Title: Headwater Streams, Forest Harvest and Nutrient Export
1Headwater Streams, Forest Harvest and Nutrient
Garrett Liles1, Robert Edmonds1, Daniel Vogt1,
Jeff Richey2, Richard Bigley3 and Pete Bisson4 UW
College of Forest Resources1, UW College of Ocean
and Fishery Sciences2, WA Department of Natural
Resources3 and USFS Pacific Northwest Research
Station-Olympia, WA4
2- The Issue at Hand Balance of
- Multiple Uses and Needs
- Habitat Conservation
- Overall System Integrity
With Forest Harvest
and disturbance to soil and aquatic resources
from these activities
3HCP and Riparian Buffer Configuration
Is there need for protection (buffers) of
forested headwater streams in western
Scaling Down to the Headwater Basin
Capitol Forest
Waddell Creek Watershed
Headwater Basin
5Miles and Miles of Small Streams
gt 50 of Stream Mileage!!!
6- Capitol Forest
- 40,000 ha
- Douglas fir/Western Hemlock
- Mosaic of variable aged stands.
- Generally between 0 and lt 80 years
- Administered by the WADNR
Project Goals Characterize physical and chemical
parameters of headwater streams for basic
understanding and model development/calibration.
7Corner Stone of Watershed Research
8Basic Experimental Design
ICP Analysis Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu,
Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Se, Si, Zn
95 year Stand Conditions
3 m
1015 year Stand Conditions
12 m
1180 year Stand Conditions
35 m
12Waddell Creek
13Preliminary Data
14Total Nitrogen
-- 5 yr --15 yr --Control --Waddell
15Total Nitrogen
-- 5 yr --15 yr --Control --Waddell
16Total Organic Carbon
-- 5 yr --15 yr --Control --Waddell
Sum Base Cations
17General Trends
80 yr
5 yr
Waddell Creek
15 yr
Total Nitrogen/Nitrate-N
18General Trends
5 yr
80 yr
15 yr
Waddell Creek
Total Organic Carbon
19General Trends
80 yr
5 yr
15 yr
Waddell Creek
Sum of Base Cations
20Other Aspects
- Soils Data (C/N, CEC, Base Saturation etc.) for
three basins (one of 5, 15 and Control) - DOC and DIC data coming soon
- Application of data to hydrologic/Geochemical
Model - Analysis of hydrologic data
- Foundation of future studies on effectiveness of
riparian buffers (more site/weirs installed this
summer) -
21Summary and Implications
- Low nutrient concentrations for all basins and
treatments - Modeling activities will provide a powerful tool
for managers at gt spatial scales - Valuable data concerning many acres of forest
land in western Washington (WADNR HCP) - Buffering is important for landscape connectivity
but for chemistry we dont know yet!!!
22Thanks and Support
- Support and Help
- Porranee Rattanaviwatpong-Modeling
- DNR Technical and Field Staff
- Dongsen Xue- Analytical Support
- Gurus at PRISM/VSB
- Many Others
- Committee Members
- Drs
- Richard Bigley
- Pete Bisson
- Robert Edmonds
- Jeff Richey
- Daniel Vogt
- Funding
- USDA Forest Service- PNW Research Lab Olympia
- Washington State DNR
- Olympic Natural Resource Center
- Center for Water and Watershed Studies