Title: Internal
1- Internal
- Communications
- A view from Standard Bank
- Bernice Crichton
- Sally Jacques
2Internal communication
Ensuring Quality Consistency
Communications in an international corporation
Internal Communication
Keeping tabs on whats happening in a large
Finding the right medium for the message
3(No Transcript)
4An international corporation
- Group operating model
- Central hub of communication technical
specialists - Support the business
- Advisory service to business and executives
- Central hub
- Channels or Media
- Writing expertise mainly speeches for
executives - Translations and plain language
5Keeping tabs on what is happening
- Business units
- Each business manages their own strategic
communication - Alignment to channel
- Group
- Drive group communication strategy in line with
business objectives - Measure against reputation drivers, business
objectives and audience feedback - Various check points throughout the organisation
6Right message right channel
- We optimise messages in mass communication
channels through our expertise in these
communication disciplines - Effective use of channels
- Crafting messages so they are appropriate for the
channel - Content engineering to ensure easier
understanding - Aligning messages to specific audiences and
business objectives - Listening
7Quality and consistency
- Applying proper language guidelines
- Controlling the quantity and quality of messages
being sent - Ensuring message is appropriate aligned within
the channels, training material, marketing
activities, and media
8The Standard
- Internal staff magazine
- Group-wide
- Monthly
- 32 pages
- Distribution 55 000
9Internal publication
Style, schedules, checks balances
Only printed publication across the Group
Internal Magazine The Standard
Operational communication vs Strategic
Networking and sharing
10Only printed staff publication
- Our environment
- Diverse audience
- Language
- Location - global
- Education
- Area of bank
- Big vs small offices
- How we address our environment
- Unify common denominator is working for Standard
Bank - Guided by and reflect group values
- Look for inspiring stories
- Careful of head office and even South Africa
dominated stories - Keep the style accessible
- Profile staff, avoid exec dominance
- Diversity of stories
- Magazine format
- Dont
- Profile divisions or business units
11Whats happening
Good readership Submission of articles
Group Communications - Sharing information
Push vs Pull
- Informal networks
- Nose for news
- Systems for following up
- Developing relationships
- Formal networks
- Call for news
- Meet with people
12Type of communication
- Our environment
- Operational communication
- Communication directed towards a select audience
- Objective to be in The Standard
- How we address our environment
- Assist in finding the key message
- Give alternatives for communication channel
- Find the angle
- Get approvals
- Keep a list of stories to avoid repetition and
good coverage of Group - Magazine format
- Set pages
- Lifestyle sections
- Find inspiring stories
- Writing workshops
13Quality and consistency
- Our environment
- Writing style
- Jargon
- Timing
- Visual appeal
- How we address our environment
- Role of editor
- Collection of news
- Production schedule
- Coordination
- Writing
- Writing style
- Plain language
- Accessible
- Checks and balances
- Sub-editor
- Proof reader
- Graphic designer
- Professional photographer
14 Thank you Questions?