Title: Its Their Collection Give it back
1Its Their CollectionGive it back!
Crafting A Collection Your Customers Will Want
To Use
2What you will learn today
- Why have a customer-centered collection
- Centralizing collection processing benefits
- Making customer-driven collection decisions
- Organizing the collection for the self-sufficient
3You will also learn
- How to develop an Implementation Plan
- Issues to be aware of
- Working with staff responses
- Looking for indicators of success
4A quick look at the SJPL Situation
- Pop served 940,000 10th largest city
- Inventory 1,994,779 items
- Operating budget 24.3 million
- Materials expenditure per capita 4.25
- Main Library joint use with San Jose State
University - 17 branches, building 6 more
5SJPL Collection and Circulation Facts
- 2003/04 Collection budget 3,550,000
- Collection size increase last 10 yrs 35
- Languages in collections 50
- Circulation per capita 15.4, 5.3M Visitors
- Circulation increase last 10 years 180
- 80 Circulation at Branches
6Customer Centered CollectionsThe 4 Step Process
- Select
- Organize
- Promote
- Manage
7Determine Community Needs
- What does your community demand?
- What is your competition doing? Whats selling?
- Balance needs curriculum popular
- Compliment other services in area
- Library as a destination
8User Input
- In library surveys
- Circ analysis
- Phone surveys
- Focus groups
9Public and Organizational Readiness
- 1999 Metropolitan Cooperative Library Systems
Public Perception of Public Libraries - 2000 San Jose Public Librarys Marketing Study
- 2002 Godbe Evaluation of Innovative Library
Service model
10Results of our findings
- New popular books, DVDs, CDs
- Enough copies to meet demand
- Abundance of youth materials
- Languages
- High quality assistance
- High quality collections
- Customers Needs
- Merchandised Collections
- Popular multiples
- Teaching/training
- Library Realities
- Decreasing staff
- Increasing use
- Need to free staff to give higher level of
12Centralized Selection
- Adopting centralized selection at SJPL was a
group activity and took place in phases.
13Selection in San JoseA short history
- All units selected
- Selected Consolidation
- Team Approach
- Central Selectors
- Super Selectors
14Benefits of Centralized Selection
- Quicker response time to customer needs
- Right amount of materials
- Enough in the right format
- Stronger, more cohesive collections system-wide
- Able to respond to diversity
- Customer-centered staff training
15Efficiency in Meeting Customer Demand
Staffing v. Circ 02/03 13,491,292
16Further Benefits to Customers
- More staff freed to help customers
- Customers have a better chance of finding what
they want - Savings due to streamlined purchasing, less
mistakes - Selection objectivity improved because of system
wealth approach including format emphasis - Coordinated effort toward meeting customer demand
17Transforming service
18Why our circulation has increased
- A strong customer-centered selection planning
process - Used ALL available funds to reach goal
- Easy access for renewing/ reserving
- Virtual reference service assistance
- All staff teach customers
19Why our circulation has increased (cont.)
- Emphasis on multiple copies of popular items
including media - Strong focus on collections that meet the needs
of children and families - Strong merchandising and collection promotion
- Building on Weekly Visitor
20Our collections confuse customers
- I could walk into a Barnes Noble and in 10
minutes walk out with a book and a latte. If I
walked into a library it would take me an hour to
find a book and I would leave without the latte. -
Linda Flanders, library customer
21Proactive Collection Management
- Identify competition
- Respond to diversity
- Phase out collections no longer sustaining
customer need - Identify how to share services
- Utilize electronic format for increased access
- Everyones a teacher
- Everyone serves youth and families
- Anticipating demand
- 80-20 Rule
22Customer Expectations
- Easy to browse
- Quick and convenient
- High multiples of popular
- Publish new v. new
- Customers dont want to have to ask
23What Customers want from us (cont.)
- Abundance of youth materials
- Collections presented for novice
- Customers value our reading knowledge and
consider us experts
24Organizing your collection for success
- Observe customers
- Promote lively, active areas for high traffic and
easy self-navigation - Pull multiples of popular, often-requested
material from Dewey locations permanently
display them - To label or not to label? Always address the
needs of The Browser -
- Effective use of canopies, tables, bins, endcaps
- Slatwall for walls, pillars, endcaps
- Appropriate furniture and acrylics
- Face-outs and anchoring
- Face-ups and stacking
- Fanning floppies
- are MOST attracted to new books when displayed in
smaller sections - will identify any book as choice when displayed
28Improve the reference query save staff time
29Intuitive Layout
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33Featuring authors or series
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35Stacking and Faceout
36Browsing for all
Browsing For All Ages
37Family Place
38In Conclusion
- Customers Love It!
- Select the collection they want and provide it in
abundance - Organize the collection their way, smaller
browsing collections are preferred - Have all available staff able to assist
- Show em what youve got and enable the
self-directed user
39For Further Information
- www.sanjoseway.org
- www.sjlibrary.org