Title: Biological Oceanography
1OCEANS Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems
2OCEANS Open Science Conference Conference
aim Gather input from the scientific community
into the development of the Science Plan and
Implementation Strategy for the OCEANS project
3To stimulate discussion at the conference
- Discussion document
- Plenary speakers
- Posters
- Working Group discussions
41. Discussion Document
52. Plenary speakers
64. Working Groups
- Processes
- Domains and Modelling
7- Working Groups Processes
- Trace elements in ecological and biogeochemical
processes - Physical forcing of biogeochemical cycling and
marine food webs - Climatic modulation of organic matter fluxes
- Direct effects of anthropogenic CO2 on
biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems - Integrating food web dynamics from end to end
8Working Groups Domains and Modelling 6. Contine
ntal margins 7. The mesopelagic
layer 8. Biogeochemical hotspots, choke points,
triggers, switches and non-linear
responses 9. Feedbacks to the Earth System
10. Coupled models of biogeochemical cycles and
9- Working Groups
- Each group will be charged with identifying
- Key themes
- Key science questions
- Approaches to research
- Key collaborations and linkages
- And reporting results of discussion to plenary
10After the OCEANS Open Science Conference
- Transition Team will draft the
- OCEANS Science Plan and Implementation
11(No Transcript)
12Timeline for OCEANSScience Plan and
Implementation Strategy
- Open Science Conference
- Draft for discussion at IGBP Congress in June
2003 - Draft for comments by September/October 2003
- Final review by IGBP and SCOR end 2003
13How you can contribute to the development of the
OCEANS Science Plan and Implementation Strategy?
- Participate fully in this conference
Offer to assist with the drafting of sections of
the document
Comment on draft Science Plan and Implementation
Strategy which will be posted on the web site in
late 2003