 92 93 100 95
Std 2 88 85 81 82 84 81
16Issues in NCATE Reviews
- Relationship of Program Assessment Systems to the
Unit Assessment System - Data expected at time of visit on NCATEs
transition plan. - Institution has not fully implemented assessment
17Weaknesses Being Cited
- The conceptual framework is not reflected in the
assessment system. - System is not aligned with state, professional,
or institutional standards. - The professional community is not involved in the
system. - The unit has not developed procedures to ensure
fairness, consistency, accuracy.
18And more
- Parts of the system have not been implemented.
- Data are not being collected, aggregated, or
analyzed. - Technology is not used to manage the system.
- Data are not shared with the faculty.
19How many institutions are being accredited?
Fall 2003 Spring 2004 Initial Advan
ced Initial Advanced n53 n55 n57 n42 Accr
edited 84 82 72 83 Provisional/Conditional
16 16 24 10 Probation NA 1.4 NA
7 Denied 0 NA 4 4
20How many institutions are meeting each of the
Unit Standards?
Fall 2002 Spring 2003 Fall 2003 Initial Adva
nced Initial Advanced Initial Advanced n69 n60
n53 n55 n57 n42 Std 1 97 97 92 93 100 9
5 Std 2 88 85 81 82 84 81 Std
3 98 98 100 100 100 100 Std
4 94 93 98 98 100 100 Std
5 98 98 100 100 96 98 Std
6 100 98 100 100 100 98