Title: ssmping/asmping
- Stig Venaas
- venaas_at_uninett.no
2What is ssmping?
- A tool for testing multicast connectivity
- Behavior is a bit like normal ping
- A server must run ssmpingd
- A client can ping a server by sending unicast
ssmping query - Server replies with both unicast and multicast
ssmping replies - In this way a client can check that it receives
SSM from the server - And also parameters like delay, number of router
hops etc.
3How it works
User runs ssmping ltSgt Client joins S,G Clients
sends unicast to S
Server receives unicast ssmping query Responds
with ssmping unicast reply and multicast reply to
Client receives replies and prints RTT and hops
from server Client sends a new query every second
4Example output
- -bash-3.00 ssmping -c 5 -6 ssmping.erg.abdn.ac.uk
- ssmping joined (S,G) (200163024120421143ff
fee19fe0,ff3e43211234) - pinging S from 200170017211d8fffe8f1f9b
- unicast from 200163024120421143fffee19fe0
, seq0 dist15 time72.874 ms - unicast from 200163024120421143fffee19fe0
, seq1 dist15 time72.663 ms - multicast from 200163024120421143fffee19fe0
, seq1 dist9 time76.502 ms - unicast from 200163024120421143fffee19fe0
, seq2 dist15 time72.056 ms - multicast from 200163024120421143fffee19fe0
, seq2 dist9 time73.556 ms - unicast from 200163024120421143fffee19fe0
, seq3 dist15 time72.232 ms - multicast from 200163024120421143fffee19fe0
, seq3 dist9 time73.579 ms - unicast from 200163024120421143fffee19fe0
, seq4 dist15 time72.513 ms - multicast from 200163024120421143fffee19fe0
, seq4 dist9 time73.256 ms - --- 200163024120421143fffee19fe0 ssmping
statistics --- - 5 packets transmitted, time 5004 ms
- unicast
- 5 packets received, 0 packet loss
- rtt min/avg/max/std-dev 72.056/72.467/72.874/
0.415 ms - multicast
5What does output tell us?
- 15 unicast hops from source, only 9 multicast, so
tunneling likely - Multicast RTTs are larger and varies more
- Difference in unicast and multicast RTT shows one
way difference for unicast and multicast replies,
since they are replies to the same request packet - Multicast tree not ready for first multicast
reply, ok for 2nd after 1077ms - No unicast loss, no multicast loss after tree
6Is it useful?
- I believe it complements multicast beacons
- Useful for end users or others that want to
perform a one-shot test rather than
continuously running a beacon - Are there other data than RTT and hops it should
measure? - Hops are measured by always using a ttl/hop count
of 64 when sending replies - It also gives a rough measure of how quickly the
tree is built from receiver to source
- Based on an idea by Pavan Namburi, Kamil Sarac
University of Texas and Kevin C. Almeroth UCSB - http//www.utdallas.edu/ksarac/research/publicati
ons/draft-sarac-mping-00.txt - http//www.utdallas.edu/ksarac/research/publicati
ons/CIIT04-1.pdf - Their idea is to extend IGMP/MLD
- Not much interest in IETF so far
- This does some of the same, but doesnt require
network support - Only uses UDP
- But it requires server to run ssmpingd
- Tool and further documentation available from
http//www.venaas.no/multicast/ssmping/ - You can deploy your own server, or check that you
can receive from the public servers listed at the
above URL - Supports both IPv4 and IPv6
- Currently it works for Linux, Solaris and
FreeBSD. Probably also for other BSDs - Client with reduced functionality available for
Windows XP - IPv4 only, no IPv6 SSM available on XP
9What is asmping?
- A tool for testing multicast connectivity
- Behavior is a bit like normal ping
- A server must run ssmpingd (latest version
supports asmping) - asmping is ASM version of ssmping
- A client can ping a server by sending unicast
asmping query - Server replies with both unicast and multicast
asmping replies - In this way a client can check that it receives
ASM from the server - And also parameters like delay, number of router
hops etc.
10How it works
User runs asmping ltGgt ltSgt Client joins
G Clients sends unicast to S
Server receives unicast asmping query Responds
with asmping unicast reply and multicast reply to
Client receives replies and prints RTT and hops
from server Client sends a new query every second
11Example output
- venaas_at_storhaugen asmping -c 5
ssmping.net.switch.ch - ssmping joined (S,G) (,
- pinging S from
- unicast from, seq1 dist11
time66.203 ms - unicast from, seq2 dist11
time66.042 ms - multicast from, seq2 dist11
time66.492 ms - unicast from, seq3 dist11
time66.515 ms - multicast from, seq3 dist11
time66.520 ms - unicast from, seq4 dist11
time66.316 ms - multicast from, seq4 dist11
time66.321 ms - unicast from, seq5 dist11
time66.407 ms - multicast from, seq5 dist11
time66.956 ms - --- ssmping statistics ---
- 5 packets transmitted, time 5000 ms
- unicast
- 5 packets received, 0 packet loss
- rtt min/avg/max/std-dev 66.042/66.296/66.515/
0.326 ms - multicast
12More interesting example
- sv_at_xiang /tmp asmping
ssmping.uninett.no - ssmping joined (S,G) (,
- pinging S from
- unicast from, seq1 dist23
time57.261 ms - unicast from, seq2 dist23
time56.032 ms - multicast from, seq2 dist7
time207.876 ms - multicast from, seq2 dist7
time208.567 ms (DUP!) - unicast from, seq3 dist23
time56.852 ms - multicast from, seq3 dist21
time70.352 ms - multicast from, seq4 dist21
time57.208 ms - unicast from, seq4 dist23
time57.910 ms - unicast from, seq5 dist23
time56.206 ms - multicast from, seq5 dist21
time57.375 ms
13What does output tell us?
- 23 unicast hops from source
- For multicast we first have 7, later stays at 21
- We also get some info about loss and RTTs
- Number of hops is perhaps the most interesting
- In the stable situation with 21 there is probably
native forwarding all they way - Forwarding is probably on shortest path tree from
source to receiver - In theory we might also detect switch from RPT to
SPT if number of hops are different - Number of hops on RPT are then probably larger
than number of unicast hops - But why only 7 hops initially?
- Why did we get the packet twice, and why do both
have large ttl?
14The mystery of the 7 hops
- So why only 7, and why large RTT and duplicate?
- The reason is MSDP and PIM registers
- In this case we know for sure that packets must
have been encapsulated in MSDP. We are more than
7 hops away from UNINETT where the RP is. - Assuming there are no other listeners, the packet
was first encapsulated in PIM register going to
the local RP. Then it was encapsulated in MSDP
all the way to our local RP - Not sure exactly when ttl is decremented with
regard to register and MSDP, but in this case the
receiver is 4-6 hops from the local RP - So that explains the number of hops, but why
large RTT and duplicate?
15Large RTT and duplicate
- So why the large RTT and duplicate?
- The reason is again MSDP
- At least thats the theory
- The register packets are in this case passed with
MSDP to the RP, and probably cached there - When our (,G) reaches our RP, we receive the
packet from the cache, which by now is 200ms old - Next, our last-hop router switches to SPT, and
what we think happens, is that the (S,G)-join
also reaches the RP (RP is on the SPT path), and
the RP again forwards its copy when this happens - This also gives us a measure of how long the RPT
to SPT switch did take, if we are correct in our
- It might be used to simply check connectivity,
but also gives extra info like RTT and hops - Compared to ssmping we might be able to derive
some more interesting information due to the
complexities of PIM register, MSDP and tree
switching - It supports both IPv4 and IPv6, and might have
some interesting uses for testing IPv6
embedded-RP - Both asmping and ssmpingd should work on most
systems, no SSM support needed - See http//www.venaas.no/multicast/ssmping/ for
more info